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Everything posted by pzannucci

  1. Or felt pads. Depending on the humidity changes, you might want it to breath a little.
  2. BTW, I like the patents. Had to go peruse them. Coronavirus is 93 pages... Big patent. 47 pages for the vaccine. Genetic sequences and all. Very interesting timing..
  3. No evidence and gain cover elsewhere, you are good.
  4. DAH!!! Rocket scientists. Dead men can't talk, that's why they commit suicide. Follow the money.
  5. Short cutting the inevitable huh?
  6. Does that really happen now-a-days? 🙃
  7. Saw that yesterday and said sounds like BS. See if they uncover more about it.
  8. I would love to agree with your last couple of sentences and hope you are right. Just seems a lot of manipulation going on.
  9. A lot of folks don't really want to go out of their house. As far as the govt, wait and see the additional stimulus along with all of the other stuff that will bury our and our children's futures. It's all about control and direction... Watch over the next 6 months. I only know of one way it won't happen but....
  10. Seems like it was never out of his system and likely blood clots from the sound of it.
  11. Believe.... it is all truth and real.
  12. Remember, Google, Facebook, Youtube, and others control the message and the platform. None of this is surprising when you look at the patents. Her and Dr Buttar apparently work with Autism which is blamed on a number of vaccinations. They do kill and do damage though for the most part less damage than good. If you haven't seen the other video with Dr Buttar, it does have the patent numbers for the US and EU that she discusses. BTW, they are real.
  13. I did find it interesting that Dr. Buttar I mentioned earlier and her are both working with Autism. Apparently trying to attack things from the same direction. Her's got squashed. Wonder if he was more successful... Likely partners of sorts.
  14. Yes, a crock. Not just that but allowing all this death to scare everyone to it. Not a chance.
  15. Dr. Rashid Buttar has had a couple of very interesting videos also. They seem to be pulled discussing patents.
  16. keep missing the boat Gone
  17. I'd like to see a roll together because based on that, it sounds like inconclusive. Quite messed up to be able to say the drug is no good. Case in point " From the data given we cannot reliably identify which patients they were."
  18. Please point them out because I'd like to know what to rely on if I get this. Everything I have read it is a possibility, just as remdesivir. I'd love to not croak.
  19. Too many to discount. I didn't like the way it was played down for other's gain. Makes me think of a motive. It is not a cure but a therapeutic that reduces the response to the virus in the lungs. A lot of Drs are using it. I guess then we would say they are all quacks.
  20. You need to tell Rudy it wasn't effective along with all the other studies. Too many to discount other than the one that was botched by the VA. Actually either way, it doesn't matter what works, somebody won't like it.. I like to sift through data and when data is ambiguously portrayed and slanted, it isn't data to me. It shows a motive.
  21. You need to tell Rudy it wasn't effective along with all the other studies. Too many to discount other than the one that was botched by the VA.
  22. Put correctly. As I said earlier, if you try to compromise and don't show disdain toward other opinions and values, the fringe elements beat you into submission. Forced compliance and hindrance of open dialog. oops fascism. That's why I wonder about when someone talks about a therapy or possible drug, if there isn't hard science that goes with the norms, that is shut down. What happened to discussion of ideas? Might not be perfect but don't pummel it or blatantly discount it (or hide it like youtube). It might have merit and without appropriate evaluation should not be dismissed.
  23. The ownership is a Federal or State responsibility? Seems most states should hold responsibility. You really don't want to rely on the federal govt. to push it down.
  24. Some immunity likely from as you stated, also has to do with blood type. Lots of variables.
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