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Everything posted by woolenmammoth

  1. had to dig up this old thread. anyone have any idea of a source to find the cornwall cane cloth, or something similar enough?
  2. the issue always has been and always forever will be the mastering. the evolution of cd playback technology has so little to do with it its not even worth talking about. good luck trying to explain this to anyone outside the industry that doesnt already know it as fact though...
  3. thats all well an fine, however too many folks who are not technicians look at replacing a 20 year old cap as an "upgrade" when really its just simple maintainence that is required, not optional. This quickly could boil down to a discussion on symantics, but it is an important point for people to understand. Changing a dried out cap is like changing the oil on your car. I dont think many people would refer to an oil change as an upgrade and I dont think many people would resist an oil change because they dont want a fancy upgrade which they have been made to believe is snakeoil (and rightly so with the nonsense of hifi sometimes). You can of course put very expensive components in your crossover, however, if you have 20 year old mylar caps in there and that bipolar electrolytic, putting cheap, fresh, new parts in there will improve the performance of your speaker. Not because you have upgraded it, but because its out of spec. Now, you can upgrade that electrolytic to a poly, you can change the iron core inductors for air core, you can do lots of stuff. But the simple act of putting fresh caps in an old crossover or amp is just flat out maintenence.
  4. hard to say without listening, but if it was me, I would start with the crossover unless they sounded fine one day and really different the next. you need one 1uf, two 1.5uf and a 47bipolar, the bipolar will the most expensive if you put digikey or mouser poly's in there. The good thing about going this route is that if it doesnt fix it, you'll eventually put new diaphragms in there AND have a new crossover which will be way the F better than what you have in there now, even if you put some super common caps like wima or panasonic in there... Conversely, you spend a bunch of money on a new driver and its being fed from a LC network with old caps that werent very good when they were brand new and now they are old enough to justfy taking them out just because they are old, let alone the fact that they are crap...
  5. some things are upgrades and others are just maintanence. If you had a v6 firing on only four cylanders, youd get it repaired, not upgraded...
  6. People need to come to terms with some simple stuff. Capacitors have a shelf life. This means they wear out no matter how badly you want your old thing "all original". The End. You can go 'round and 'round on wether the caps in your crossover are good or bad, but if you throw some money at the crossover, there is no quesiton that you can upgrade it sound better than anything ever shipped form klipsch. ever. I have no idea what is wrong with your amp, but certainly the crossover is an easy enogh place to start and you dont even need to jump in with expensive caps right off the bat, you could just put some wima's in there or something cheap and see if there is an improvement. I recently rebuilt the crossover in a pair of forte 1's, I bought them a few weeks ago and while I was impressed with them I knew they were terrible. After only changing the caps, these speakers are back to life. The difference between my fortes before and after isnt anything close to subtle. If your crossover has those blue mylar caps that I took out of mine, you'd be wise to ditch those asap. Inductors go next, but thats getting into it. To thoroughly go through your speakers, first solder the wires to the speakers/horns. Your lack of performance can come down to an oxidized connection there with the clip on connector (if present), as simple as that is. Next, recap your crossover. Wima are cheap and easy. Sonicap are cheap-ish and easy. Both sound very nice (albeit very different). You dont need to spend $20 on each cap, however you should be careful not to listen to mundorf because you'll want to... Once you do that you'll hear improvement almost guaranteed unless there is something physically wrong with your drivers. I would work on those two things first before replacing the diaphrams.
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