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Everything posted by Greg_M

  1. Actually, he wasn't good for much of anything.
  2. Powerline Mid-Week in Pictures: Social Distancing Edition
  3. The thing is that eventually all these people will have bought up enough to last them years and I suspect they will quit buying. Will the bottom drop out of the market then? Will the lack of sales put the toilet paper industry on the rocks? Same with hand sanitizer.
  4. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/obama-declares-h1n1-flu-national-emergency
  5. Romans like in....Rome...Italy?
  6. Thanks for reminding me. I have one of those too that I have not unpacked from the move.
  7. and if you missed this...... My Corona
  8. About the time Moulin Rouge (the movie) came out I was able to buy some from Europe in a plain brown wrapper. Boy that stuff can clear out the sinuses. Never saw the green fairy.
  9. You are correct, we are doomed. Linda got it wrong.
  10. Linda found some Smirnoffs that is
  11. But that's nothing like modern estimates of WPC.
  12. I've always wanted one of these to fiddle with. I prefer it not be in restored shape so I can restore it. I may be to late in life to find one of these since radio stations quit using them a long time ago. If I had a choice it would be belt drive. I am a machinist and even though I am retired I have still kept a couple of manual machines to do hobby stuff with. (It's really hard giving up working metal). Fixed income etc so it wants to be a cheap thing. I have a couple of KLF-10s that I bought new to barter with if you want to barter. I currently have a Rek-O-Kut belt drive with a regular size platter that I haven't gotten totally done, but I have always thought a 16" platter would be something. Got one? G
  13. It wasn't just a recommendation. He had the CEOs of all the big box store chains there in the Rose Garden and each got their turn to step up to the microphone and say their piece. This is a national effort.
  14. Good idea, but they don't usually have big enough parking lots like Walmart etc.
  15. Check out stats on The Spanish Flu.
  16. Did anyone watch Trump's recent press conference from the Rose Garden? The part about drive through testing in parking lots of Walmart, Target, Walgreens, CVS and others where you don't even get out of your car?
  17. Ah So it was a secret move by the ChiComs to limit population !!!! Welcome to the monkey house.
  18. The WHO is still together? I thought they broke up years ago.
  19. Adviser to Iran's Supreme leader dies from coronavirus, as other top officials infected ".....Last week, Iranians were captured licking some of the shrines in defiance of the coronavirus......" https://www.foxnews.com/health/advisor-irans-supreme-leader-dies-from-coronavirus-1150-cases-middle-east-linked-to-country
  20. I guess it must be a slow news ....month and this is all they have to talk about.
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