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Heritage Members
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Everything posted by Heritage_Head

  1. He was handcuffed a bit in the wall. Waters probably biggest factor in that. A few more gilmour long solos would have been (and always were) more is always better ,and never is it ever to much imo.
  2. Agree if you haven't watched the youtube videos I posted from there 81 wall tour. I strongly suggest it. Gilmour extended all his solos in that show. His mother extended solo (the last 15 sec or so) should have made the album. He plays over the 2nd part/verse of the chorus I want to say........ Its fantastic.
  3. I see both sides. My thinking was that or to be honest i never really even contemplated it anything (like some threads I start I think about if it might be poor taste). Roy is handcuffed to his employment to klipsch and titling a thread for his response puts him in a potentially stuck in the middle deal. Maybe its fine and talk away.... or maybe its a current klipsch strategy so any answer wouldn't possibly be the type of answer as creator and engineer of klipsch products would want to be stuck with as an answer. So I guess my apology is for putting him in maybe an unfair [position. Possibly he might look bad to some members for not showing and responding. But he again possibly knows any thing he's able to say wont be any better than not replying. A discussion or debate with a person who cant do either can be seen as an unfair request. My intent was good but my delivery was a bit reckless.
  4. Me and Waters talk all the time. Im his greatest muse. He mentioned me in his interview (when he didn't show to the rock hof). LOL ok he didn't mention me... and truthfully we don't talk all the time... or even ever ....maybe sorta "squinty face". 😊 Shine on you crazing diamonds Its a gilmour master piece. Also animals his guitar imo sounds like a breathing creature in constant struggle to just bend that string just... 1/2 step more (even though hes already at 2 1/2/ or 3 steps up) to be even more tearful/powefull. Just fantastic. The effortless yet purposely emotional struggle he plays with in parts is imo his greatest calling card.
  5. Fair enough... I cant argue your opinion 1. because its your opinion. 2. I agree with all of it. Never intended to be rude or be in poor taste. But after reading your opinion that maybe it was (a bit poor taste/discourteous) and taking a sec to think. It is a bit out of lineI/maybe a bit poor tase or even rude. I never expected a detailed actual klipsch full break down on the topic (if it was ever discussed at all). I wasn't even per say expecting or asking for Roys response. Being that hes klipsch and thats always going to be a by the books answer (for good reason) So that in itself makes the title of my thread maybe tacky/rude. I would love even a basic answer yes. But Roys hands will always be potentially tied making the request unfair to him (being I know this) .... But I was just being curious and was even more than even hearing Roys opinion, To get others to comment on maybe the rumor they heard or there basic opinion on the matter. This forum as a whole is the klipsch everything you need or want to know capital of the world. Its not even close. So even other members opinions was the main intent. The title gave it a maybe possible Roy appearance, and as klipsch addicts hes about as famous as it gets of people physically (not passed on) able to post. My apology to any members I may have offended and to Roy for exploiting and asking maybe an unfair question.
  6. Im with you, I really didn't like much from Gilmour (what he wrote) tell After Waters left. The two Albums they did without Waters Are really good albums that I like a lot. Signs of life/Learning to fly is one of the great pink floyd songs imo. Is it as good as the best floyd stuff NO... But He really imo did a heck of a job moving into that role that he hadn't been in sense the late 60 early 70s. Don't get me wrong im not forgetting about the amazing solos he wrote and played on the great floyd stuff. I would have never pitted a VS with anyone against Roger Waters If they weren't imo Epic Legendary level (as in arguably the greatest). And as a amateur guitarist as well (I realize your post was piggy backing/responding from some of what I posted). His Guitar work is universe creation level EPIC. I cant even begin to rap my head around how good he really is in his solo creations. But Waters was the MAN! Dude was just the ....man! His work transcended music into something beyond everyone else's 2ch stereo good time music. It became a living liquid creation. Obviously this is very very bias opinion.
  7. Sorry man I like taking up half the page.. Makes me feel important.
  8. The more I brainstorm on what might be klipschs thinking. The biggest question first would be what would the advantage be? I cant see them selling more speakers by adding 4-6 to a stat line that an average consumer almost certainly does not understand (or care). The only thing I can think of. Being that they only add extra numbers to the speaker lines that have gone the most away in design from the pro/heritage stuff. But they release new models of heritage, extended, and pro stuff as currently as now. Yet they don't add any best guess extra room spl numbers. Why??? If adding that extra room spl is now the standard way of measuring at klipsch then wtf? Why aren't Khorns listed at 112db? So with that said. My guess based on no facts . I think they want desperately the appearance that they still build speakers close to what klipschs brand was built on. When I see them measuring an rf-7 differently and then claiming 102. But then not giving the new la scala the same extra room spl bump you just gave the new rf7.... that screams conspiracy. I cant see any other strategy or advantage to this. Other than an attempt to my above guess. Now if they added the extra spl bump to everything . It wouldn't appear as a conspiracy. It would just be the new way they did that part now.
  9. Right... I 'll send them to you man!... Your way more convincing than me lol.
  10. If somehow all of a sudden like a light switch... Boom rooms now almost always take away spl instead of add to it. I wonder would klipsch then lower all the current stats... But then still use the same room gain formula of highest most likely % outcome? And then take -3-6db off every measured speaker? Im guessing they would definitely stay clear of ever using high probability room spl loss in measuring speaker performance. Knowing it would always lower performance numbers. But it would be just as true and useful. Just not conveniently. I know its sales so no need for the of course thats why... any business would lol. I know.... 👀. But It rubs me wrong lol. The stats are freaking great already . They don't need any of that crap. And people know man. They look like the white van speaker salesmen, Pushing the retail for 5k each speakers with a story like they also wash and dry dishes and clothes. Oh and I'm leaving the country to join the peace corps in a few hours so these gotta go now.! So...... For you..👉..... only $99.00. "Buy now.. save later"!
  11. Klipsch claims that but its not true. The ki-396 and chorus speakers are measured differently. The 7s come in around 94-96 area. Current lines available only the pro line, heritage, and H/extended speakers have statistics that aren't.... (whatever you want to call it). Some people on here have suggested that klipsch is adding best guess room gain spl bumps. Rooms do normally add spl but it seems premature to me to add something thats not there yet. and might not be depending were the speakers are being used. Like if a football player with all his gear on running and being timed. 17mph with all his gear. You cant then say the average person running without pads and gear runs 3mpl faster in shorts, and then just add that to the 17 and claim it as a true statistic. Different but same. Adding something based on the largest most likely % chance isn't a real measurement. Its a best guess.
  12. The iPhone Spotify App in settings has a digital eq. After researching this it seems that only two apps have the eq. Both are phone brands. But the rest don't! Like lap tops, councils, tv apps and on and on.......no eq Being that almost all my music listening comes from the spotify app on my laptop (with toslink optical connection to my avr.) The more I thought about it the more I could see the advantages. Even better would be something large (20-20k range with 31 bands is what I found). My search for answers about the missing eqs. I found a bunch of different apps that would solve this. Sadly most were free trial garbage. But I did manage to find some older apps that are completely free. AU lab app is the program. But To get everything set up you need the sound flower app also. I should note: these aren't easy instal set ups (not for me anyways). Really I probably would have given up if I didn't watch or was able to watch a video. And then after getting everything installed and working. The EQ changes didn't work though the headphone/toslink (optical) output. The only part that had the EQ was the laptop speakers. I couldn't find any answers on the headphone issue. But luckily I did manage to get it all figured it out. 👍 Lots of great stuff here like different EQ types (parametric eq, graphic eq, full control bands eq). low pass/high pass filters. If anyone of you have lots of time on this APP. Any tips would be most welcome. AU Lab https://images.apple.com/itunes/mastered-for-itunes/docs/au_lab.zip sound flower http://www.macupdate.com/app/mac/14067/soundflower
  13. Nicotines physical addiction withdraws can be brutal. At work I started drinking double shot express-os (3 or 4 a day) so I didn't nod off at my desk. My mom when she quit a 40 year smoking habit cold turkey. She would experience nodding off while driving. But not all of that is from the physical withdrawals....... The activity part of smoking is in it self life changing. This might sound pathetic (and maybe it is) but it can give real purpose to what could other wise be a boring empty daily grind. Looking forward to something in a persons daily routine can be the very thing that keeps a person on the happy side of the line. The line between happy and sad can be razor thin indeed. Vaping replaces both of these parts. Patches and gum will help with the first part but they don't replace the activity. IMHO the activity part in drugs and smoking is the main reason for failing to quit, or using again. Addicts are almost certain to use again if they don't replace the activity side. Addicts don't stay sober long living board and unhappy. Addicts have a chance if they care. They have none if they don't.
  14. Yea but I did. ...It just didn't all get posted 😁
  15. I wish you would have responded to the post your quoting here before I did. I sounded mad. .......You sounded right.
  16. Sorry man didn't mean to seem testy. Your right with what you said. I over reacted a little.
  17. Agreed. If you would have quoted my whole post. I actually said that I believe I said " As of right now with what we know" Dude guys come on.... I'm not defending it as good and great thing. Seriously lol. Im saying it doesn't share any of the health hazards cigs have. That so far zero sick zero dead. Cigs are killing 1 person every 6 secs. This isn't a debate. If anyone here thinks it is please don't quote any more of my posts in this thread. Cigarettes are the greatest killing invention of man kind. They kill more people than every other killing thing combined ever. I mean sure 50 years from now we might all be zombies because of e juice. I don't know. No one does. But we are way smarter today then they ever were when big tobacco sprung up from hell. Paying people off covering stuff up way harder now too. If big Tobacco invented themselves right now. They would never get them in stores today.
  18. I have no idea what cannabis has to do with the price of tea in china. But probably more than what it has in common with the quote that you quoted me. That being said thanks for the information. Im not that interested in that topic. But I did find some of that interesting 👍 Man I don't even think In ten years on this forum I have ever posted the word cannabis. Dude your asking the wrong guy. I don't know anything about cannabis studies. Sorry
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