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Everything posted by Heritage_Head

  1. Thanks. Ingredients vary depending on the flavor. Some of things you might find in candy or the same, Tabacoo industry doesn't have vaping info to give. Vaping world is not part of the Tabacco industry. (it has no tabacco) Its true that its govern by similar laws. And its been placed in that category by the government for now. Nicotine level isn't a fixed number. Its up to the customer when he buys juice what level he wants. I use 3mg (thats the lowest other than zero) i've seen. Its barley any comparing to the other nicotine delivery devises. Exploding batteries could absolutely happen. Im sure it has happened. The boxes I use (I have 2 that are both built out of steal. (or something close). that holds the batterie and a juice bottle. No idea if they would contain a 3.7 volt exploding. Was never worried tell now!.............. lol
  2. I would guess close to water. Probably a littler higher (didn't hear this guessed)
  3. I blame myself, I should have been crystal clear in the op. That its a thread to discuss vaping juices and other unknown vaping products that people might share. Not a protest gathering thread lol. Not complaining at all. Bad move by me. I have no excuse.
  4. Please list the factually things in vaping that is a lung health risk. Technically Being that nobody has suffered health issues from vaping yet (and I assume the health of lungs would fit the health issue category if it existed). If it was truly bad for lungs there would be reported health issues from vaping (big tobacco would make sure every life form on the plant had a copy). That fact there isn't, basically proves that as of today vaping does not cause lung damage. Rest assured when/if the day comes that absolute proof of linked health issues from vaping. Everyone will hear about it. BT will have people on roof tops screaming.
  5. I agree with all that.... 👍 "Only thing worse than democracy.. everything else" **AL** It will always be in the way of anything universal thats important to almost everyone (not taking a side or even have an opinion, as you said its slipper slope.)
  6. He does look pretty pist lol. I might be forgetting but for as much trouble I was as a kid. Just sitting down with a sad frown was never on my move list (at least not doing it on purpose).
  7. vape has tobacco flavors. But the majority are candys pies, ice cream, pop flavors. Like I have a grape flavor I like and it tastes just like welch grape juice. I have a glazed donut I get that tastes just like crisp creams.
  8. Man 3 page in and not one of you vape.
  9. Yea nicotine can be a wild card. Theres studies and working theories. Its another vape advantage I haven't touched on yet. The level of nicotine consumed vaping is ridiculously lower than tobacco cigs. In fact you get to chose the level of nicotine (3mg-20mg) that they add to the juice when you order or buy in person. The pre made juice at good places has no nicotine tell you order then they add it. A few years back I was ordering some with no nicotine. But I normally get the lowest 3mg per 120 ml of juice.
  10. The big clouds are low ohm mech vaping. The are on the list "things that give vaping a bad name" Your strong feeling of not being impressed at all as you looked over (nicest way I could word it) Like: Thinking to your self if a guy walked in front of us and decided to take a large crap just 10ft ahead on the street. Even that would actually be more impressive to you then watching the guy blow fire extinguishes out of his mouth. lmao Not to tell you what you are thinking but just taking a guess based on how I feel looking over and seeing same thing.
  11. The teeth I don't know haven't read anything on that. The vape is harmless. To give you an idea on the bottle of ejuce. The only warning is this bottle contains nicotine and nicotine can be addictive. thats it nothing else needs to be said. Vaping is healthier than coffee. Guys im telling you its a harmless nicotine delivery system. Its not in the good for you category. But normal non smokers, non drinkers have things in there diet thats worse. Little debbie snake cakes are killing more people now then alcohol (joking but its not for lake of trying on there part)
  12. Your still almost completely wrong. But you did manage to get some nicotine facts. And absolutely nicotine is a dangerous drug in pure form a drop would probably kill you. But the information you needed to compare with are those facts in the amount of juice it would take drinking to even have concern. I could buy a 120ml 3mg of nicotine ejuce bottle chug it down and feel terrible but not even be at 5% of what a person would need to drink before nicotine levels get scary. Your right about eating it. Nicotine gum and patches have huge levels of nicotine. People don't get the fix from the act of smoking so they will pop 4 or 5 pieces of gum one after another. Thats like 2 120ml bottles chugged down. Patches can be dangerous if you put on 25-50. My point is nothing even cigs are in any danger of getting to much nicotine in your system other than gum. And thats board-line even mentioning as a possible issue.
  13. The number is zero of anything thats in a cig while smoking it compared the vape. Only nicotine nothing else. There is no smoke none of the long list of chemicals poured into cigs. But what you are right about is no system is completely safe. A a red hot wire coil could burn the wick (run out of juice it its just heat and cotton). Using wire thats got nickel or other chemicals that could be harmful happens. No pre burn during a wire coil could create a few first hits with un desired smoke from the coil (if it has anything coating ion t like a spray that dry on to prevent certain shelf life issues that prevent damage years down the road. But in the examining science (excluding all operator error data) The e-juices and delivery system the juice uses (vape) share nothing with lighting a cig and smoking other than nicotine. And in the porpoise of the products are of delivering nicotine to hook new customers into smoking there product. Forever! lol
  14. You either didn't read my posts or refuse to hear the facts that dispute your opinion before you ever posted here. I cant force to to learn the truth. I presented it told you it was facts. Where on the internet its one click and search to prove my stated facts wrong. Or You looked realized i was right but are to stubborn to admit it (I can respect that. at least it makes sense) Or you don't care if what I said is true and again stubborn (I can still respect that). But continuing to post false facts makes me think any second your going to post a cool gif and say just kidding!!!! Lol pease show a fact (a link please) that someone (anyone!) has lung damage from vaping. Anything that supports your wild un true claims or anything disproving any of what I corrected your untrue posts with. Please Kill it with facts not a personal best guess and im still sticking to it (down with the ship and don't care) mentality lol .
  15. its just nicotine silly Nothing to gain putting it brownies. Just a waste really. All the juice would turn to vape and be long gone (burned out) before those brownies got done.
  16. How did I confuse boing and flash (ignition is a term used for something burning) That can be lower than some things slash point. Flash point means poof. Burning is an interiorly what cigs do not vaping. juice
  17. Ingredients need to be available to customers. They still have to adhere to the strict tabacoo laws. You trust the store or when you order food someplace? You don't know for a fact nothing bad was done. You have no way of knowing if someone boiled your steak in rat poison all night. And then fed to you. And there no reported issues with people getting sick from vaping. Probably means whatever the rumored bad stuff hasn't happened. Most of these places want to stay in business not get sued and lose at min one customer. No value in hurting people putting bad things in e- juice. But it could happen. No different then it could happen with anything thats going to be consumed. How often do people get sick from rat poison after eating at MCdonalds? aerosols and e-juice aren't in common by anything. No clue what your getting that from. Is it possible a company sells both products? sure. And probably hotdogs too.
  18. Something turning into vape has little to no important uses in normal life chores/hobby. A specialized job for something I couldn't guess with a 100 trys. Other than maybe vaping research on improving or adding diffident things I'm sure someone has a job title that means that. Im sure a person who majors in something science that does lab work on testing possible facts not know to be yet tests. Might have read a chapter on it at some point during the 6 year grind. but common peeps have no reason to learn it if they don't vape. And even people who vape don't care to learn either. Understandable if some info isn't up to normal Klipsch members gold standard when stating information about somthing.
  19. I know what way your looking at this. Trust me dude completely different than charcoal that heats tabcoo. Tabcco smokes smoke not vape. Unless you turn the tobacco into a liquid that has a boil vape rate thats lower then its flash point. if the boil is hotter than the flash then the liquid cant be vaped. And could start on fire. Probably would. Some liquids wont turn to vape. But dry taboo can not be vaped in that form. Its science. Tabcco even if not catching flame like first smokes as it burns (after reaching its flash point level it will start smoking) thats smoke.
  20. Not saying it louder doesn't change your untrue facts, If you have facts that back up what you said that I disagreed with please post them. I didn't use a single ! mark. But a long post deserves attention to some of the main points. I could have wrote it all in this size and everything I said would have been just as true (on facts not parts that were my opinion). Look im cool with you saying thats disgusting man you poor bastard. Nothing in that is untrue. But what you said was two paragraphs of untrue information pretended as facts. When I disagree I want to least give facts why I disagree or just say imo. For me to tell you that what you said was untrue it required explaining why it was untrue and what in fact is true. If your gonna toss mud at me. At least use facts. Trust me its not that hard to do. I'm wrong on this forum all the time. Luckily most peps on here just tell me im wrong then tell me why and what is right. Its rare to get the mud treatment with no facts though.
  21. No and no. Vaping coming off boiling water (100% same as vaping juice other then the things the juice has in it water doesnt. But the sience behind smoking juice is 100% the same as if you wanted to smoke water from a boiling pan. That is not the same as a cake thats smoking. The cake can have moisture (water that like boiling water turns to vape) so some of what comes off of somethings cooking could be vape from the moisture turning to vape, But things burn without a visual fire its still smoke not vape.
  22. Completely harmless. Unless you put something harmful in the liquid. But the vape vs smoke from cigs. Just removing the smoke and using the vape. Completely eliminates every single hazard health issues smoking causes.
  23. same thing as this exactly
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