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Posts posted by paul79

  1. Cameron,


    You are right about this, but I find this to be of little importance based on my findings with the high resolution formats. As you know, it is the recording that matters. Sure, a DSD DAC will get you into some recordings that are not available any other way, and this is somewhat attractive, but just how many of them will you actually listen to? Most of it is spoons and pans type music lol   :)

    • Like 2
  2. DSD is as much the future as SACD was IMO.


    Weather or not the recording is DSD or PCM, doesn't make a hill of beans difference here. It all goes back to how the recording was done. I have CD Rips that sound fantastic to down right horrible. Same for DSD. Same for high resolution PCM. The only thing that really matters is how the recording was done. Some of my PCM sounds as good as the best DSD I have. Some of my DSD sounds as bad as the worse PCM I have. If all things are right, no format is superior at all.


    As far as waiting for the cheapest giant killer DAC that is going to end your audio journey, that is another waste of time IMO. There are many fantastic DAC's available now that sound really great. I don't think this DAC technology is advancing as fast as people think it is. Look at companies like Lampizator, FE... They use NOS DAC Chips in most of their products, and feed them a quality power supply and low jitter stream. There is more to it, but you get the idea....


    Here is what I believe IS advancing... The way we play music, and the quality of the digital sources. Your source is as or even more important than the DAC itself. Computers and or Servers have the ability to sound better than the best CD Transports now, with optimization and the music player software that you use. If anything, cheap out on the DAC, and focus your funds on getting a really great server or computer set up properly.


    The quality of the USB input on the DAC is also important. Fact is, there just aren't many cheap DAC's that get this right. The Auralic Vega and Chord Qute EX both have really great USB inputs, and are relatively affordable if you value music enough :)

    • Like 2


    A hp envy 15t i7/16gb/1tb 1080p laptop custom build... what a piece of shyte this thing is. Going to send it back to hp.

    That make two lap tops purchased, and two laptops returned in a month and a ualf or so.


    just get a macbook pro and be done with it.




    yeah... I considered that for sure. I started out on macs in late 80's or so. switched to windows in the mid 90's and have never looked back. I would dread having four different OS's in my home though... I should be able to find a good Windows based unit that doesn't cost $2,000+.


    I am looking at the surface pro 3 512gb


    For Audio, it is damn tough to beat a Toshiba Laptop. For every day use, my wife uses the crap out of her Asus. Real workhorse. Damn good battery life too!!!

    • Like 1
  4. Yep. That be the Coneologist. I do the local audio repair/restoration for him. Known him for over 20 years. You can count on 1 finger how many places like this still exist. Great guy, does fantastic work, and at extremely fair prices.

  5. Could be the recording, or could be revealing one of the weaknesses you found with the DAC. Very few DAC's recreate a heavily populated ensemble very well. How important is this? Well I'd say it is pretty important if you listen to allot of classical music, etc..


    What you are describing sounds like compression to me. This can be the source material, could be the result of too many gain stages in the source (DAC), too slow responding power supply in the DAC, etc..


    Easy test would be to play more busy music, and see if this character follows with everything you play.

    • Like 1
  6. What makes this one special guys, is not only is it capable of several line level inputs to select, it absolutely in no way degrades the performance of anything that you could hook directly to your amps, like a DAC with a good volume control built in. In fact, it will improve most of them. This preamp is very damn good.


    I use my NBS with my Totaldac gear, which sounds excellent direct to amps, but through this preamp, I get a bit better bass, and do not lose any resolution anywhere else. Using this preamp is still better! To be honest, most systems really do need a good preamp to sound their best. JME....

    • Like 1
  7. I have a KA-9100 Kenwood over here.... Needs a bit of cleaning, and some preventive maintenance as is, but I can do this for you if you are willing to wait and spend the money. I am Dave's audio tech you know....


    These speakers are sold btw.... Seller didn't delete his ad.

  8. And you would be right! That is, the Grandfather of all receivers. There is bigger, but they ain't better. If you like it in stock unrestored form, you will love it restored properly! It gets ALLOT better.


    Thanks for the plug muel.

  9. Noise floor of your system and noise permeating and riding in the music is different too. My system is dead quiet, in regards to putting my ear up to the speaker, and was before I put the UBERBUSS in the system, or any other conditioner for that matter.

  10. What the "UBERBUSS" (not Magic Buss) does is enhance the entire listening experience in my system. Have you ever bought a DAC, amp, or preamplifier, FE, that had better SNR than one you were previously using? It is like a fog disappears that you did not know was in the music, and the artists are more focused and farther apart.


    That's what the UBERBUSS does sonically for all your components. It is additive in this lowering of noise effect. You can buy several conditioners, but most give here and take there, primarily in dynamics and power of the presentation. About any form of conditioning will help things focus better, but most conditioners rob the life out of your music, likely because they are increasing the impedance of your line too much. The UBERBUSS takes nothing away, and actually improves the dynamics in my system, as well as the benefits and effects of lowering the noise. Only improvements are realized, with no detriment to the sound, I have found. This is what sets it apart IME.

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  11. Do you now see how the analogy from networks to power conditioning is a bad one?


    No. I fail to see why. You said yourself, that a cap can make a difference. Why on earth would cleaner power not make a difference?

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