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Posts posted by derrickdj1

  1. Thanks Willand. I never thought about different subs, possibly making the bass coverage better because of their different freqency responses. I know it can also be a nightmare. I just learned this gain matching method and find it make things much easier. The room is the opponent when it come to good bass[6]. I seen pic's of your Revel B 15 in Jan., very sweet acqusition!

  2. Your tower can be set to large, but if you are using a sub with them there can be cancellation issues, phase issues, re-enforment of certain bass frequencies and standing wave problem. Listening to music with a good sub can make the experience better. Setting the speakers to small avoid a lot of the above problems and turns over the bass management to the avr. Speakers set to Large=no bass managemet, Speaker set to small= bass management for the system.

  3. I thought long and hard about adding a second sub to my system. But a good deal came on a SW 450, so I got it to go along with my 15 in sub and Icon V system. All I could think about were the problems that could come from using two different subs:, different woofer size, different frequency respones, phase issues, cancelation issues and standing wave problems. The first thing I did was use a Y connector to hook the subs up to the avr with only a .1 outlet. Next I turned the gain up 1/2 way on each sub. Then I used and spl meter to set each sub at 75 db. Turning one off while I set the other one. Next, came the autocalibration to re-set the whole system and checked it with the spl meter. Both subs are on the front wall, but not the same distance from the corner to help with standing wave issues.

    Results: Great! The system was tested with music and movies. Nice balance sound and no ablility to locate one sub over the next one. Both subs are not able to be localizes. More bang from the 30 Hz range due to the 10 in. sub and good 21 Hz response from the 15 in sub. There is also a better frequency overall response in the bass region with using the two different subs. The use of Identical subs is always suggested but not necessary always. What are other members experience using 2,3, or 4 subs.

  4. The Pioneer SC55/57 is a great avr. MCACC provide great room correction and works well with external amps. I use a SC 35 with a couple of external amps and like the setup. The 55/ 57 is 4 ohm stable and should perform well with or without external amplification.

  5. I recommend getting a sub. It sounds like this is a HT setup used for movies and music. For HT a sub is needed to get the full impact of movies. A good sub can make a 2 channel setup better, because it can handle the bass better than tower speakers due to the large box volume, and woofer design. I set my towers to small and run the bass management via the avr. Speakers set to Large= no bass management vs Speakers set to Small= bass management via the avr. Using a sub can help with phase issues, cancellation effect and it gives the avr more reserve to do the midrange and higher frequencies. Bass requires a lot to power especially if you like it loud sometime. If you like loud music will you avr in 5.1 run out of steam, which could damage the speakers.

  6. How is a sub taking power from the mains? There can be phase issues if the mains are set to large or large plus the sub. Subs will generally enhance a system. Since the the mains and other speakers can't be moved around very much, that is why room placement of the sub is so important. The powered sub only receive a line input signal from the avr so the sub is running off of it's own amp and not draining the avr.. Setting all speakers to small will give you simpler and in most cases better bass management. A good sub should handel the bass better than tower speakers set to large.

  7. How is a sub taking power from the mains? There can be phase issues if the mains are set to large and plus the sub. Subs will generally enhance a system. Since the the mains and other speakers can't be moved around very much, that is why room placement of the sub is so important. The powered sub only receive a line input from the avr so the sub is running of of it's own amp. Setting all speakers to small will give you simpler and in most cases better bass management. A good sub should handel the bass better than tower speakers set to large.

  8. I thought twice before posting this and reading about the ( S) for surround. I have a 9.1 setup with front height speakers. I have used bookshelf and surrounds for the front height. I did not think that the bookshelf offer anything over the surrounds since the tower will overpower the height speakers most of the time. The surrounds as height speakers made the system better for multi-channel music. I am a fan of front height speakers since trying them over 6 months ago. I know this goes against the norm in theory, but from a practical view the surrounds can work very well as height speakers in my home experience for movies and music. Asthetically, the surrounds look better high up on the wall, lol.

  9. I liked the movie better than Clash of the Titans. The LFE were very good in DTS-MA. Not an Oscar movie, but well worth a rent from Family Video. Once they put it up for sale I will buy it for $9.00 to go with my BD collection of good sub effect movies.

  10. Ever consider Yamaha amps? I have a Yamaha M 70 paired with an SC 35 and find it to be a good combination. The speakers are dead silent between songs, no hiss or ground loop problems. The amp also performs well in the first few watts. I had my amps refurbished back to original factory specs and the bias reset. Yamaha legendary amps are know for their natural sound and dynamic performance across the entire frequency band.

  11. I think all the autocalibration systems have their good and not so good points. MCACC has great room correction, Audyssey has better bass equalization due to the 8 filters for the sub and so on. As far as distance, physical distance is not as important as the timing of the sound waves to the sweet spot. Someone already mention that bass frequencies can throw off the distance of the physical measurement so, this is not a good point to get hung up on.

  12. In general matching speaker sets is the way to go. Beside a larger sound stage with the 62's , seeing that they are surround I don't think you will get a WOW factor like new mains, center, or sub. Your SPL should be about equal from the VS 14- RS 62ii in your system. If you don't get the 62's will you be left wanting? I like the aesthetics of a system as much as the sound.

  13. I like Fish's suggestion. I demo 2 Denon's, Sony and a Pioneer in my home each for 2-3 weeks before keeping the Pioneer. This way you can compare Audyssey, DACA, MCACC or any other autocalibration system. I was able to return all the avr's within 30 days for a full refund. No matter what an avr sounds like in the store you will not know if you like it until you get it home, and set it up, and spend some hours on it with multiple sources.

  14. Almost sounds like a power / driver issue not working in harmony. I have 4 towers in my HT and set all speakers to small. I like the sub handleling the heavy bass. Even though large speakers can do a good job with bass, a good sub or two should be able to do a better job. Using this setting gives my amp more resevre and increased performance of my other speakers. Some people don't like their large towers set to small. That is not the point. I think of it as speakers set to small= bass management, set to large = no bass management for the most part by the avr.

  15. Try moving the sub to several different locations and see what sounds best. Some people use the sub craw technique. I had to move my sub out of a corner because it was just to much re-enforment of the low frequencies. It was louder but not more pleasing in the corner. I also have all my speakers set to small for better bass management in my system which has MCACC for room correction, audyssey is quite different.

  16. If you did not find any stray wires, then it is most likely the avr. The RF 82's and your other speakers need a little juice; and in a HT setup the amp power drop off at higher volume is just not keeping up.You may try another avr or add a separated amp for one or two pair of speakers to give you more reserve power. Good luck!:

  17. Infra-sonic bass is something that I did not miss when listening to music in my setup which includes four tower speakers. My wife shuffled around the furniture in our family room so I had to run the autocalibration for the system. This time I set all speakers to small and worked on slightly better sub placement. The music sounds so much more enveloping. I kown this has been discussed before. But, I was wondering how many others use subs for their 2 channel setup and yes, set large towers or some of ther Heritage speakers to small to small.

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