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Posts posted by derrickdj1

  1. Just get a Pioneer, Sony, Onkyo or other name brand with at least 100 watts/channel. That will be more than enough power. Feature at this level will be important. I have this system and think it performs well for a HT/Music system. Don't let this little guy fool ya, this little HT rocks!

  2. The terms, strain, congested, distortion and dynamic range compression are all term to describe an amp under stress. Most dedicated amp have more powerful transformer in them than avr's. This translate into more current delivered at the output stage in the chain of amplification. Dedicated amps have more realestate for the power supply and to get rid of the heat produced when running you HT. All this would be of marginal interest if it did not have an effect on SQ. Giving speakers all the current that they need to preform properly, will translate into improved SQ wether you listen loudly or softly, stereo or mutichannel, large vs small speakers. Most smaller or less sensitive speaker are harder to drive than larger or more sensitive speakers. In general, most speakers can benefit from power amps. Better current flow means better driver control (dynamic respone) during peaks in movies and music listening. This is where power amps shine compared to avr's. Going with completely separates can get very exspensive, so using the avr as a preamp can have financial benefits. Most of the new avr's have good DAC, formats and other features that make them attractive as a preamp. Notice, I did not talk about watts rating. For example a power amp delivering 2.2 Kva for 5 channels compared to a Denon 5800( one of the best avr's in it's day) delivering 1,1 Kva under no circustance can deliver the same current at it's output stage as the power amp. Therefore, at all times your system if performing better with a dedicated power amp. This is just the way that I understand things. I use amps with my Icon V HT and hear an improvement in SQ compare to just using my Pioneer Elite SC 35 for amplification, The SC 35 is a class D avr rated at 140 watts per channel with all channels driven.

  3. Your wide speakers should match your fronts in performance to get the best effect. The front height speakers can be smaller and the 52's should work. I also would stick to timber matching speakers for the front stage. The wrong pairing of the front height speakers made me question whether they were working. After correctly pairing the height speakers to my towers, I use DDPLIIz more than any other configuration.

  4. When you run MCACC see how you like the sound. Play some music and this will allow you to evaluate the sub for boominess, directionality and the bass quality. There are two basic ways to set your speaker for the HT. The first one is setting all speakers to small and the second one is to leave some speakers set to large. If you need more help we should go on the subwoofer forum.

  5. One point I left out is that the SC 57 is 4 ohm stable. This was not the case with prior Elite avr's. Therefore, impedance dips of the 7's should not be as big of a concern as with older elite avr's. But, your question was on the matter of needing a separate amp. When I first joined this forum that was one of my questions, woul I benefit from an amp. The answer was no due to the SC's power rating. I do use amps with my SC 35 and feel that there is a distinct difference when listening to movies and music. Most notable in the bass and midrange frequencies. When listening near reference level, the SC 35 sounded thin and lacked some clairty. I purchased a couple of Yamaha amps from the used market. With the amps intergrated into my system, thinning and clarity are not an issue, and the bass has more deapth. This may be due to higher current flow, not watts, in a dedicated amp that lead to better driver control. The D3 amp may not have these limitations compared to the B&O ice amp in the SC 35 . This experience cannot be extrapolated to the RF 7's with superior specs compared to my Icon's. But, the 7's are rated 250-1000 watts. I wonder how well transient peak will be handled in the 7's. To amp or not to amp, you will most likely have to try it to really know wether it will be beneficial to you. It is the handling of peaks that make a difference in HT applications for music and movies. I have searche the internt and forums on power amps vs Class D amps in avr's and was not able to finding much meaningful information. I originally brought my system for movies/music, 90/10. But now use it 50/50 because it does so well with music. I am sure more knowledgeable form members will chime in on this discussion. I still consider myself a newbie to this forum and have a lot still to learned. Your next question concerning the Pioneer Elite avr will most likely be on bass management, lol.

  6. I also have an HD 500. Due to the size/frequency response of the satellite, X/O at 120 Hz is ideal. Most of the time you may not hear an appreciable difference between 120-80 Hz on this system. But, it is when transient peaks occur in movies that the higher 120 Hz setting protects the speakers It can only take a small amount of time to fry a speaker. The sub is set at 80Hz to keep it from being directional. I think these are awesome system for their size.

  7. I do not own the SC 55 or 57 but, I have the SC 35. The SC 35 and 37 were Pioneer's last years top of the line models and are similar in a lot of ways to the 55 and 57. The Elite avr's are awesome from the power stand point and easy of operation. The analogue conversion is top notch and the MCACC is one of the best programs for room correction. I demo 2 Denon and a high quality Sony for several weeks prior to getting the SC 35. Amps can always be added to the SC 57 if you ever fill the need to expand your system. I have my HT in a 9.1 and really like having the front height speakers. The extended stereo function is great for listening to music. I did call Pioneer and asked about the SC 35 and 37 handling the impedance dips of the RF 7II's and they said it is not rated for those loads. If your system will have a good sub, this should not be a problem.

  8. I also use the DDPLIIZ and have become very fond of it. It is my most used configuration. The best spot for the height speakers is 3 tt or slightly higher directly above your mains. I currently use Klipsch surround speakers for the heights. I tried bookshelf and not much difference in SQ. The height speakers should match your system or you may not get the benefit from the additional speakers. Poor choice in height speakers is why some people do not hear much out of them. They are great for movies and music. I have a 9.1 setup and which is great for movies in the various format and extended stereo listening.

  9. Setting all the speakers to small gives good results. But, some avr's manage phase issues and standing waves very well, so the user has more options. I have my fronts, surround back and surround set to large. This is great for music listening. Pioneer's MCACC does a good job with room correction.

  10. First, what are your other speakers? I take it , you are building a HT. The Front and Center speakers should match. Tell us your budget and the size range of speakers that will fit in your HT. This question may belong under home theater.

  11. A question for you, I read that a lot of avr's under $1000, MSP, do not handle the first one or two watts of power as well as a good power amp? They have more distorton in the first couple of watts, compared to a good amp, although they may perform better has the load increases. Therefore, when listenign at lower volume the sound will have more clarity. This is in addition to the increase headroom and handling dynamic swings in the source output. So, it is not just about how many watts you are pushing; since most Klipsch will work really well in the first few watts.

  12. Thanks for the additional info. Place one surround between the balcon and window, and the other at as good of a matching point across from it. Yes, Audessey should balance out the difference in the speaker locations. Remember that surround speaker, play a support role in your HT. So, you should be good to go. The front stage is the anchor of a good HT and other speakers should compliment the front stage. Good luck!

  13. My wife listens to talk radio in the kitchen. The family room, kitchen and dining room are designed as an open concept. When the family is watch TV, she listens to the radio on the small under the cabinet TV, radio, dvd player. The little TV is 7 or 8 in. and gets plenty loud. Something like this may work for you without running wires and making holes in the wall or ceiling: with one drawback, it won't be Klipsch.

  14. I am assuming you are sitting in one of the angels in the diamond shap room. Make an equilateral triagnle from your RF 82II's to your sitting position. Locate the TV between the tower speakers. Keep the towers 1-2 ft away from walls. I deally the surrounds should be at ear level. Since you are going to be using the RS 52 or 62, If possible put them at equal distance from the listening position. They do not have to be directly on the side of the listener. These WDST speakers cover 180 degree area so, having them some what anterior to the sweet spot will work. You need a center channle speaker. I would suggest getting that first. The RS 52 or 62 sound like ear level will be a bad spot for those speakers. You may want to elevate them 3-4 ft so the are out of harms way.

  15. What type of setup do you want to run, Front Height, Front Wide, Surround Back or standard 5.1. List your whole systems and others will surely help you. There are a lot of ways to set things up, taking the facts of room constraints. I personally like wall mounted surrounds. I use the VS 14 for Front Height and surround speakers. I tried the VB 15 in the Front Height position, but the 14's have a WAF and sound just as good.

  16. Yes, the repair and parts has be a problem. That was the first thing I did before purcashing my M 70 amps, make sure there was a Yamaha repair shop in the area that could fix it with original part and fine tune it back to factory specs. One is in the shop for a tune-up, just to make sure it back at factory specs, replace any caps, clean the inside, ect. It will cost about $150. tomorrow I will try and post a pic.

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