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Posts posted by derrickdj1

  1. So many threads talk about what sub should I get or which sub is better. For me, the question is not what brand sub to buy, but effective bass management. Most auto-calibration programs on avr's do not manage the bass spectrum very well. When connecting multiple subs on a .1 or .2 system, how effective are the auto-calibration programs? To get the most out of the bass spectrum of my system, what role does a separate sub equalizer play? I know these are simple questions with not so simple answers. Bass management is a complex subject, and depends on placement, room acoustics, LFE and X-over to name a few. During the short time since I have joined the forum, I have been impressed with the depth of knowledge that Klipch members share on this forum. This forum is audio school 101 for me. I am interested to see what other members opinions are on this topic.

  2. The top of the line Pioneer's are excellent receivers. They are large and they are heavy, lol. I have an SC 35 and have no major issues that appear to be a problem for music listening or home theater. The MCACC is so good that it makes up for room imperfections. Power is not an issue and I have not notice any distortion in my setup. I got the SC 35 for around $700, new. I use many of the extra features and do not need a lot of separates with this avr. I took home two Denon for 3 weeks each and took them both back. I have also owed an Onkyo Flagship avr that was almost as good as the Elite avr's . These avr are as good as it gets under $2000.00. I use the internet radio feature coupled with my BD for pandora radio, netflix and other HT applications. The Pioneer avr's can extend HT to another level. This avr also works well with All Share on my Samsung TV for music and video streaming from my laptop. You can't set individual speaker X-overs but this is not really an issue if you are using a sub.


  3. The KS 14's are widedispersion speakers. They send out sound in a 180 degree arc. Bookshelf speaker are direct radiating, the sound travel right at the listener. The KB 15 is a bookshelf speaker sold at BB. See which one you can get a better deal on. Where are you going to put them? Will you need speaker stands or is wall mounting an options? The KB 15 has slightly more power and a larger frequency range.

  4. Bookself and the wide dispersion speakers will work. Depending on your room layout and future plans, let that guide your choice. I have wide dispersion speakers high up on the wall and use bookshelf speakers as rears. Determine the footprint you want your system to have. I like room asthetics in conjunction with my sound system, so a smaller footprint works for me. With the Qintet's, you are not looking for speakers to handle a wide frequency range and your sub will be an intergral part of your system.

  5. l

    If your speaker are full range, set the X-over to 60:; if you are using a HT, set the speakers to small, Turn the sub X-over as high as it will go. Run any autocalibration program. Your connection with the Y splitter should be fine. Connecting a Y splitter to the sub's L/R input increases the sub's output by around 3 db. Your LFE should be turned on. Many people like their sub's controlling the LFE/bass so the amp has more power for the midrange and highs. Also, try your sub in several locations and check your connections and wire to make sure they are all connected well. You can try a second sub RCA cable to see if that will get rid of the buzz. Don't turn the gain up over 60% or the two O'clock position. Other will chime in and help you fine tune your system. Good Luck!

  6. Hi Mark, welcome to the forum. The KS 14's are surround speaker and will work well in that role. The quintet's are direct radiating speaker and should work well for you C/L/R. Set your avr crossover in the avr at 80 if you have the large Quintet speakers sold as part of a HT package or at 120 if you have the satellite speakers. I like my wide dispersion speaker in a side configuration next to or close to the listener and not behind them. Enjoy!

  7. I have beening toying with the avr and was able to get PLIIZ-THX music with a CD in the BD. I don't think this mode is possible with mp3, internet radio, or Pandora. The problem is that I have brought these speakers and avr and now I find myself listening to more music. After hearing this mode, it will work well for jazz with vocals or fine musical tracks because it separates the instrumental and voices different than in the other surround modes. For general listening, I prefer the PLIIZ-extended stereo mode. IT offers a fuller sound stage. I have a large mp3 collection but few CD's. I guess I will be buying more CD's in the future. The PLIIX-music and Neo 6 music modes are ok, but not as nice as using the fornt height speakers. I find myself more and more preferring the Front Height speakers over the Surround back. Thanks everyone for you insightful assisstance

  8. I have a Pioneer Elite SC 35 receiver. I run a 9.1 setup with Front
    Height and Surround Back speakers. I know the receiver can only use 7
    channels at any one time. My question is how to get the receiver to give
    me the option of PLIIZ music. I get Neo 6 music and PLIIX music. The
    PLIIZ function works with blue-ray and cable TV. The SC 35/37 manuel
    states that this should be an option for listening to music. Second
    question, I like listening to music in the PLIIZ format. Music also
    sounds nice in the Extended Stereo mode. I do not seem to be able to
    use these two modes together; I can use the PLIIZ function with other modes, like action, drama and sports. Extended Stereo mode does utilize my
    center speaker, so it is not necessarily 2 channel stereo that is being
    played. In the speaker setting, I have seleceted normal (SB/FH). Pioneer support help is not the best, lol.

  9. Spongeworthy was a term from the sitcom Sienfeld. Ellen used it to describe if the man she was dating at the time, was worth having an intimate relationship with her. She also brought up all the sponge in town in one episode. Things were going to really get hot for her, lol.

  10. Delayed gratification can have it's sweet rewards; that only the ones that realize what the journey required, can fully apperciate it. It intells a journey that is a reward in it's on right. I kown when you get your speaks, the top of the mountain will sound as sweet as the journey.

    Best Regards,


  11. The VF 35 cut sheet shows 8 ohms nominal impedance, 100w RMS/ 400w peak. The ohms level may chang depending of what frequency the speaker is producing. What I am trying to say is that the ohm level is not constant. Get a good sub and not over push your speakers. Are you in the United States? I ask this because if you are the 8 ohm setting will more likely apply to your speaker operation.

  12. When asking BB store, see if it is in stock or storage, the VC 25 a VS 14's I got were not on the show room floor and they deep discounted them to get a quick sell. The KC 25 will work although the woofer is different. You will not be using it for it bass respone so I do not think you will hear any noticeable difference concerning timber matching.

  13. You might try to search some BB store individually. I brought mine's a couple of months ago. Buy all the V series stuff now why some of it is still available. I like the sound quality for music and HT. A good sub is a must! I think the V series sounds better than the new K series but is slightly lest in the power handeling department, which is really not an issues.

  14. Buy all the V series stuff now while it is relatively easy to find. The V series is discontinued and can be found at a great price. Some BB still have the VC 25, VS 14 and Vann's has the towers. Since I have the whole V series, I set my X-over at 100 due to the VS 14's low frequency extentsion of 92 Hz. The system sounds great and has good off axis response. It lends itself well to music and movies. A good sub is a must!

  15. Mustang, you are correct, the tv audio is PCM and dose not give me the option of sending the signal as dolby. I can use the ALC (auto level control) on the recieve, this allow me to rasie or lowe an effect function that affect stereo listening. I will toy around with this receiver some more, lol. This volume difference is not neccessarily a problem, but I like understanding my system so that I can get the most out of it[^o)].

  16. I notice when I watch cable tv that the volume for comfortable listening is different than when I am playing music. I use -30 for tv. Blue-ray, dvd, internet radio, and music (cd/mp3) I get a similar volume at -40-50. Is this a normal finding? I use multiple channels for tv and music.

  17. This has been a very informative discussion and I would like to give thanks to everyone who participated, for the their comments and shared information. This type of discussionis is a must read for other newcomers to HT and 2 Channel Audio. This knowledge is invaluable for making upgrades and purchasing decisions on speaker, audio equipment and home theater construction. I now have a better understanding of the role of power amps, speaker selection and the limitation of a given system.

    Now I understand how the RF 83 mentioned in my original post was damaged, even though it has a great power handeling capacity, RMS 250W/1200W peak. The damaged was caused by over excrusion of the drive/cone or heat. It may have been a combination of both of these factors and a expensive lesson to learn regarding power management. Here is a little clip from the above link in one of the post.

    Secrets of Amplifier and Speaker Power
    Requirements Revealed

    But things begin to change, and rather
    dramatically. Let's push the M80ti's to what we might experience from
    a solo grand piano, 109 dB. We're at 96 dB with 10 watts per channel.
    Let's go to 106 dB. So that requires 10 x 10, or 100 watts. Close,
    but not quite there yet. Just 3 dB more. Remember, we have to double
    the power for a 3-dB increase in sound level. So 100 watts becomes
    200 watts. Yikes! Our receiver has only 110 watts maximum output!
    We've run out of amplifier power! And what about the rock concert?
    Let's lower our expectations and aim for 119 dB. Going from 109 dB
    SPL, which needs 200 watts per channel, to 119 dB SPL (get out your
    ear plugs) is another 10-dB jump and--you do the math--that requires
    10 x 200, or 2,000 watts per channel!

  18. l Thanks for the link on SPL Calculations. The temporary threshold shift I think most of us have experienced this firsthand. A key point to draw from that article is respect your hearing and consider what is an appropiate levels of loudness. This will protect your hearing and your equipment. I think, I will take this adivce, so that I don't have to keep getting louder systems; I just cannot afford the Palladium Series, lol.

  19. I have a fairly simple question with a
    more complex answer. How many watts of power am I using when I
    listen to my system at -30 db or at reference level? I keep
    hearing that the Klipsch speakers are so effiecient and it does not
    require as much power to drive them. I see a lot of members
    use power amps to increase the headroom for their systems. I
    recently seen on the forum where a member damaged a RF 83 rated 250W
    RMS/ 1000W Peak. He had the speaker attached to a power amp and
    fried the voice coil or caused physical damage from playing the
    speaker to loud. Those are much better speakers than I have and
    my speakers get very loud. My speakers are not even close to the
    rated power handeling load of the RF 83's.I have ran across post
    where some people are saying they are only using 20-40 watts of power
    for normal listening with there speakers. I know in general
    larger speakers are more efficient and lounder at a given avr setting
    than a smaller speaker. I would like to hear some other members
    take on this issue. I am a newbie to the forum and consider
    this as part of my learning process. Let's not consider the
    Heritage line of speaker in this discussion; they seem to be in a
    separate category when discussing power issues.

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