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Posts posted by dbomberger

  1. I only recently became interested in Head Phones after about 50 years after my first Koss leather covered headphones-I do prefer speakers for music, but appreciate there are uses for me and others that drive the demand for such.  Still it is disappointing that this issue hasn't been resolved. It would seem that the right thing to do if they aren't going to support the old model is to provide the new model to those who ask.  It would cost Klipsch less in the long run than the damage to their reputation it seems to me.  That and it just seems to be the right thing to do given what I read here.  I'll be anxious to see how this turns out.

  2. 10 hours ago, Audio Flynn said:

    That had to be impressive. I have seen Eric And Steve separately but together? Wow

    It was; Ginger Baker was so drugged up though, he couldn't stop drumming and they literally had to carry him off stage, he was sweating buckets. Might have been part of the reason the group didn't make it for long.

  3. As others have mentioned here and elsewhere Forte III's (probably many if not most speakers) are very sensitive to placement. I have ended up without any toe-in and about 10-12" from the wall-and I'm still adjusting after nearly a year.  The biggest adjustment I've made though is putting a blanket over the huge glass covered artwork behind my listening position (a temporary solution). No other adjustment has had the impact that I experienced doing this-mind boggling difference really.The other big difference has been returning to my '77 Pioneer SX-1250. That sounds with the Forte's makes me to wonder what more could it want-though I am about to experiment with some tube amplification just for the experience.


  4. Greetings:

    I attended the RMAF in Denver last September and it was my first High End Audio show.  Pretty amazing, but too much to take in at one time and listening isn't optimum of course.  I'll be in the LA area for some Dead & Company shows during the same time as the L A High End Audio show.  Can anyone comment specifically on this show or compare it to the RMAF, there is plenty to do in the area and I want to make the most of my time there. 


    Thanks in Advance

  5. I've owned both and that is about as tough a call as I can imagine.  When push came to shove for me though, I kept the Cornwalls and sold the Chorus II's.  The Chorus were just plain kick-***, but the Cornwalls, just had something that made me smile whenever I listened to them. Good luck whichever way you go. You win either way.

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  6. OK, strolling through the local Walmart today looking for Christmas Decoration oddities for a little project and discovered little strings of lights that are battery operated and sync with your music.  Well for $8.00, what do you expect, but I have to say it is kind of fun.  Got me to thinking (always a dangerous proposition) about how this might be done with various "rope lights" that are used for various purposes. Any ideas? I'm sure its probably "a thing" but I don't even know where to start.  Must have been those Grateful Dead and Jefferson Airplane light shows causing me "flashbacks".  Still, I'd be interested to hear what kind of a device is used to accomplish this.

  7. Today at the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest, new La Scala AK5's were being demonstrated.  I don't have a lot of experience listening to La Scalas, but they did look and sound as great as I would have expected.  RMAF is a great experience and I'd recommend it to anyone. Much to look at, listen too and what seemed to this first time attendee a really great turnout. Klipsch had two rooms at least and was a busy place.  A lot of people wanting to hear Forte III's and others.

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  8. Going to the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest starting Friday.  I'm looking forward to hearing several PL integrateds.  I hope I like their sound as much as I'm anticipating. Dave, which integrated are you running?


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  9. 53 minutes ago, Westcoastdrums said:

    Haha but his PrimaLuna line sounds SOOOOO good.  Every time I hear tubes being talked about here, I refrain from mentioning my experience with his products.   They are KILLER.   I have tried many.   If you want a taste, try his primaluna prolpgue 3 preamp. Oh BTW, he has a RIDICULOUS hone where you can audition anything in a PREMIUM area in CA.  just my 2 cents.   Super nice guy.  I have spent too much money with him..... FWIW

    Thanks for the info.  I have yet to hear a PL, but am going to the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest in 10 days and will hear them (and many others) there.  Unless I'm dissuaded by something else while I'm there, I'll be ordering one when I get back.  Been meaning to drive over to his place, but it is 500 miles.  I'm sure I'll get there sometime. I might even decide to go pick up what I buy to avoid any delivery disasters-though I know they are well packed.  

  10. Kevin Deal at Upscale Audio has a nice little video about the Forte III, which he sells of course on Youtube.  He discusses and dismisses the brightness issue.  Just worth a listen and of course he is into and sells PrimaLuna as well as many other brands.  Very funny video as well.   


    • Like 1
  11. Very cool.  I love listening to them paired with a Hammond B-3 which I heard just a few weeks ago.  Also, I almost purchased the amp by itself from a guy who had turned it into a separate unit with volume control.  Sounded just great, but didn't meet the ever present standard for WAF-though she agreed it sounded amazing.  Just the amp was $400.00 and was sold quickly.


  12. I'm about to do the same thing and have been asking for a lot of information-and getting it.  There is some good recent discussion on the Prima Luna Owners Group on FB.  Might be a good place to check out also.  Regarding power, I heard a 60 year old Stromberg Carlson integrated tube amp the other day with LaScalas and was blown away.  I think it was 18 watts or something. 

    • Like 1
  13. OK, I have Forte III's currently in use with my receiver for TV and musical uses.  I am also about to purchase an Integrated Tube Amplifier. I want to use the Forte's for both.  What is the best type of switch to use to accomplish this-or is this a bad idea in terms of lowering the quality of music via the extra switch?  Thanks in advance.  I don't have to do it this way, I could just have a separate tube based system by swapping out the Forte's which I'm willing to do if there is a good argument(s) in favor of that.

  14. 11 hours ago, dwilawyer said:

    How long ago?


    The property taxes on a "lot" in Austin can easily be 5 to 10K a year.

    Just sold the lot in the last year. Taxes were low, I don't know for a fact in was in Austin, that's just where she went to school.  Worked out great is all I know. Father was a partner in Deloitte, so knew the "ropes".


  15. 7 hours ago, joessportster said:

    softening the trebel (which I find desirable listening to digital sources)

    Interesting discussion, and to the point above, it's always interesting to me that many seem to have such disdain for Treble and Bass controls, yet a fair amount of effort seems to go into making those changes-I always like options.  It's pretty clear to me by now that everyone likes a little something different as far as listening happiness is concerned. 

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