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Jim Naseum

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Everything posted by Jim Naseum

  1. Outside of western Europe, USA, Canada, Japan and Australia/NZ, I wouldn't trust major structures of any kind. There is too much graft, bribery, and corruption along with a total lack of regulation.
  2. How does science teach you how to live? Where will you learn "the principles" about love, charity, compassion, respect, justice, morality? From Maxwell? Planck? Is it even possible that you have not studied any philosophy, any metaphysics at all? I seem to recall reading that PWK was a churchgoer**. Now, why would that be if all he needed was science? What use has a man for Saul, or Abraham, or Mark, when he has Einstein and Hertz and Feinman? Most people I know create a moral framework for life first, and then simply apply science as needed. **My apologies if that is mistaken
  3. No sin in promoting a friend! Thanks!
  4. Whitney also had the benefit of some VERY good timing. Smack dab in the middle of Persian Gulf War. How did that help her voice again?Sent from my SM-T330NU using Tapatalk
  5. I agree. HOWEVER, in the realm of absolutely knock them off their feet national anthems, can anyone seriously compete with this 1991 Whitney Houston classic for the ages? https://youtu.be/N_lCmBvYMRs
  6. So, Plato, Aristotle, Locke, Kant, Descartes are irrelevant for the um, "inability to handle facts?" Whew! Only in K-World!
  7. Do we think there are other incidents, yet uncovered?
  8. There are no cameras in the brain. We do not "look out from our skull" and capture images of the world, even though it seems like it. The brain is an electrical-chemical generator and the images in our consciousness are created just chemically. Every phenomenon is inside the brain. So, you take Mr. Smith, induce a chemical coma, and attach complex electrodes to his brain. In this manner an entire universe is created in that brain, by nothing more than the manipulators using electricity and chemicals. How exactly would Mr. Smith be able to doubt or challenge "his universe" of monsters, green aliens and two headed people, any differently than SkiBum is assured of his Denver Bronco football game? It takes very little thought to understand that there is no path to discovery for either of them. The only possible meaning of "fundamental reality" for both of them is "the images inside my skull." Unless you have never dreamed, you will easily understand that the people in your dream are acknowledging and participating in the same dream as you. That's a commonality of experience during the dream. Suppose you go to sleep and never wake up?
  9. Except in Jo's universe, where his own wacky thoughts are the fundamental reality, and it's his thoughts that give substance to the moon, chairs, the Denver Bronco's defense, etc. "“Now Besso” (an old friend) “has departed from this strange world a little ahead of me. That means nothing. People like us…know that the distinction between past, present, and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion.” Who do you think said that? Sent from my SM-T330NU using Tapatalk
  10. http://www.imaging-resource.com/news/2013/02/26/not-so-secret-atomic-bomb-tests-why-the-photographic-film-industry-knew 75,000 cases of cancer. Sent from my SM-T330NU using Tapatalk
  11. It is likely the first and second sentences are correct along with half of the third, but your conclusion is suspect and totally opinion based. M theory, which is science based, predicts 10 (some theoretical physicists predict 11) dimensions of reality. The dimensions other than the four dimensions that comprise the space-time continuum in which we live likely interact with the nodes on the energy field to produce matter. All humans can do is to observe, think, and use their bodies to manipulate the matter that is around us. Our perceptions do not create what actually exists, but are the results of observation of the objects generated by dimensional interaction. You're using the word "opinion" as if that was inferior to some other method of understanding the subject. But, that's the exact nature of metaphysics. Metaphysics comes before science. It describes a range of possibilities, from which science may try through empiricism to validate. String theory and M theory are scientific attempts to unify all the forces we know of from relativity and quantum gravity. Those theories do not ask, "what is being as such?" Science is empirical, metaphysics isn't. Metaphysics is a priori theoretical reasoning, and is therefore not factual as we use the term in science. In modern philosophical terminology, metaphysics refers to the studies of what cannot be reached through objective studies of material reality. Areas of metaphysical studies include ontology, cosmology, and often, epistemology. One is not inferior to the other. They are different disciplines. Sent from my SM-T330NU using Tapatalk
  12. The year of the Monkey is ideal for a quantum leap in your life! Now is the time to shake things up, create change, and innovate a new path. Join Monkey’s enthusiast energy when risks are rewarded and anything can happen. Even the most ambitious plans can succeed. There will be more than enough action and opportunity to keep you busy. In Monkey year, it’s fine to just make it up as you go along. Just don’t be gullible and trust the wrong people, or wily Monkey will take all the peanuts and leave you only shells. Those born in Monkey years (1908, 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016) are clever, sharp, mercurial, and entertaining. They are wonderful to be around because they are fun, creative, and bring the sparkling energy that only Monkey can provide. Monkeys embodies strong leadership potential and, like their best friend the Dragon, won’t allow anyone to tell her them to do. Uninhibited Monkey rarely gets embarrassed by anything, and is free to express herself fearlessly in all walks of life. Sent from my SM-T330NU using Tapatalk
  13. Except for all of empirical science. You clearly seek meaning rather than understanding, so you're better off with the gurus. Empirical science is by definition inside the objective reality camp. It has nothing to do with metaphysics. We use science to design a more efficient car, but we use philosophy to design a more efficient life.The exception is quantum mechanics which finds itself face to face with metaphysics. Sent from my SM-T330NU using Tapatalk
  14. Ha ha. Well, if say a was of gurus might yield better results. I think every spiritual guru in written history is on my side. I don't know of any on the side of O.R.Sent from my SM-T330NU using Tapatalk
  15. Ah, now we are getting somewhere !The fabric is just a ball, source, plane of energy. We are nodes on that energy field. The universe we observe with our mind is not that energy field itself, it is the rocks and moons and chairs and stuff which are artifacts of our perception, inventions of the mind. The mind gets a set of sense inputs and conjures up say, the moon, or a chair. That's the stuff that disappears when the mind dies. That's the stuff, the objects of you will, which we think would be real without our minds. Sent from my SM-T330NU using Tapatalk
  16. I'm not seeing the claim of speciality you refer to. Let's roll out 100 yards of fabric on the floor. Start pinching up little bundles, hills, mounds, peaks. You are the energy heaped up in one pinch, the mocking bird is another pinch, the tree another, and old 5674 is another pinch. The fabric is an energy field of dozens of kinds of energy and forces. Because the warp and weave cross everyone's pinch, they can have awareness of all phenomena on the grid. That's why we all see the sun rise, or a football game.I am you, you are me, we are the universe. Were is the arrogance? Sent from my SM-T330NU using Tapatalk
  17. Not allowed to invoke religious arguments. In this discussion deities are irrelevant anyway, and could exist or not exist in either case.Sent from my SM-T330NU using Tapatalk That wasn't the point. It was not a religious argument, merely an analogy of proving the unknown, or even the unknowable.OK. My misunderstanding. Correct, these are not ideas to prove. They are available frameworks from which we make our attempts to understand life. For me, it's like the very first fork in the philosophical road.Sent from my SM-T330NU using Tapatalk
  18. The only thing worse would be if He was watching soccer.Sent from my SM-T330NU using Tapatalk
  19. Not allowed to invoke religious arguments. In this discussion deities are irrelevant anyway, and could exist or not exist in either case.Sent from my SM-T330NU using Tapatalk
  20. It feels like we have lost agreement on terms. May I restate the two sides to see if we are still understanding them? 1. Objective Reality means a real universe that does NOT depend on human perception or consciousness. It means if all humans died, there would still be an earth, moon, sun and stars. That's the objective reality. 2. Subjective reality means that everything we know to be the universe is created by our perception and consciousness. If all humans died, nothing of this universe would remain. I am a believer in #2. We ARE the universe. The phenomenal experience of us and the universe is life, by definition. Things look separate from our bodies only because we have very limited senses. We are simply pray of one fabric that included every thing we can perceive. Now which are you other guys buying? Sent from my SM-T330NU using Tapatalk
  21. Wow. So everyone who witnessed Denver beating Carolina in the Superbowl is experiencing a mass delusion. You will make Cam Newton very happy when you tell him he actually won No, not a delusion. They witnessed the effects of energy within the system of which they are part. Delusion is not part of what I am suggesting. I am saying that there is no such thing as reality (universe) except that it is perceived by human consciousness. The consciousness and the universe are just ONE THING, not separate things.
  22. Is string theory relevant to the relation of humans to the universe? Not really. It is the mind searching out relations of other forces we observe. But it doesn't comment on the nature of knowledge or the meaning of reality. Quote WHAT DO we actually mean by reality? A straightforward answer is that it means everything that appears to our five senses – everything that we can see, smell, touch and so forth. Yet this answer ignores such problematic entities as electrons, the recession and the number 5, which we cannot sense but which are very real. It also ignores phantom limbs and illusory smells. Both can appear vividly real, but we would like to say that these are not part of reality. We could tweak the definition by equating reality with what appears to a sufficiently large group of people, thereby ruling out subjective hallucinations. Unfortunately there are also hallucinations experienced by large groups, such as a mass delusion known as koro, mainly observed in South-East Asia, which involves the belief that one’s genitals are shrinking back into one’s body. Just because sufficiently many people believe in something does not make it real. END
  23. Prove that and you'll have a primary place in history. Dave It's not necessary to prove what is self-evident. Hume tackled this one four hundred years ago. What did he say about it?
  24. A sand castle is the beach is the ocean is the earth. The local phenomena of scooping sand into a shape of fantastic intricacy doesn't in any way separate sand into a separate entity from the beach, ocean, earth, cosmos. If "object" simply means "scooping into shape" that doesn't in any way support the idea of "humans" as distinct entities from the universe. Sand castles, human beings, chairs, rocks, airplanes are just "scooping" the universe into locally different shapes.
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