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Everything posted by Lost240

  1. Thanks @wvu80 I have a lead on a 1982 set of Khorns in Black with the AA network. I am waiting on more pics at the moment, but the finish does not look to be excellent so the price seems high. Ideally I would like to custom veneer these, but since I have never done something like that I doubt I will be able to do it on my first try to a pair of Khorns. I may have to keep looking for another set.
  2. @gottajam The palladiums sound excellent with the Mac gear. They have a beautiful top end that my previous La Scala IIs could not replicate. However, they don't sound as large.
  3. @Khornukopia if I am looking at your picture correctly the Khorn itself only touches the wall for the first 22.5" right?
  4. @Khornukopia Thank you for your reply. I wish we could try that trade as well. My thought was to try the speakers in the corners that you mentioned as well but I felt that I could be sitting to close to them at only 13 feet away when the speakers would be 19 feet apart, but I would be willing to give it a try
  5. @Chris A I am new to Khorns but not new to Klipsch. While looking for a set of these what is the best driver / crossover combination to look for assuming that I will be looking for a used set?
  6. Well I retracted my offer. I looked at the old pictures from the last listing and it looked like there was an awful lot of mold that was removed in the new pics. Who knows what's growing inside the bass bin. On to the next one
  7. I made an offer. Fingers crossed
  8. Thank you for all of the information @Chris A For now I am going to stick with a single amp and look for a set of Khorns. If I decide to go that route I will definitely message you.
  9. So I can build false corners to deal with the bass and wall issues, but my other concern is the width. Is 13 feet enough? I have heard of some people recommending 25-30ft, which of course is impossible in my situation.
  10. I am in Southbury, CT. It looks like its only a couple hours to Dover. @dtr20 Who is selling them?
  11. Thank you @Chris A This is all very helpful! Now I just need to find a pair of Khorns in the Northeast....
  12. I've been looking at the false corners. Does it make a difference if they are made of just plywood or do they need the 2X4's as well to actually make a wall?
  13. Where would I find the dimensions for the false corners?
  14. Do you think I would need that in both corners or just the smaller corner?
  15. I currently have a 19' X 13' room with ceilings that are 7' 10". I have two corners on the 13 foot side. One corner is appropriate. The other corner is 29" X 60" approximately. There is a doorway between the corners unfortunately. There is also a floor hot water radiator in the right corner.possibly preventing me from sealing the speaker to the wall, though looking at the back of the Klipshorn I think it might still work. Would this work for Klipshorns?
  16. At the moment I am holding the speakers for the potential buyer to be sold to him this weekend.
  17. Price update
  18. so far these are still available
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