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Everything posted by JohnJ

  1. That KWSB is a good release Mike!!
  2. I'm bored and it's chilly in here this morning. The coffee helps! 30s tomorrow am? Gut is more comfortable today. Think I'll second coat the walls in there finally before the desk comes and I put the 55" Samsung on it! It's a real 120hz display, not marketing-speak. Last of the 1080i's at BJ's after the 4K TVs came out! The depth of the desk will make this better than that big monitor attempt a couple years ago.
  3. No Way! Wanted it as far away as I could get it from me!
  4. Man Alive ! Three weeks and it's about over now. Two am again also. Thanks for the thoughts and prayers shared with me.
  5. Been hoping to be able to post this for a few..... IT's GONE! Thanks to those that shared their kind thoughts and prayers with me.
  6. I was going to wash the brick.. clouds are back and the phone says rain is coming. Won't be my rain-dance this time that does it! Ordered a new desk and a couple cabinets ebayed. Been looking for six weeks or so. Looks killer in the pics, much better on the wallet. Should get here end of the month so maybe my strength will be back from the procedure and all the dope!
  7. CanIhavesomeofthattoo? Sunday evenings back home in the 80s - 90s had that good jazz fusion on so us youngins could get it on one last time before the week started again!! Made me buy this and then replace it years later too! Got 8:30 also.
  8. Oh Yeah, a transfusion from me 40 years ago came with free anesthesia This other? Yikes, never had acute & severe pain last so long in my life. And don't yet fathom how it could make me stronger living through it!
  9. We CAN prevent it.
  10. It's in the eyes they say... Leaving Henry out, just not feeling the intensity tonight with all the personel cr*# going on.
  11. I ejected part of a stone or another one altogether! Homemade lemonade, got a five lb bag the other day! Makes for a sticky cleanup with the cheap litttle juicer I have available to me. Not like the huge old ones that could juice a grapefruit. Man, it been a heckofa day. Rain has come and the showers have stayed longer. Won one paperwork/$$ battle, lost the other. In the long run not bad a all!
  12. "And now from near Rocky Mount looking out over the lake this mornin' " "Crank this and git to werk!!" Pulled this from the mailbox last week!
  13. Well my highway hasn't been heading the right direction lately, but you know that. I'll yank the p-brake do a 180 and be back soon I hope!!
  14. I knew you had Prime-Time covered with your collection. I could still do the am to the cold coffee time-slot well!
  15. Dreamer Deceiver/Deceiver are were awesome together as one song live!
  16. There ya go! 70's Priest was where it's at! Bet 1981 wasn't too bad either
  17. I was still online and found something too good not to share!! Sound Familiar?
  18. Won't say too much about it, but had a bad case of the a$$ as it's called here lately. So i took some time off. New doc told me a nightmare of a story from the ultrasound study done earlier in the week. Still thinks the 5x6 will pass, refuses to look at records from the outfit that actually helped me the past two decades. According to Kid Rock's apparel line I did move to du*#%uckistan Nightmare you say? The 8mm one in the left kidney was the highlight there.
  19. Remember when this was new music!!
  20. Hate it Dave 1290 - 1291 ! Think there is a new third shift DJ in line!! @Tim Sr. from the acoustic JIMI to the sweet jazz sounds just muscled in and didn't even ask for that darned Quarter! Welcome to the Fold... now all we need is $$$ for the mega wattage transmitters. Or could it be networked LaScalas from coast to coast, border to free-for-all ! & a welcome to @imeiamme with the good hair band tunes.
  21. He he he, Pe-caaans Pe-cans as long as they're fresh there's not much better, `cept maybe with some homemade lemonade in the hot afternoon! He doesn't look much like the nutcracker type though! * Ya know I got that Mike. dɪˈflek.ʃən Dang they're using characters that do not belong in my language at Cambridge for enunciation
  22. That's one cool production Paul!
  23. Yessirree Chuck! He gave me some more of those comfort Rx's. Really don't like to take them. They are there for a reason, and I use them for that reason!
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