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MEH Synergy

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Everything posted by MEH Synergy

  1. MEH Synergy


    Thanks brotha I sell things the way I want to buy them. I HATE things being represented as mint when they are truly a 6/10 at best according to Audiogon scale.
  2. MEH Synergy


    Thanks man. I obviously like to try things out for myself in my own room as well. I have a challenging room due to fixed placement of my couch. I am used to large systems in my previous place. I learned the hard way that smaller is Def better in this room. A 10" sub will Def be better for me in this room, or no sub at all. Still deciding.
  3. MEH Synergy


    I didn't want to be a d... About that comment but that is exactly how I feel. Well said. It is priced very fairly. These sell for several hundred more. When I get a chance next week I am going to spend come time and get all of those scuffs out. It should easily be an 8/10, maybe 9/10 at that point.
  4. MEH Synergy


    To be honest, in my application the heresys will probably not need at sub at all. I am that impressed by them. My mind is blown literally. Numbers on paper, I don't care what they say, incredible.
  5. MEH Synergy


    Have I? Really? I LOSE money on most of what I sell. Reasonable insight though.
  6. MEH Synergy


    I've down it again..... Price posted
  7. MEH Synergy


    Up for sale I have a Velodyne DD15 Black Gloss Excellent Condition Condition. Works perfectly. MINOR MINOR scuffs on top. Includes all original doube boxes and ALL original acceaories.
  8. Press is what you raked it for with a mouthful of salt. Your ears will tell you EVERYTHING else
  9. MEH Synergy


    Bump. Proper pictures added.
  10. MEH Synergy


    Consecutive serial numbers
  11. Massive girth indeed. Where have I heard that before.... Oh well glad you enjoy your cable. Hell of a bargain in my book.
  12. MEH Synergy


    I don't have boxes for the Cornwalls
  13. I will take a pair of Forte III as a straight trade for the Cornwalls on a side note
  14. I got them to sound great but they are for sale. They are too too much for my roo. The little heresy III with a sub are the clear but winner in my room. My jaw just about hit the floor the first time I fired them up in here
  15. Ic. Might have to raid works loading docks then to make a shipment work
  16. I don't have a box for them. I would take suggestions on how to box appropriately and discuss shipping thereafter with interested parties
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