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MEH Synergy

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MEH Synergy last won the day on September 28 2021

MEH Synergy had the most liked content!


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Klipsch Fanatic

Klipsch Fanatic (6/9)



  1. OMG, mind opened. So we switch to nylon and we have a new speaker. INCREDIBLE.
  2. Ditto here. Bucket full of empty promises and patience. A year with a 2 month promise is more than patient enough. I have lots to say, but don't want to get my post deleted as a result. I paid $1400 CASH. In that price, I paid shipping and a tip, up front.
  3. Forever truck bed liner gel. Patch it with your finger and forget about it if the credit is to your liking.
  4. Speaking of that, your call, do we out it? I'm down. I paid and won't be getting **** I know
  5. Amen and absolutely. We just need a little breathing room again...
  6. Good man, I haven't always been pleasant, my fault. Thanks for the welcome.
  7. I hear what Travis is saying, I agree with Bruce and I side with the opinion of @billybob however wrong it may be. To call out my bias, what is being deleted is what finally got me on this forum after many years of watching and reading.
  8. MEH Synergy


    Second owner. No original box, but will pack well. Yes I'll ship.
  9. MEH Synergy


    DAC straight out. Wouldn't say replaced, just one piece less. Don't need double DACs. Amps have built in crossovers.
  10. Nice set, great deal. Hope you snag em Bruce
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