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Everything posted by WillyBob

  1. Looks like y'all dodged a bullet. Not sayin' there won't be some powder burns. Just puttered today. Listened to music... Watching the kittens Wife went back to work. Feeling OK. Not great... has to cream her coffee, still. Cooked a [sorta] light dinner for her/us. Fried some cod. Egg wash and rolled in Ritz cracker crumbs. Peas, raw sliced red bell peppers and some carrots. Anyone have feelings about the "veggie burgers" being marketed by the fast food places? Do we remember the stink about TVP {textured vegetable protein] added to meat as an extender? Looks as though it is OK as long as you don't mix it with meat? ...and we are starting to get some mosquitoes, finally. Not like I look forward to them. They usually have shown a month ago. Been way dry for a rainy season. We're into the deficit for annual, now.
  2. That's the way I remember it... found that $20,000 system on cl. 3] JBL M2 and 3] Crown amp/s. Specs on the M2's range are... impressive as far as range goes. No need for a sub. Specs say to 20hz. https://phoenix.craigslist.org/evl/ele/d/gilbert-jbl-m2-reference-monitor-system/6951734265.html discounted $12,000 from new Wheeeee! May not be a bad deal. No matter. I still can't afford a 1/2 price Caddy, either
  3. me too, Mike I knew waking feeling good yesterday was too good to last. Gia started school yet? Ours start way early... The beginning of Aug. Guess they never heard the song "See You in September"... The "logic" behind it is almost as convincing as the one for DST.
  4. in fairness, they are on dollies. Prolly rolled out for display. I don't think they are normally where they are shown.
  5. ... and now a pair of CWII [$800] in Flagstaff. That would be a nice drive. About the same as to SanDiego w/o as much desert. You hit high country just north of Phoenix.
  6. we did that during Iniki. Still need something to drink after....eventually Water was precious. It was like Mexico for awhile after. the water wasn't safe... drink beer. If it was cold, that was a plus. Most the time, it wasn't. woke to feeling weird. I feel good this AM. before attitude adjustment That is strange. Before coffee, even About 65`. Sun is shining. We got a late night shower. Helluva light show. Hardly enough wet to mention... The lightning was spectacular. was noticing that the $20,000 stereo system is not listed in the Tucson cl, again. JBL monitors and a lot of fancy electronics, that are beyond my comprehension.... that is a short putt, though. All high end stuff, for sure. I'm shopping for an upgrade to my "system" in the doghouse. This is the same that was upgraded to LaScalas and the H/K630. Really looking for bookself and, of course, am seeing all manner of nice floor. CW, Heresy and some tall ones, too. @JohnJ that is an old joke around here Como frijoles, tennis shoe? translation How you bean [been], keds [kids]?
  7. "only" is the operative word. what are you going to do for during and after the storm? https://tucson.craigslist.org/ele/d/tucson-vintage-pair-of-klipsch-cornwall/6968618339.html feel like I should be making a run to Tucson. They take more floor space than the LS. That 25 and 1/4 is critical. It is pushing the ceiling and a touch too big to lay them on their backs. With my legs, I get about 48in of cargo space. Had to scoot the chair forward for that. I could figure a way. Would take some jockeying around... and then maybe they still won't fit. I should jump on them and am trying to talk myself out of it. I could try to talk the wife into driving. She a foot shorter than me. Her concern with a car is reaching the pedals. I can't even attempt to get in the driver's chair w/o setting it back.
  8. had an update for the computer yesterday/last night. Took over an hour to load. Wish I would have waited until I didn't want to use the silly machine. wife is getting her feet under her again. Gingerly attempting solid food. When I observed that she hadn't eaten anything ... "but, I ate some ice cream"... That doesn't count. Looks like FL is spared a direct hit from Dorian. .... and spreading her goodness up the coast. Lots of "definitely/maybe" Hate to say that the European forecasts look to be closer than ours... Their models generally are better down here, too. Holiday plans? Nada. Stay home. Wife was talking about going to a Beatles tribute at the casino. Sposed to be good, according to RollingStone, fwiw. Note, I said "was". That was before she spent two days in bed or on/at the toilet. got a little shower this AM. That'll shoot our chances for rain for the day. Unless we don't need the heat to trigger the storms. Critters are fed. Coffee made. Mex. Have a bag of Peruvian on deck. Watched some TV. MajorLeagueFishing and Battlebots. Battlebots appeals [very much] to my destructive side. Gives me lots of bad ideas. Hey! Have any of you watched the drone racing? It is FAST. 90mph. Here's a big surprise. One of the sponsors is the USAF. The pilots wear VR helmets/glasses. I got out when VR/FPV[first person video] was starting. We did a lot of R&D for them. I was building R/C helicopters [that would actually fly] in the 2 - 3 ounce range... including a half oz battery. Not from scratch. Cobbing parts and lots of modding. chatty this AM.. OK. I shut up now
  9. used to go to PuertoPenasco with a friend. He would get sick every time... and he kept going . We would anchor up and bottom fish. Me, I get my sea legs fast. I spend a day on the lake. I can stand in the boat fine. When I hit solid ground, I run into problems.
  10. I was following a thread here, for about a week it ran.... a member was having probs with his new CWs rolling off at 60hz and it all relating to room dimensions. In an ideal situation what are the parameters for a perfect listening room? is it more dictated by the speakers you wish to place in it?
  11. Mornin' All, was coming a few days before the obvious symptoms... She was feeling "out of sorts" the day prior. No, not my cooking. She may have done it to herself. So far, neither her secretary or I have shown sign of it. The rest of the staff [all 4] have had the trots in the last week. We may be the lucky 20% Typhoid Marys She is staying home today... and gets an extra day with LaborDay. She is still pretty punk feeling, but better than yesterday. Slept most of yesterday w/o urgent trips to the loo. I am resisting the urge to joke about her getting half the fun of a cruise. She doesn't like water, either.
  12. try the grocery store. I'm married and scare myself. So bad, I didn't go shopping for 6 months.
  13. oh... took the wife to the Dr. norovirus ... stomach "flu" Hoping I have already passed that... she not having any fun. Glad the facilities are close together in the bath. listening to TomJones does acid ---- Crazy World of Arthur Brown. Still sounds good [to me]. Spontaneous Apple Creation... Always disappointed when I put some favorite old music on.... and it didn't stand the test of time. What did I see in this crap? No wonder Dad complained.
  14. reading the album cover...more closely LarryChesky lps are post 1974 @JohnJ in the credits [on lp cover] Special Thanks to ...........The Chicopee Kielbasa Festival lol
  15. on a lighter note wife brought home a stack of vinyl. She sez the music teacher "found" this stuff in wife's storage...I doubt it 5 copies of Larry Chesky and his Orchestra - "I want to Play in Your Band" LPs..... virgin. Never been opened, still in original shrink wrap. Polka. Will sell cheap A set of music appreciation classical music lps and [I didn't know they were doing this] a set of talking book American history lps. No vintage on LarryChesky lps... The others are 1970.
  16. Paper bags filled with acetylene mix go off nice. when I was a kid, we got hold of calcium carbide.... don't know where we got the idea, but we started launching coffee cans. The old ones that took a "key" to open. Put a touch hole in the can with a little water and carbide. After some thought... I know where the bad idea came from. PopularMechanics ads for carbide cannons. didn't take long to learn to use a long "stick" to set them off... and that if you wait too long to set it off, you get a nice little candle. wife is going to to Dr this AM. Burning pain at her belt line and tossing up all night. Appendix? Gall bladder? Salmonella? Whatever it is, seems I have not gotten it, yet. She does get exposed to a lot of crap. Them kids.... Hope I'm not next. That is the tendency. first serious weather of the season for you east coast folks. Y'all be careful. Just 'cause you're used to it, doesn't lessen the danger... Like here... when it gets hot.
  17. was eyeballing them from here... glad to see they got a good home. congrats
  18. Me too. Not sure how much I was pushing the LS... but 1/2 volume [on a 65W/ch] is getting loud. Some music begs to be cranked up.
  19. Mornin' folks I got quite a compliment yesterday. My wife's secretary asked ME to cook something for her. People fly this woman around to cook for them. She regularly goes to HI and AK. Either some spaghetti or my "famous" [not my words] enchiladas. had to make two trips to the store this AM. Got everything but what I went for the 1st trip... tobacco got left behind. Was talking to the owner. Found out that not only do we have a guy in breach clout, but 2 guys that wear kilts. Was teasing that one of the other owners [Roger] was going to grow his hair and beard and start wearing a sarong when he retires. kittens are bouncing... Wish I could go that hard and sleep so well. I almost think the one has narcolepsy. When she gets tired, she sleeps where she is. a lot of times, in the middle of the floor.
  20. mine hears half of what I say and then argues my exact point .... I guess we agree, then.
  21. ...if so, he should be used to it by now.
  22. I don't even think about bicycles... except how I might be able to use those nice bearings and drive for something... like a little wind turbine
  23. go bowl a few games. If your one butt cheek isn't sore, you are in shape.
  24. about 3 strokes with a hand pump from flat... I did the same as "the kid" when I saw 60psi on car tires.
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