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Posts posted by glens

  1. Thank you!  I think we're going to need them.


    Now up to three confirmed cases in our semi-rural county as of yesterday.   Though tests were totally unavailable to those who wanted them at the start of the week. 


    A lot of the ostriches still have their head in the sand, it seems.

    • Like 3
  2. 1 hour ago, willland said:

    Nora and I had ...




    1 hour ago, willland said:

    Back to Nora and I and my RB-75's ...


    Oops, grammar police here: that one's "Nora and me" (as it should also be in the thread title).   Sorry, just one of my pet peeves!  But what do I know, I'm just a numbskull who participates in the Klipsch forums...

  3. Haha!  I guess I'm the simpleton who tried to tell him that re-clocking a digital signal while it's being transported over USB is useless since the data is being blasted in waves to a memory buffer where it sits un-clocked until the DAC pulls it out one word at a time at the rate of its own clock.  I guess I also missed my calling as a preacher...  Damn!


    A great many assumptions made from such a short exposure to the forum.  I'd say it has to be the result of improper ability to read only what's written.

  4. 2 hours ago, Alexander said:

    OK, figured out how to create a transformer in LT Splice and I think we would need to look at it as a step down since we are cutting voltage to the driver. Here is the YouTube video I followed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mzwuJ0y8vuw&t=253s


    I'm not saying I believe going to all that trouble is a waste of time in every case, but that in a loudspeaker crossover it is.  Please let us know in what way the included model drives any changes to any of the other components.

  5. 1 hour ago, pzannucci said:

    I use to hear the 17.5Hz from the tripler on CRT TV's, that would drive me nuts.


    For that reason I could tell if folks were home but just not answering the door when I was there to collect paper route money back in the day.  Now I hear a little something like that at all times, maybe not quite that high...

    • Like 1
  6. 2 hours ago, A1UC said:

    I take it your over 50 and like to save money ?


    Yep to the first part, and "what money?" 


    Save some money for retirement.  I haven't... it sneaks up on you faster than you think it possibly could.

    • Haha 1
  7. I don't get it...  I've got less than $3k in my entire system.  It's the most ever (even taking in devaluation of the dollar since the '70s) and I feel just a tad guilty for being even that extravagant.

  8. I'd guess the rotatable 1/4 pi is novel.


    What I'd like to know is how often is it dusted?  I'm thinkin' over 40 years, dust accumulation would affect the absorption abilities appreciably...


    Does Roy, or one of his lackeys, periodically hit the wedges with a shop vac?


    And do they cover the grating for measurement-taking?  'Cause that will surely affect the echoic behavior in the room.

  9. All you need to do is drive one speaker full-range, with them side-by-side playing the same signal, and compare the overall tonal balance to set the bi-amped differential gains.  Of course you can salt and pepper a bit to taste, but initially I'm sure you want to be comparing two apples.

  10. Re-clocking a signal transported over USB?  Special USB cables?  Methinks someone ought to investigate how things work.  Digital transport mechanisms ain't analog.  Some of the arguable(!) improvements available to analog transport, automatically transferred to digital just because it's "audio", is very uninformedly silly.  Though the description of the results doesn't surprise me in the least because that's what was expected, so it was realized.  


    This wasn't intended to be rude or critical.  At this point it's a cautionary plea to perform due diligence in study of the mechanisms prior to spending any more money on things which can't possibly do what's claimed of them.


    7 hours ago, Charles T said:

    It's less work the DAC has to deal with. 


    Ahem...  The DAC is doing exactly the same amount of work, passing the already-buffered data through it's mechanisms using its own clock to do so.  The data is there waiting in an unclocked state and it doesn't matter how near to any DC leads it's passed or whatever timing manipulations have (or have not, most likely) been uselessly performed on it along the way.  Seriously.

    • Like 1
  11. Well, I think that for rough-and-tumble qualities there's only the one choice, and for inert density there's only the one choice.  Too bad they're mutually exclusive in this case.


    Postscript:  dense plywood is hard on cutting tools, and dense particle board is hard on cutting tools.

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