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Everything posted by AndreG.

  1. Supergroup or what? George Harrison († 2001), Jeff Lynne, Roy Orbison († 1988), Tom Petty († 2017) and Bob Dylan
  2. History repeating, eh? 😄
  3. My curbside-find. It has a little campfire to it, but it´s not audible in most parts: https://www.discogs.com/release/1248137-Manfred-Manns-Earth-Band-Masque-Songs-And-Planets
  4. https://www.discogs.com/release/3120746-Eagles-Desperado
  5. AndreG.

    The Other Discs

  6. Washed a second time, touched up the cover in a few places: https://www.discogs.com/release/373176-Queen-Hot-Space
  7. Crown Lands... I really like all of their stuff, but in Europe you get two options: a) Can´t get it at all. b) Can get it - for lot´s of $$$... Sigh
  8. Mailman just came by:
  9. https://www.discogs.com/release/2483823-Deep-Purple-Fireball
  10. You guys do this too?
  11. No snow here, but lots of rain...
  12. "Curbside find" today Leaning to wall of the building next to my workplace, were several LPs. Most of them junk, but this one, I saved. Still have to wash it, the cover is a bit wilted, but altogether a good find I say.
  13. Who knows, maybe it was for the best and a better chance will come along. 😉
  14. AndreG.

    The Other Discs

  15. AndreG.

    The Other Discs

  16. https://www.discogs.com/release/17264467-TransAtlantic-The-Absolute-Universe-Forevermore-Extended-Version
  17. https://www.discogs.com/release/373176-Queen-Hot-Space
  18. https://www.discogs.com/release/966891-Rush-Caress-Of-Steel
  19. AndreG.

    The Other Discs

    Hehe, I was a little more than half a year old then...
  20. AndreG.

    The Other Discs

    I´m out, haha. 😄 Here Rush is spinning
  21. AndreG.

    The Other Discs

  22. AndreG.

    The Other Discs

  23. https://www.discogs.com/release/4678985-Deep-Purple-The-Book-Of-Taliesyn
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