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Everything posted by Cybernalt

  1. Well I took the plunge and bought the 1968 models off eBay for $2,500. Another set just went for $+2600, and so it seemed fair - both were in great shape, but I gotta admit I thought the '68's were prettier. Any advice on shipping them from CA to NC?
  2. Actually I am very interested in them - it seems a fair price (agree) - but I can't get the guy to talk to me about shipping from California to North Carolina ... perhaps Monday he'll respond.
  3. With the discovery of the False Wall trick - I have convinced myself - with a little help from ya'll - that k-horns are the way to go. I see several sets on eBay - but freight will add a couple hundred I'm sure. Assuming I can't find a nice used set locally (fat chance) - what is the going rate for a set of really-good condition units? Is there a big difference in the vintage?
  4. ---------------- On 12/8/2002 2:38:17 PM DALE WALKER wrote: Personally speaking I'd go with a set of Belles if corners are not going to work for you. ---------------- First, I hate loosing that whole octave from the Horns to the Belles, secondly, I see this as my only-ever opportunity to own a set of K-Horns. We have a real-cheap desk that is about the size of a K-Horn - I open the size-subject this morning by reminding her the "new speakers" were gonna be that big ... Today I again looked at the proposed room (house is being rebuilt after a fire, we've been living in in a tiny town house for 6 months). I think one needs to design the house around these beaut's. One alternative is to semi-build them in, I might get away with that if I can make it super attractive, but it will take some serious thought. Alternatively, I could build the false walls so adequately described above, and live with the grumbles - remember: she married me inspite of my unfinished birch Cornwalls. Another alternative is to put them downstairs (smaller room - 14 x 20 x 8'), where I could have them to myself, at least when the kids were not home, and we'll be empty nesters in a few years. Actually, "elsewhere" might be the best alternative ...
  5. I need a small favor: Can someone measure the actual top and backs-against-the-wall of their klipschorns? The top would be 5 dimensions, two identical with the other two. The "backs-against-the-wall" would be two dimensions, one of which is 52" I think. Thanks
  6. ... about the "low WAF" (wife acceptance factor) ... I had a set of Cornwalls - 1977 models in unfinished birch. She hated but put up with them ... and she has agreed to Belles as long as they are finished. I don't think she'd know the difference betweena Belle and a K-Horn ... as they are finished.
  7. Searching led me to .... http://forums.klipsch.com/idealbb/view.asp?topicID=14623&forumID=71&catID=19&search=1&searchstring=&sessionID={0AB8DA67-A8B1-4EBA-B9A3-7B067EC96BAF} It sem just sealing the backs off get you 90% there ... sounds too easy!
  8. I am looking for new speakers - home audio (me) with the side purpose of some theater (wife and kids). My room is very large - 36 long x 30 wide with 8 foot ceiling rising to 14 feet following the long axis. I'd like to install a pair of K-Horns, but due to door and window and wife constraints, I can only place them at about 1/3 intervals on the 30 foot wall, so imagine facing them from a couch roughly in the middle of the room with a dining area behind you and the K-Horns positioned - possible angled a bit - about 8 feet in from each side wall. I may need to build some sort 52" high wall to cover the one exposed side ... Am I asking for audio disapointment? Will these simply not really work well if they cannot be placed in a rigid and ideal corner?
  9. The short story is I lost my 1977 Cornwalls in a fire, and the insurance company will allow me to replace in kind, but since cornwalls are no longer made, I get to go up one step. I have therefore purchased - sound unheard - a pair of Belles. For HT - Everyone is recommending subwoofers, and large centers and side as well. I have two real problem - the second worse that the first. Easy Problem - I have limited funds, and cannot afford all the speakers needed. Am I better with a great pair of subs, or finding a smaller but quality set of side-fills and a center? Harder Problem - I'm married, and the wife will be a hard sell on large side-fill and a center speakers. The Room - is very large - 30 feet wide x 36 feet long with a tray ceiling from 8 to 15 feet and the couch positioned along the "short" wall about 12 feet from the screen and 15 feet triangular to the Belles. Any thoughts?
  10. ... So there is a concensus that Single-Ended Triode amps are a better match for Belles than a push-pull pentode?
  11. p.s.: Please forgive the typo's and grammer - I should have proof-read before posting!
  12. I have purchased - sound unheard - a pair of Belles. The short story is I lost my 1977 Cornwalls in a fire, and teh insurance companry would allow me to replace in kind, but since cornwalls are no longer made, i get to go up one step, and I trust Klpsch products. TWO QUESTIONS: For HT - I sense the recommendation will be for a sub woofer, apparently the Belles will need them for theater effects. What about side fills and center channel? The local guy says RC-7 and RS-7's, but what is the group concensus? FWIW, the room is very large - 30 feet wide x 36 feet long with a tray ceiling to 15 feet and the couch posistioned mid-short - about 12 feet from the screen and 15 feet triangular to the Belles. For 2-Channel - I have been warned that a Tube Amp is really needed for the Belles - that was my experience with the cornwalls too -sounded fine with LP's and solid state, but they never sounded right with CD's (too harsch). As a amature musician, I am all for tubes, but I know little about the audio amp being made - one suggestion was a ARC Classic 30 - any others?
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