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Posts posted by Moh

  1. The speakers are PSB image 1B . the tweeters are fried and I was going to replace the tweeters. They are 6 ohm speakers. Perhaps if the tweeter sound can interact,

    I should only replace tweeter on the top speakers and let only the woofer be active on the lower speaker? Would this also increase the Ohm of lower speaker (if I unplug it)

    and thus less risk to the amplifier?

    • Like 1
  2. I have attaches the pic of the room. It is a 30ft long by 15 ft.  Looks like the "eyes" is where the speakers are.  The straight line "mouth like" is where the couch is. There is a bay window on left side.

    Receiver is Yamaha Rx-V485.   Energy 10 inch sub is between TV stand and left speaker. The music us mostly from Youtube from telus TV box. The TV stand is between the 2 speakers . I have put Covid mask over the tweeter horn and it seems to have helped a bit and of course I have turned down trebble a bit.  




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  3. Can you stack 2 bookshelf speakers..one on top of other ..Thus 2 speakers on left side and 2 on right side to get a more filling sound. Each speaker Has tweeter on top of woofer.

    I play speakers at low volume so hopefully the receiver won't go into protection mode.  How best to wire the speakers (in series or parrallel) if it is a good idea.



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  4. When listening to music..does low frequency extention matter or only in movies.. Does content in music go down very low?

    That is.. when listening to music, does it matter much. In direct mode on yamaha, full signal is sent to speakers and none to sub and I like this mode.

    • Like 1
  5. PSB seems to give pretty clear vocals. But I noticed a slight difference in tonal characteristics.  I am wondering, If I am losing potentially better imaging .

    I am wondering if changing to a klipsch will make much difference or be worth it...These questions I know will not have clear answers unless someone has tried both these speakers but maybe someone has tried similar speakers. Can you combine "vailed" and "unvailed" or is this a NO..NO.

    • Like 1
  6. Is there any way to tell if PSB C8 would be a good centre channel match for klipsch RP5000F mains.

    Some speakers are "Vailed" and some "unvailed" and I wonder which category PSB C8  belongs to.

    Can you match "vailed" with "unvailed" or should not be mixed.


    • Like 1
  7. It appears to me that Klipsch RP5000Fb  has a better low frequency extension compared to other manufacturers that use similar sized drivers. How does Klipsh achieve this? 

    Is it the materials used, crossovers, horn tweeter or something else? Does it really make any difference when listening to music.





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  8. Speakers are often described as bright,forward  or laid back. Is the main difference the amount of treble . Can Bright/forward speakers be described as laid back if treble is turned down...or is there more to it (like sound stage etc.)

    • Like 1
  9. Yes,  I think the yamaha setup has something to do with this..The "direct mode"  makes a huge difference.  When I don't use direct mode, the tweeks helped. I think the big bay glass window next to the left speaker is also not helping. But in general, they are sounding pretty good..I just am just picky..I want to make them sound the best. Putting softer window covering might be good too.

    • Like 1
  10. I have RP500CB as centre channel

    Room has a bay window left to the sitting position and open to the right side of sitting position.

    overall room is a rectangle 15 X 30 ft

    Front speakers are 12 ft from sitting position and about 10 ft from each other.

    Speakers are straight not toed in or out.

    2.5 KHz (possibly harsh) = does that mean it should be increased or decreased to reduce harshness?




    • Like 1
  11.  noticed some bightness in vocals. Almost sounds a bit like a cartoon character singing (if that makes sense) sounds a bit nasal. The vocals don't sound deep. Especially female vocals.

    I have EQ setting on yamaha receiver. Is there any frequencies I should boost or reduce on the klipsh RP5000F 


    I have Eq sliders on yamaha receiver at following frequencies




    1 KHz

    2.5 KHz

    6.3 KHz

    16 KHz


    I also have Dynamic Range setting , Adaptive DRC , and Enhancer setting


    The odd thing is that I notice this bright/nasal characteristic when listening in stereo. The center channel seems somewhat better in this regard.

    • Like 1
  12. I noticed some bightness in vocals. Almost sounds a bit like a cartoon character singing (if that makes sense) sounds a bit nasal. The vocals don't sound deep. Especially female vocals.

    I have EQ setting on yamaha receiver. Is there any frequencies I should boost or reduce on the klipsh RP5000F 


    I have Eq sliders on yamaha receiver at following frequencies




    1 KHz

    2.5 KHz

    6.3 KHz

    16 KHz


    I also have Dynamic Range setting , Adaptive DRC , and Enhancer setting


    The odd thing is that I notice this when listening in stereo. The center channel seems better in this regard.


    • Like 1
  13. Klipsch is said to have some of the most efficient speakers. I play speakers at very low volumes thus my amp has plenty of power for my needs... Is there any other advantage to efficient speakers other than be able to play louder with limited power?



  14. There is a better way I figured to hold the head of the terminal pug to pull out. First I loosened the terminals and removed the jumper. Then I tightened by hand the terminal.

    It can now screw in an extra couple of mm (thickness of jumpers) . This makes the plug cap(as long as not broken)  stick out a couple of mm and makes a whole lot easier to grab and pull out.

  15. If the sub provides low frequencies then why buy speakers with large cabinet(floor stander) and drivers?  Would bookshelf and sub not be adequate in most medium rooms if it is being played at low volumes.  Do they image different or anything else?

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