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Posts posted by BLOOMIS914

  1. Colon-blow said---- "But brings up another question, one which perhaps will end this perpetual thread: who has been to, or in, any of the collapsed World Trade Center buildings?

    "Did the buildings shake? Do you experience any lower frequency hum? How was the sound?"


    Colin, You should regret ever starting this thread and each time you write/type I am amazed at your comments.

    Are you actually making light of 9/11 by your comments above??????????? I actually got sick to my stomach that you could find any remote stretch of humor or amusement about 9/11. I pray to GOD for people like you and I am appalled that you find it a source of amusement or the least bit funny.

    Your comments are beyond comprehension. Please enlighten us to your implied meaning.

    Cattleprod- You will need that Tae Kwon Do with that piehole of yours. I wish you luck in the future. READ MORE, STUDY MORE, and most importantly THINK before SPEAKING!

  2. Prodigass- "witch" in the context you used it above should be spelled WHICH. WITCH is the spelling for the lady with long black hair that rides the broom.

    Also, you asked if Forest "ailed" English.....Did you mean Failed? Or were you anticipating your next report card?

    Hit the books boy.

    I suppose if I punched you in the face five times, killed your innocent loved ones, family members and then said death to Canadians you all would also show your tolerant, liberal ways right??

    What's different with what they have done to the US?

    I guess I am being too tough on them, let's just see if we can rehabilitate these freaks.

  3. Rotorhead- You are not alone and you are in good company and are right to feel the way you do. Your alternative option would be to give them a big hug and tell them it is your fault for causing them to do it!

    Sad bunch here and not one from NYC!!!!!!!! I wonder how many NYC'ers other than Hillary thinks we should hug 'em!!!!!!!!!!

    Cattleprod- this 35 yr old will gladly meet you for a friendly boxing match and in fact we can do it on skates as I like to pound on my over the border hockey buddies!! Of course, I'm only 6' 3" 220lbs. so I will let you get a couple good shots in first ;-) How about City Arena in Detroit??

    But you have to throw the first three just to let me know your serious!! I don't take game misconducts for punk wannabe's.

    Prod, prod, prod.....You have a lot to learn.....

  4. Mlstrass(Mike) is right....After seeing his sub I did my homework on Adire Audio and I built a single Tempest 15" in the 214L Adire Alignment. The 15" Tempest cost me $165 delivered and the 250W plate amp was $119, $20 for ports, $6 for polyfill and about $40 in veneered 3/4" MDF, plus misc. T-nuts and fasteners for $10.

    Consensus agreement is Adire Audio's Tempest is the bang for the buck king of clean, low, high SPL woofers.

    I am amazed at what this beast can do......I can't imagine Dual Tempests in a single large enclosure like Mike's.

    My cabinet turned out beautiful and I even made the Adire audio webpage as building one the best DIY Tempest subs.

    The new Tumult is in another league/pricepoint totally. Get your 1000W amp and earplugs ready because the Tumult is a gut rumbler.

    Look out SVS there's a new king of the hill!!!

  5. Mobilehomeless-----....."culturally unaware"..???????"

    I guess we should turn our backs on all the ruthless, totalitarian dictators like Sodomy Hussein, right.

    This "leader" of Iraq Gassed the Kurds, set up rape camps for the Kuwait women/Iraqi soldiers and used bio-weapons on his own people........I guess we should all just stick our collective head in the sand like the French and you liberals. You don't hear Kuwait crying about us kicking Iraq's *** do you?

    I guess Osodomy Bin Laden, Al Qaeda, Iraq and other Islamic fundamentalist freak groups are "culturally aware" right???? That's why they killed over 3,000 innocent people at the WTC/NYC, the Pentagon etc...

    I suppose we brought that on ourselves right? The US is always going around and killing innocent people in mass numbers around the globe (not). Europe and the Mid-east are scary places right now since no one over there has the balls (except England) to "do what is right" and exterminate evil people like Hitler, Saddam and Slobodan Milosevic.

    When are people gonna wake up????? It might be your loved one next on the plane that is taken down by some terrorist group. Do you think if we leave those folks alone that they won't kill more innocent Americans and others abroad?? It is part of their fanatical religion to kill Christians, Americans and democratic people/societies.

    Let the bombing begin!!!! My prediction is Saturday 2/15 the skies will open up in "not my Bag-hdad baby".

    Mobile homeless should make a statement and join the murderer lover convoy on their way over to Iraq and play the role as human shield for them.

  6. LynnM Said......."WTO statistics show that the Canadian economy has out performed the US economy for the past 2 years (not that the Canadian economy has been anything to write home about in that time either)."

    LynnM- Please enlighten us with the specific details/facts about which portion of Canada's economy "out-performed" the US economy for the past 2 years.

    This ought to be good. I/we anxiously await your SPECIFIC answers. I don't even think Canada can out produce Beer against the US and I love Canadian beer.

    FACT: One of my US dollars in Detroit is worth $1.54CAN just over the border in Windsor, Ont.....Conversely, one Canadian dollar is worth about 66 cents in the US.

    FACT: The Canadian one dollar coin is called the Loonie

    Pop Quiz: What is the Canaian two dollar coin called???????????????????????????????????????

    "Twonee", pronounced two-knee.........No joke.

    Windsor, Ontario is turning into the Amersterdam of North America. TOTALLY NUDE DANCERS (This is a good thing btw), legalized prostitution (under the cover/label of "Escort services") gambling up the wazoo (just like Detroit)...the equivalent of additional taxes on the poor, and a bill that is being considered in Ontario/Canada to legalize marijuana use/possesion will push this city over the edge. Massive taxes GST/PST that total 15%!!!!!!!!!!!!!! on almost all purchases and that's after you pay your income tax there.

    Great Beer and Gentleman's clubs though......Oh I almost forgot you can buy Cuban cigars in Windsor Ontario (illegal in the US to posess or import) and they will also sell you the wrappers saying they are domincans so they are easy to smuggle over the border.

    After noting all the differences I love Canada......not to live there, but just a convenient place for dining, and entertainment and also a great place to buy Klipsch with the US dollar due to the exchange rate.

    Outperformed the US economy!!!???? Right (sarcasm).

  7. Nice one Cattle Prod------"Colin cancer".........Not that I would wish that on anyone but nonetheless an impressive play on words, given that you used to get very offended by others not getting screen names right.....

    I think you are maturing or you have a girlfriend now and blowing off some extra testosterone.

    One other song to Bomb 'em by:

    The End by The Doors............"This is the end,......

  8. ProDJ- Actually the joke is usually told by starting "a polish guy walks in to the hardware store...."

    Really, you couldn't cut any if you didn't start it???

    Maybe, THAT was the point of the joke......that some slow individuals or polish people might try and use the chain saw like a regular saw and cut wood manually with it. Man you are WAY TOO TENSE. Lighten up.

    I have nothing against the polish, insert your favorite ethnic group or friends name for good fun.

  9. A boy (Prodigy) walks into the small engine shop and tells the salesman he wants to buy the best chainsaw they have.

    The salesman proceeds to show him all the models and the young boy eyes the brand new Stihl with the 36" bar with oil injection, turbo-charged, nitro-methane burning dual exhaust. The salesman proceeds to tell him that this saw is capable of cutting 80 cords of wood per day.

    "I'll take it!"

    The boy goes home and the next day proceeds to cut only three cords of wood with his new saw. Exhausted, he calls the salesman and tells him he's not that impressed, that he only cut three cords of wood all day and that his hands are blistered, arms are sore and has never sweat so much. The salesman says "that's a little low for your first day but probably just because you needed a day to get used to the saw".

    The salesman tells him to give it a try again tomorrow and if by the end of the day he hasn't cut at least 50 cords of wood then bring the chainsaw back.

    Well, the next day and 8 hours later Prodigy brings the saw back to the store, hair a mess, hands blistered and bloodied and says this saw can't cut wood for SH#!!!! I worked all day and only cut 5 cords of wood.

    The salesman looks at the saw covered in saw dust, grabs it and then gives the cord a rip and the saw fires up in a cloud of 2-stroke smoke and fury. Just then Prodigy flinches, turns ducks and yells at the salesman...."WHAT THE HELL IS THAT NOISE!!!!!.


  10. TBrennan- Sounds great! I have been eyeing the new Mercury Marauder just because Ford is finally trying to go after the performance 4 door sedan market since GM stopped building the Impala SS. The best part about my Crown Vic is driving fast in the left lane at night.....Everyone moves over and QUICK! The new Mercury Marauder has got some muscle and would be a lot of fun for $30K or so.

    I am 34 and the boss insists I drive a conservative vehicle while calling on the Auto OEM's and Tier 1 suppliers.

    I can just imagine trying to convince my customers to buy my product if I pulled up in the BMW M5. YIKES!!

  11. Keith, nice out of context post.........Sounds like someone is a little jealous I got $850 for my KSP-S6's......Since you brought it up let's share the facts before you tell one-sided BS stories......

    I bought the particular pair you are referring to for MSRP at $750. I was NOT interested in selling but told the relentless buyer from this board that IF he made me an offer that I couldn't refuse I would consider. End of story. Subtract approx. $30.00 for shipping that I paid and my profit was about $70.00.....My conscience is clear and the buyer was elated to own these at a time when the new RS-7's didn't exist. He is still proud and says he wouldn't sell them because there is no better match for his Legends. SUPPLY & DEMAND...... Learn it Libbie

    So, one of two things are going on here, either you are jealous that the buyer found me before he found you and your S6's or you gave yours away because you needed another doobie. Either way, what was your point in bringing this up?

    I won't respond off topic in this thread again so feel free to spout off with anymore BS. BTW, I have two more pairs of Black KSP-S6's that are in use and in perfect condition. They are not for sale, but for you I will let them go for $1,000 per pair.

    Have a happy New Year!

  12. Keith before I voice my comment let me state for the record I have two Ford vehicles; a 2000 Crown Vic built at St. Thomas Assy in Canada and a 2000 Ford Expedition made at Michigan Truck about 5 miles from my house.

    That UAW sticker you love so much only adds about $800 to $1,100 per vehicle to the original price of the car, depending on Mfgr. The UAW has the some of the richest contracts/benefits/pensions an employee can find in the US today. Auto workers get some of the best health care insurance and retirement packages that any employers offer. I have no problem with Unions just think that it is just one reason we as American Mfg's are losing ground to ALL the transplants/rice burners here and abroad. Not too mention horrific quality problems at Ford....Just look at the Focus........8++ recalls in just a few years.

    Don't want to start another big debate but you brought up the Union pride thing and I am just offering my opinion.

    I think you and I had this dicussion earlier in a different thread about Vance, AL (DCX) and so on and so forth. Let's be civil and agree to disagree on this one.

  13. Ears- excellent response(s) to my specific question. That was the nerf toss for you and you hit it out of the park!!!

    Not too many "wishIhadsevensub" kinda guys would have been able to respond to my question that fast.

    Anyway, you have given me some excellent food for thought in my Theater. I just got done watching parts 1,2 and 3 of Band of Brothers and my new DIY Tempest just shakese the whole house. My wife came down twice and told me that it was shaking/vibrating everything two floors above and sounded like a heavy duty thunderstorm. I soundproofed my theater very well but let me tell you that there is no stopping bass from this beast.

    Anyway, Since the tempest I have my KSW-15 behind my first row of seating on my 2nd row riser against the left wall. My KSW-100 has been moved to the front left corner of my stage/proscenium and is running speaker level inputs from the center channel (KLF-C7). The Tempest tower of power is just to the right of the stage/proscenium and is set at its lowest setting 40Hz and about 12or 1 o'clock on the volume dial. It appears that my KSW-15 and KSW-100 have disappeared from the room since the new Tempest has arrived. I will be using some your suggestions regarding test tones and see if there is some cancellation going on. I assume when you said polarity, that you meant phase, right? Or are they the same thing?

    I may move the KSW-15 and KSW-100 back to my second HT on the main floor with my KLF-30's/C7 and KSP-S6's.

    Could I just bump the volume up 1 or 2 notches on the Tempest in my basement setup and relieve the KSW-15 and KSW-100 from their duties or do you think that I just need to spend some time tuning them to the room to match my center C7 and KSP-S6' rears.

    Thanks EAR!

  14. Ear- I am surprised that you have seven subs in one theater, since there have been many recent posts on how to hook up multiple subs in one system and you never responded. You should be the expert on this topic also. I currently am running three subs in my HT (KSW-15, KSW-100 and a DIY 214L Tempest 15").....Could you please provide details on how you are running them or have them hooked up? Are you using RCA/LFE splitters from your amp or are you using Speaker level inputs for all?

    Please share your preferred hookup.

  15. That's easy....The M5 just because it is a BMW!!!!!

    There is no competition to this vehicle that has 4 doors.

    Show me a finer performance sedan and I will insist that my wife let me trade up ;-)

    But if money is an issue than the new 745 is a pretty nice performance sedan with all the comfort of a Mercedes but A LOT MORE fun to drive. The 745 has a MS Windows XP operating system in it!!

  16. Shoe- I am surprised no one has mentioned DIY subs....I was a doubting thomas for a long time until I did all of my homework. I almost bought SVS Ultras but wanted to give it a shot. I built a 214L DIY Tempest from Adire Audio with a 250W plate Amp in a beautiful cabinet that is absolutely awesome in SPL, tightness and is tuned to 15.4 Hz..... If you have the space for a 22" x 22" x 37.5" tall box then you are a candidate. Mine was recently added to the Adire Audio website in their DIY gallery as one of their showcase subs.......My total investment was around $500 max. and build quality is gorgeous, like a piece of custom furniture.

    You can get the detailed blueprints at the Adire audio website or if you want e-mail me as I am building two more right now for friends. A close friend is doing all the custom cabinet work/building and I do all the speaker, amp, ports, stuffing and final assembly and we sell them.

    You can see my recent thread here in the subwoofer section regarding my project or e-mail me at bloomis914@aol.com.

    Give it a try, you won't regret it.


  17. OK, Let the class begin.

    I am sure if we raised minimum wage to $14.00 per hour we would eliminate all of the problems that we are talking about here right???!!!!

    In fact, why don't we just raise the minimum wage to $100,000 per year. This is the liberal solution to this/these types of problems.

    Ignorance must be bliss......What the hell happened to the concept that 99.5% of America works under that is called "employee at will"??? Quite simply the company pays the employee as long as the worker (in this case) has a pulse and shows up and the employee gets paid by showing up under his own free will.

    I worked at McDonalds at age 16 and I loved it....Lots of chicks at the mall, free food (if they only knew we gave the store away in the Drive-thru!!!!) But it was a mandate from several of our parents to learn what it is like to work in a sh*thouse. Great motivation it was to study hard and make sure I got good grades and went to college and didn't have to work there ever again.

    one concept.....Supply and Demand....Learn it.

    Don't penalize business owners to pay more to the deadbeats that could care less about your special order....Let the owners reward those employees that strive to do a good job!! Do you think managers and owners want the good, hard workers to leave? That is why they will see that they are paid accordingly based on fair market value....ooops!...that's another economic term that many here probably resent and or choose to ignore.

    Gotta go, Krispy Kreme is calling and their service is top notch, they give free donuts to everyone waiting in line during busy times. Now that's service!!

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