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Gordon Groff

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Everything posted by Gordon Groff

  1. Hey, HornEd!!! Welcome back! Good to see you posting again!! I don't know beans about VHS to DVD dubbing, but just wanted to say "Hi!" from Sweet Nancy and I. Gordon
  2. ---------------- On 3/26/2003 9:19:19 PM mattbugz wrote: I have RB3's complementing my RF5 mains. IMHO, the bookshelves sound much better than the RS3's as surrounds. I didn't care much for the wider ambiance. I'm glad you're so patient. I read the news release about the upcoming models, but I couldn't wait. ---------------- Thanks Matt@ I am in total agreement w/you about the side surrounds. I WANT the directionality that direct radiator monopole speakers give. I know that dipoles are supposed to help envelope w/non-directional sound, but I can't imagine designing and locating a speaker specifically so a NULL zone points to your ears! I want to clearly hear the jet flying overhead from left to right, not kinda all around me. I think theater sound has been mixed for multiple direct radiators pointing toward the audience. I want that too. FWIW Gordon
  3. Count me in for 3 pair at that price too, Mmiles!! Gordon
  4. ---------------- On 3/25/2003 6:19:53 PM Bill H. wrote: Gordon, and all- FYI please be Very careful with sales that are going to be popping up on ebay for the RB 75's. There is one unauthorized person rpatton1@nc.rr.com claiming he will have some! He is a scam artist! Buyer beware!! ---------------- Good caution, Bill. Yes, I am VERY careful w/ebay and other 'net transactions and have not been burnt (yet). I have been in contact w/Klipsch and believe I reported the late April availablility of the RB75's to the Forum some weeks ago. No surprises so far. Gordon
  5. Ok, Give it up Avman! I need to know HOW you know, WHO you know and exactly WHEN these babies can come to live with me!! Gordon
  6. Thanks guys! Now, if I can just wait long enough for the RB-75's to come out for my fronts, I'll grab 2 pair RB-5's for sides and rears and have a Killer Klipsch Home theater!! Gordon Mr. Impatient
  7. Hi guys! I've had a reality check for my HT. I cannot fit RF-7's up front and need to go with a bookshelf, so am anxiously awaiting the new RB-75's to see if they are at all similar to the RF-7's as claimed. Probably RC-7 for the center. Anyway, part of my reality check is financial, so I am considering RB5II's or even maybe RB3's for my sides and rears (I don't want a dipolar array- don't care for non-directional sound). Any comments on their suitability for this? Thanks! Gordon
  8. I'm hanging on for the new RB-75's. A thread I started earlier (RB-75's - When?) was replied from an administrator that they should hit dealers shelves late April. I'm going to check again end of April to see if they're still on that time track. Gordon
  9. Great news, Scott! Say "Hi" to him from me if you would. Gordon
  10. After reading a bunch of stuff over at AVS, I got a Panasonic RP-82 from ebay at almost twice the MSRP (was a $200 unit in stores). They are no longer in production, so most US dealers don't have them any more. They're supposedly the hot ticket, that's why their price is going UP rather than down. I don't have any significant experience w/it as I don't have my HT put together yet! So take this FWIW. Gordon
  11. Hey Mike, Could you or someone organizing this post details, like maybe, .....dates? Sounds like a great idea!! Gordon
  12. ---------------- On 3/6/2003 3:12:02 PM Frzninvt wrote: If height is the only issue not width, why not go with a Forte/Forte II main speaker you will surely not be disappointed. However, unfortunately they would have to be purchased used. Then you would have to match them with other Klispch speakers of equal timbre which should not be to big a problem. I'm sorry I like the Classic and Heritage series over anything currently being produced. ---------------- Alas, I've got height AND width problems on the right-hand side of the screen. There's a half-wall (34" to top) that is 4" inside of the top half of the wall (below-grade part of the room). Between the lower wall and the edge of the screen is only 7". Above that I've got 11" clearance, so whatever speaker I end up with will have to sit on a 34" high shelf. My screen image will start at 29" and go up to 81". If I put a 45" RF-7 on top of the 34" ledge, the horn would be close to 80" and would require a ridiculous tilt to aim it at the desired sweet spot that is 11' away. So.... I'm looking for alternatives that will fit between the upper wall and the screen (11") and not put the tweeter/horn much more than 20" higher than the surface it's setting on (approx. midpoint of image). A bookshelf speaker would do that, but I have not really looked at them seriously yet. We don't want to set anything on the floor in front of the screen. Trying to keep a clean appearance. I know we LOVE the RF-7. The RB-75's are not coming out until the end of April. Are the RB-5II's worth considering??? Gordon Gordon
  13. I'm dying here!!! I just got the screen hung and the drywall done for my HT and ended up with not enough room for the RF-7 fronts that I was going to use. My wife and I fell in LOVE with the Klipsch sound, but I find myself forced to look at other speakers (Onix Rockets are a possible fit). This is killing me as I think we're truly Klipscheads based on our speaker auditions. I also have a hard time settling for anything less than the "flagship" model of a line of speakers, considering all the work and expense that is going into this project. Will the RB-75's truly have a sound comparable with the RF-7's? I find that hard to believe given the relative sizes, but WANT to believe - IF I can get 3 pair for my 7.1 system (and a RC-7)......soon..... HELP!! Gordon
  14. Not knowing the underlying business decisions that drive decisions like this, I surely can't comment on it, but I DO know that I would never have been turned into a Klipsch fan w/o the opportunity I had at my local Tweeters where we auditioned RF-7's head-to-head with some much pricier speakers. I hope the new Klpsch distribution channels will not drop out this opportunity to showcase your products in any major (or minor) markets. Best wishes, Gordon
  15. ---------------- On 2/7/2003 4:35:03 PM BobG wrote: RB-75s will start appearing at Klipsch dealers in late April, depending on when they place their order for the product. 20" H 9.25" W 12" D ---------------- Thanks, Bob! That's the information I needed! It's a little later than would suit me, but I appreciate the information! Gordon
  16. I am VERY interested for RB-75's for my rears and surrounds for my HT. Anyone have a line on WHEN they will be available or WHAT the specs are? (size, etc). There's a great photo of it in the gallery and a press release in the news section. Nothing anywhere else that I could see. I will be buying all my Klipsch speakers in mid-march and want this one to be on my short list!!! Gordon
  17. My intended is an SVS Ultra w/my own amp. One question - how well does this integrate w/the rest of the system? I would have lose my WAF real quick if I get too much or boomy bass happening. Gordon
  18. ---------------- On 2/6/2003 2:16:35 PM redtop wrote: Well HornED fans, I got it done. Converted the KG3.5 Floorstanding to a center. Picture attached.... I am VERY pleased with the results and would recommend it to anyone with an interest in a "seamless" sound across the front of your HT. To my ear it really added a lot of detail and made the "sweet spot" much larger. It is well worth the effort! Kudos to HornED who encouraged this project and offered patient support to me, a newbie to speaker re-construction. And thanks to all who answered my questions as I approached this project with fear and trepidation.... How's that song go? "Heaven, I'm in Heaven......." Brad ---------------- FanTasTic, Brad!!!!! After following the threads on this, my intentions are to HornEd an RF-7. The logic for this seems sound, and with a guy like HornEd advocating it, what could go wrong? Glad to see how nice your conversion looked and hear how great it sounds! Gordon HonrnEd center wannabee
  19. Arnold S. from Total Recall: "Consider this a divorce." Gordon
  20. Good answer arrto! For most practical purposes for most of us (myself included), the volume control on your preamp could indicate 1-10 instead of being rated in dB for all the difference it would make. I love the idea, though, of adjusting the power amps to a comfortable listening level w/the preamp at 0dB. That should (theoretically, depending on, well, lots of stuff!) give the best sound. If you can control your power amp output seperately, playing with relavtive levels is a very cool idea! Gordon
  21. ---------------- On 2/5/2003 4:58:46 PM artto wrote: Some food for thought Gordon....... The power amp will ruthlessly amplify everything that came before it, including noise, hum & distortion. I realize many folks think their power amp sounds best wide-open. However, this usually results in an inferior signal to noise ratio as any noise from the preamp (& pre-preamp: ie: moving coil phono pickup) & sources, will be amplified along with the music signal. In my case, my power amps seem to like running with the gain control half way up (12 o'clock) so I've opted to leave the gain controls intact instead of removing them as many audiophiles do. Audio Research SP6C preamp Luxman MB3045 power amps ---------------- Right on! Unfortunately, many power amps (my two Hafflers for instance) do not have any gain controls and neither do the power amps in integrated recievers (I have NO idea how they work anyway - sharing loads across channels??? freaky!) I run my self-powered near-field monitors at about 1/2 too. Gordon
  22. In the digital recording world, 0 dB represents "full scale", in other words, all the bits are full. It's the loudest you can get. Any level recorded over this causes "clipping" - that produces a very nasty sound. When audio is mastered, engineers take the peaks (loudest parts) up close to 0 dB (-.3 is a good "max"). Music that seems louder than other music is usually "compressed" by lowering the peaks and then raising everything closer to 0 dB. This reduces dynamics and is used sparingly, if at all, with classical piano or orchestral music. For radio, most music is squashed pretty hard so you don't have much volume change throughout a song. In the good old days of analog recording, the engineer could go over 0dB and cause tape saturation, which was sometimes a good sound. I'm a little fuzzy on how this relates to amp outputs, but arrto has it nailed pretty good - 0dB represents Unity Gain, which is no attenuation or amplification of the signal. That's the Holy Grail level of sound engineers - to keep everything at unity gain through all the mic preamps, compressors, eq's, etc. in their input chain up to the recording or output device. I suppose technically, if you could adjust the gain of your power amp, the cleanest signal would be with your preamp volume control set at 0dB. This is not how it works though. Power amps like to be let full open and the preamp attenuates the signal to control the volume. I guess I'm rambling. What was the question again? Gordon
  23. ---------------- On 2/3/2003 9:55:25 PM avman wrote: (snip) i have so much to ask and offer, yet i can no longer ask or answer ?'s there. btw-this is the place i call HOME avman. ---------------- Hey Avman! Sorry I did not get back sooner on this, but I've got a LOT of questions for my HT outside of the Klpsch end (I'm already a Klipsch believer, even though I don't actually OWN any yet!). It would be cool to start a section here on the forum for "other" HT stuff, like screens, projectors, RPTV's, etc. Anyway I'm right now trying to get a screen for my HT and am going to go with a Sony VPL HS-10 PJ. They had a great shootout thread over on AVS where they had a bunch of the latest <$3K projectors all in one place and had a chance to compare 'em. I realized late in the game too, that AVS is basically a storefront (as has been said), so I suppose since they're footing the bills, they have the right to set the rules. Free world and all that. I still think it's a great resource for Newbies like myself to tap into lots of folks experiences. It's got a HUGE subscription base! Think you could resub over there if you wanted to? It's good to see you here, though! FWIW, I appreciate hanging in this forum more than there too (this is a great group here!!), but a lot of HT subjects are dealt with in greater detail there. Gordon
  24. ---------------- On 2/2/2003 10:40:52 PM NotSoHorny wrote: Gordon, I agree with BigWally. I think you'll like the Klipsch sound more than the Rockets if you preferred them to those other brands you auditioned. However, you can't go wrong by using www.audioenvy.com to see if there happens to be someone in your neck of the woods who owns a pair of the Rockets. --My real name is Steve ---------------- Hi Steve (the Notsohorny w/the lady's picture threw me at first) I checked audioenvy and no one is closer than about 90 miles. Still a possibility, but not sure I could talk myself (and wife) into a long day-trip for it. I still submitted to the two that showed up in that range. I am agreeing with what all you guys are saying and assume that the Rockets, while good, maybe great, produce similar fare to other high-end "conventionally voiced" speakers. That Klipsch detail has my tongue hanging out! Gordon
  25. ---------------- On 2/2/2003 10:24:09 PM m00n wrote: m00n loves his InFocus LS110 m00n hates the fact that his theater is all friggen torn appart right now ---------------- Hi Moon, I'll check out the Infocus 110. I envy your RF-7 system! I hope to be like you someday. Gordon
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