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Gordon Groff

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  1. I picked up on HornEd's innovation and stacked my Ultras too! Didn't invert them, so it's probably not as good as his solution, but it looks VERY cool, has no phase issues and I get all the bass I could ever want (never thought I would say that!) Some photos and "how to" here: http://www.sweetnancy.com/stackingultras.htm FWIW, Gordon
  2. ---------------- On 2/16/2004 9:20:03 AM HornEd wrote: Oh, yes, Gordon, I must second your choice of the K2 to fuel the stacked Ultras. The pro-sound system that I have installed for indoor and outdoor dances/concerts have pushed me further into the pro-amp ranks. I appreciated your detailed photos on how you brought up the bass for Sweet Nancy and you. ---------------- Thanks! In your abscence, I figgered this out all by myself (pat on back) I'm a firm believer in over-amping subs. The Samson S1000 that SVS recommended for my pair of Ultras just did not make it for me. I had experience with overamping my single Ultra before going with duallies and actually felt I LOST something compared to my single until I upgraded to the Crown K2. Unfortulately, Sweet Nancy is not quite as enamored with my Subs.... ("Turn those things down! They make my ears rattle! ") That Crown is a NICE amp. Gordon
  3. FanTasTic, HornEd!! Thanks so much for posting. Really enjoy hearing from you even if I don't hang out in this forum as much as I used to. I stole one of your ideas and stacked a pair of SVS Ultra subs in my HT. Heres the photos: http://www.sweetnancy.com/stackingultras.htm Didn't invert one, but did co-locate 'em. A very cool solution for footprint and phase issues. Thanks for the idea! Anyway, Great to hear you're still kicking and that you've found LOVE. That's what makes the kicking worthwhile, someone to share it with. I don't know if your resort is open to the public, but it sounds like a slice of heaven and a place I would LOVE to take Sweet Nancy to someday. Best Wishes, Gordon
  4. ---------------- On 7/20/2003 8:28:29 AM JewishAMerPrince wrote: I think that there has been one very big point that almost everyone has missed. If we were to compare their current best, an RS750, with our current best, an RF7 it would take 10 times the power to get the same dynamics out of the Rockets as we can out of the RFs. Jerry Rappaport ---------------- Excellent point, Jerry! Big advantage to Klipsch on this factor. I too am a huge fan of amplifier headroom to open up a speaker's performance. This factor alone was my biggest stumbling block when I was deciding between Klipsch and Rocket. I'm running my RS750 mains with a Haffler 140w/ch (@8 ohm For the 6 ohm rockets, it's a bit more)power amp instead of my Denon 3803 (supposedly 110w/ch x7). I have no problems getting all the volume I could need or want and don't hear any straining, but I agree that that is not the whole picture. I would not mind running 200+ to them if I had it. Overamping brings out the best in a speaker and that's a lot easier to achieve with the Klipsch line than the Rockets. Someday, I would love to put a RF-7 series (perhaps the RF-75's) up in my room to hear them, but with no dealers nearby since Tweeters lost Klipsch, I can't really see a way to make a shootout like that happen. Gordon
  5. ---------------- On 7/18/2003 11:02:57 PM TheEAR wrote: Gordon, Ok you are one of the few non newbs. Damn dont you see I was being my sarcastic self.Damn have a sense of humor Soon Swan will be renamed Gorilla and feature four Tumult woofers per tower! ---------------- Hey, No Prob, Ear! Your recent post didn't bother me at all. I guess sometimes the cheap shots get under my skin a bit. You're 100% right about not losing my sense of humor!! Got too serious in my last post. My prior one (pointedly sarcastic) was more my style too. Gordon Just Visiting
  6. ---------------- On 7/18/2003 7:48:07 PM bruinsrme wrote: Gordon the things found on the different forum is laughable. It is all a matter of opinion. How is the set up? Did I read you made the pluge for the second ultra? Scott ---------------- Hi Scott! No problem. Psychoacoustics are an amazing thing. It is absolutely true that to someone who's ears are tuned to the Klipsch sound the Rockets will sound "dull". No fault. No error. The inverse is also true, which leads to some of the derogatory comments about Klipsch, which I feel are amazingly detailed and provide the best imaging that I have heard. I can understand the concern that Onix is capitalizing on this phenom like many "high-end" cable manufacturers. Ain't so, though. They are for real and the Rocket sound is great for HT IMO. I'm loving my setup. Have hosted a number of demos here with significant "wow" factor. My dual SVS Ultras have put me into the official "subwoofer overkill" catagory. Photos here: http://www.sweetnancy.com/hometheater.htm Peace! Gordon
  7. Yeah! Those Rocket owners are all a bunch of easily-swayed, mostly deaf Newbies who fell prey to the clever internet marketing scam perpetrated by the folks at Onix who are piling up the money they are saving by not using dealers. Hahahaha!!! I hope y'all recognize how ridiculous this kind of "stuff" is and how it makes y'all look! Get a grip already. Gordon Recording Engineer Klipsch Lover Full 7 Channel Rocket HT Owner
  8. There's another option out there that may be worth considering. Vinc is selling a DVD player for $200 that has DVI output - the Bravo D1. If your projector has a DVI input, you'll get a HTPC-class image w/o the HTPC! There are some threads about it over at AVS. Search for "Bravo D1" I recently went to that with my PLV-70 PJ and found out what all the HTPC folks have been crowing about. Incredible improvement in PQ. Yes. Do it one way or the other. IMO. Gordon
  9. Built my own fairly simple shelf system for my HT components. Worked out pretty nicely. Picture about 2/3 down this page: http://www.sweetnancy.com/hometheater.htm Gordon
  10. Hi y'all! Yeah, I'm the Klipschead wannabe that ended up with a Rocket setup for form fit reasons more than anything else. I really loved the "forward" Klipsch sound in auditions at Tweeters, but the RB-75 was not ready in time and I could not fit an RF-7 in my space, so I pulled the trigger on a full 7.1 system with Rockets and SVS Ultra sub. Pictures here: http://www.sweetnancy.com/hometheater.htm Anyway, I love the Rocket sound for my HT. They are truly wonderful speakers with a form and finish better than any I've seen anywhere. I've posted raves at some other forums, but if it comes up, I am careful to say that I have not had the chance to A/B them with my other favorite - Klipsch - in my room with my system. They are a very different sound, as others have indicated, but it works incredibly well with HT. 2 hours at the wife-banishing and dog-cowering levels that suit some flicks (like xXx or We Were Soldiers) are an incredible, immersive experience with no lingering afteraffects to my ears. As happy as I am with the Rockets, I can't help but wonder what a Klipsch system would sound like in my room. If I ever get a chance to A/B them properly, I will. Gordon Loves Rocket and Klipsch How conflicted is that?
  11. Hey HornEd! It's GREAT to hear you're still pushing the dB's! I don't hang around here as much as I did since going a different direction for my HT sound, but I like to stop by and say "Hi" once and a while. So, "Hi" back at you! Gordon
  12. Sounds like a great setup, Mr. Ear! All I really know is that we loved the Klipsch sound at Tweeters and I would LOVE to audition Klipsch in my own HT room 'cause that's really the only way I would know how they sound compared to my Rocket system. I'm not familiar at all with Dynaudio (or any other really good speaker options, for that matter). I just have the interest in the RB-75's because if they had been out 1 month earlier, I might have a Klipsch-based system instead of the Rocket system I've got now. I know that we LOVE the Rockets, but still would like to do a shootout with Klipsch to see what's what between the two. Probably never get that chance. Bugs me!! Gordon
  13. ---------------- On 5/2/2003 1:43:49 PM skonopa wrote: I thought you guys got the Onyx Rockets. Did the speakers arrive? I was just curious as to what you thought about them. ---------------- I like 'em ... a LOT! Some photos of them and my HT here: http://www.sweetnancy.com/hometheater.htm I would KILL to be able to throw up a pair of RB-75's to do a real comparison. As much as I've come to love the Rocket's, I often wonder what the Klipsch sound would be like in my HT, but it would be unfair to any retailer to pretend to buy them just to do a shootout. Besides, I don't know of ANY retailers for the RF line now that Tweeters is out. Gordon
  14. Bump! I noticed an ad in Home Theater Builder mag that showed the RB-75's shown. I thought I'd swing by here and see if there's any buzz about them. Wassup??? Gordon
  15. ---------------- On 4/27/2003 6:43:55 AM bruinsrme wrote: I have decided to keep the klipsch for now and make some changes to the HT. The receiver and dvd player are not going anywhere but I am making some structual changes and someone mentioned cables. so any/all recommendations to help control the brightness are welcomed.(as long as they do not include dumping the receiver or dvd palyer.) thank you for your support. Scott ---------------- Cool stuff, Scott! I would love it if we could hear each other's systems and compare notes. We seem to be on a similar journey, with different routes. I can't keep up with you in the sub dept., though! Gordon Measly Single Ultra Owner
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