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stand solutions for synergy s3s and maybe even c3


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I'm trying to avoid hanging my s3s from a wall. I'd really like to use stands instead. Reading dolbys surround setup guide it sounds as though the back surrounds and side surrounds don't need to be too high, just above ear level. I'm really open to any thing. I have a good amount of room behind my seating area (this is just a living room setup). The back wall is about 8 feet behind my couch and there is a coat closet that takes up most of the wall, and I'm not sure if there is enough head room above the closet to hang the back surrounds. To the left of the seating area is a huge freaking window, which prohibits installing a surround on that wall. And to the right, is a walk way and an opening to our dining room. With that in mind, i'm thinking stands are the way to go, running the wire under the house and then up into our entry way divider and having an outlet their from which I can hook the surrounds into. Now I just need to find some stands.

I'm considering putting my c3 under my tv. I have an old school projection tv, sony kds xbr2, on a stand, There are two shelves on the the stand that may accomodate the speaker. However, I've read it may be better to have the speaker on a seperate, higher stand in front of the tv. I'm not sure if I would like that extra stand in front of the tv or not. Could someone comment on the improvement that may make. I know if I put the c3 on the shelf in the tv stand it would be about 20 inches below the speakers on the f3s.

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I'd be more inclined to look at stands that let the S3 sit on top of a small platform. Although, your S3s probably have some sort of wall-mount setup in the back of them so a stand that accomodates connecting them to the wall-mount part would work fine as long as its rated for at least the weight of the speaker.

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