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KLF30s vs. Chorus IIs


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I have heard klf30s and own klf20s and love them both. I have a chance to pick up either a set of nice klf30s or a pair of Chorus IIs. They will be used mainly for home theatre use and some music. I've never heard the chorus IIs and wanted to get some input from people that have actually heard them. Which do you prefer? The KLF30s or Chorus IIs? Thanks

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never compared the two so I can't say. Two 12's will however push more air than a single 15 will. The KLF30 has a poly tweeter diaphragm which is a very poor sounding diaphragm, if you want to keep the top end the same as a Chouus ll then install phenolic tweeter diaphragms in the KLF30, if you want them to sound their best (Chorus ll or KLF30) install Crites Titanium tweeter diaphragms. You cannot compare any speaker with Poly tweeters to anything else they will limit the experience and anything else sounds better than the poly. Same for the KLF20, they also come with poly tweeters stock. Best regards Moray James.

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Thanks Stormin and rivernuggets for those helpfull links. I think I'm gonna pull the trigger on the Chorus IIs and give em a try. My next question is on the center channel. Will my KLF C-7 be the best match for the Chorus IIs? It sounds great right now and timbre matches my KLF 20s. I don't wanna loose the proper timbre so if the C-7 is the best match then I'll keep it otherwise I'll have to make the move for the proper center channel. Thank you guys for all your help.

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Thanks Stormin and rivernuggets for those helpfull links. I think I'm gonna pull the trigger on the Chorus IIs and give em a try. My next question is on the center channel. Will my KLF C-7 be the best match for the Chorus IIs? It sounds great right now and timbre matches my KLF 20s. I don't wanna loose the proper timbre so if the C-7 is the best match then I'll keep it otherwise I'll have to make the move for the proper center channel. Thank you guys for all your help.

If you already own KLF 20's and a KLF C-7 and are looking to match up your home theater I would buy the KLF 30's if I was you.

Then I would buy the Chorus II's for my 2 channel only room and enjoy both systems[Y]

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I agree with Stormin. The mid horns in the KLF 30 are the same as in the KLF20 and your existing centre was designed to timbre match those horns as well as to match their dispersion. short of using identical speakers all the way around this would be as fine a match as is possible. The horn in the KLF20/30 is a better horn than the one used in the Chorus ll. I say this because the horn in the KLF20/30 is used as a tweeter and can be run right out to 20 KHz. and maintaim its pattern control the mids horn in the Chorus ll cannot. If you use the Chorus ll keep the horn heights the same for all the speakers in the surround set up. Best regards Moray James.

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The horn in the KLF20/30 is a better horn than the one used in the Chorus ll. I say this because the horn in the KLF20/30 is used as a tweeter and can be run right out to 20 KHz. and maintaim its pattern control the mids horn in the Chorus ll cannot.

Well that explains why the mid horn of the Chorus II is so much smoother.[;)]

Don't get me wrong KLF 30's are very nice speakers and can do alot of things great but I only place them so high up the totem pole.

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The tweeter in the KLF20/30 is a K79 same tweeter as in the Chorus and the Chorus ll. I was referring to the mid horn of the KLF20/30 and the fact that it can be used right out to 20 KHz. while the horn in the Chorus is a mid horn only, but it is a good horn doing that job.. Changing out the tweeter diaphragms makes an astounding difference. Best regards Moray James.

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I have already replaced the klf20s and C-7 with all crites titanium tweeter upgrades. Was mainly looking to make a move to a warmer sound. The klf20s can be a little bright and piercing for my liking. Was thinkin the chorus IIs would have a bigger warmer sound. The KLF30s I'm lookin at already have crites upgrades in them as well. But if the 30s are gonna be my best match then I might go that route. Hmmmm what to do.....

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given that the tweeters in you KLF20 or 30 are the same tweeters as in a Chorus or a Chorus ll why would one sound brighter than the other? My expectation would be that they would sound the same. The mid horns do sound a little different but not a lot, the biggest difference I found is in the different size woofers. There personal preference will come into play with people liking what they like best. You best bet is really to just buy a set of each and live with both and decide which you like best. Selling off the set you don't like won't be hard as they are both very popular speakers.I would throw my vote toward matching up the mid horns and that wuld be to go with the KLF30. Keep all the horns at the same physical height helps also. You have to be the one to decide. No reason you can't have some fun doing that. Best regards Moray James.

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