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An Easy Method to determine crossover setting with Bass Mangement


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I seen an article which has general guideline for selecting the right xo for systems using bass management.

Determining The Crossover Setting(s) to Use

Several factors need to be taken into consideration when determining the
crossover setting. You need to know both the frequency range of the
speakers and that of the subwoofer in order to determine the acceptable
range of frequencies you can use for the settings. If you buy a speaker
package, guidance on what settings to use will more than likely be
outlined within the documentation that accompanied the speaker package.
In other instances, the following rules apply. The highest frequency a
subwoofer is capable of handling is the highest frequency you should use
for the crossover settings. The lowest frequency a speaker is able to
handle is the lowest you should set its crossover to.


Subwoofer frequency range: 20-130Hz

Centre speaker frequency range: 70-20,000Hz

Therefore the acceptable crossover settings range for the centre speaker would be: 70-130Hz

This means you can use a setting of 70, 80, 90 etc., up to 130Hz for the
centre speaker. If you use settings above or below the acceptable range
then frequencies outside of the acceptable range will be lost and not
reproduced by either the subwoofer or the associated speaker.


Subwoofer frequency range: 35-120Hz

Rear speakers frequency range: 120-18,000Hz

Therefore the acceptable crossover setting would be: 120Hz

The above example gives no leeway for adjustment and a setting of 120Hz must be used for the rear speakers.


Subwoofer frequency range: 24-175Hz

Front floorstanders frequency range: 48-20,000Hz

Centre speaker frequency range: 75-20,000Hz

Rear speakers frequency range: 68-20,000Hz

Therefore the acceptable crossover setting ranges would be:

Front floorstanders frequency range: 50-170Hz

Centre speaker frequency range: 80-170Hz

Rear speakers frequency range: 70-170Hz

Some of the potential settings for the above example could be 70Hz for
the front speakers, 100Hz for the centre and 80Hz for the rears.

When you know what the acceptable crossover range is, there is no
optimum setting that suites all situations and listening tastes. It is
up to the individual to determine which setting best accommodates their
listening environment and tastes. As far as the settings go, one
person's nirvana may be another's hell on earth.


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You are welcome. I thought this article made a lot of sense with some solid reasoning behind it. It does make the xo decision a lot easier.Smile

It is easier to grasp when it is written out. I forgot I can't set individual speaker xo points on my Oppo. I can only set it where the sub can take over from the rest of my speakers. So it is set at 80Hz.

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