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turn table question


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Hi all,

Got a harmon kardon t40 table, grado cartridge mm, Musical Fidelity a300 int. amp., rf3II. My problem is the higher frequencies have a distorted megaphony sound to them. What would be recommended in order to rectify this problem. the table has been adjusted & calibrated profesionally the phono stage is the one out of the amp.

Thankx all

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Why do you think that it is the source that is at fault? Do you have a Cd player or other source? Does it suffer from the same problem?

I must say that from the description of your problem is sounds more like a room issue than a source issue - but I could be wrong.

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Maybe I should have been more detailed in my post. I was pointing toward the tt. My other sources have no problem with this characteristic in sound, only the tt. I was thinking maybe the stylus. With the lack of response I received from this post it sounds like it may be a rare and isolated problem. Hell, maybe its related to the quality of the table. As I say in my business - TO MANY MAYBE'S, not good.


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Sounds like resonance getting to your Needle/Table. Do you listen with the dust cover shut ? Try it open or put something that weighs about a 1/2 pound on the dust cover to keep it from vibrating (I use a Crown Royal bag filled with sand). But have started to leave the cover open its seems to sound better.

The next step is to make sure the talbe itself is Isolated. As you turn the volume up lightly keep the tipps of you figues on the table can you feel vibration ? Do whatever it take to get rid of all of this you can.

Good Luck


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I always play with the cover open.

If you do not have the Hi-Fi News Record Review test record, I highly recommend you get one. Just because someone calibrated your table, doesn't mean it was done right. Like Craig, it sounds like you are getting some feedback or distortion from somewhere.

Is the table securely isolated? Does it have a floating chassis with adjustable shock absorber feet? Make sure the pins from the cartridge are secure in the headshell. Also, if it has a removable stylus, make sure it is pushed all the way into the cartridge. Make sure it's grounded properly, as well as the patch cords being snug in the phono stage. If all of that is correct, I would call the dealer...


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