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Receiver to go with RB-35's?

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Hey, just ordered some RB-35's and need a receiver. I only plan on using 2 speakers and a sub, no surround for the next 5 years at least. The RB-35's are 125watts what would be a good receiver? Does the receiver have to have 125w output or would 100w be ok? I was looking at this one, is this any good?




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First off look at Denon. go ahead and get the surround sound one...add the speakers later.. Yes on the 100 watts per channel.. Heck 50 would do most people..80%. Remember Klipsch are very efficient... and to get a 3db gain in hearing..(where most agree they hear a little bit louder difference....) you need to double the power... so a 50 watt amp witll practically sound like the 100 trust me. The real thing is to get a good CLEAN amp say 50- 125 watts . And Below...

FYI...Be sure your getting the NEW RB 35's, front ported, and a warning to those looking on ebay.. seems to be a LOT of imposters.

These are wonderful...and IMO really a LOT better than last years model. Time will tell but I a/b'd em in my local store.....No comparrison...the new ones ROCK!! WAYYYYY better.

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On 6/16/2003 3:07:32 PM MichaelShaffer wrote:

Wow, I can't wait. I'm buying them from sounddistributor.com I've read a lot of reviews on epinions and google etc and they seem to be ok.. I hope. My local place wants $300 more for them.

For a receiver I already ordered the Onkyo TX8511 that is 100w.


They are not a authorized dealer, so if you have any problems, they will have to be responsible for any repairs/replacement, as Klipsch will not honor the warranty.



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