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Looking to Upgrade ?


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yup get rid of the jvc, and go shopping, rather auditioning, those heresies are great, and they deserve better than they are getting, but be aware, they are very revealing speakers, so they do demand good amplification or they will let you know they arent happy.... sony sounds like a boom box, yammy sounds like it is scratching at your ears, denon is good, hk good, alot depends on how much is in your budget, and how you will use them12.gif

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Yes i do like it loud ,but I picked these up at a hockshop in '97 so I don't know how they were treated prior to that time.They,ve been run on some Audio Research separates and an older Denon integrated amp,but ran into too many problems with second hand stuff.The sound was infinitely better on either of these,but what I,m looking for is advice on separates to start with.It may take me awhile to finish ,but the music is all that matters.I,d even consider refurbished goods as long as they come from a reputable dealer 1.gif1.gif

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On 9/7/2004 8:37:53 AM losrobos wrote:

Yes i do like it loud ,but I picked these up at a hockshop in '97 so I don't know how they were treated prior to that time.They,ve been run on some Audio Research separates and an older Denon integrated amp,but ran into too many problems with second hand stuff.The sound was infinitely better on either of these,but what I,m looking for is advice on separates to start with.It may take me awhile to finish ,but the music is all that matters.I,d even consider refurbished goods as long as they come from a reputable dealer


If you're mainly rocking at high volume, and can find one in good shape, I'd suggest 70's vintage Marantz SS receiver, maybe 2270 or above. Should be loads of bass!

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The story just keeps getting better.I just performed the tweeter mod from the upgrade section of the forum and they definitely have a more relaxed,but pleasing sound.But in the process of doing this I found that the only speakers that were true "Heresey" were the k55 squawker and the k77 tweets.The other mid is a k53 and the woofers are k24(Heresy 2).So I guess these could be called hybrids.So should I swap out one of the squawkers so they match,and if so,which one should I replace?7.gif

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