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New computer, but still wanting to use same speakers


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I have the ProMedia v.2-400 speaker set and I need to get a sound card for my new computer as it only has an integrated sound card that only has one output plug. So I am wondering which sound card to buy. I have read what seems to be the pros and cons of the SB and the Turtle Beach cards on here, but I read on the Turtle beach site that their sound card is XP SP2 ready. Since I am kind of computer stupid at times, this information makes me think that other cards are either not XP SP 2 compatible or that XP would automatically have to go get additonal drivers to run the card. That said, maybe that is all there is too it. I would be ok getting either brand of card. Then if that is the case, what is the best card I could get to run these speakers to their fullest capacity.

I also have that static sound when I turn the controler dial. I will try spraying it with that stuff that was suggested by someone on this forum - as I had thought that dust was the culprit. I had used an air gun to try to dislodge any dust in there. It would seem that Klipsch would have had that resolved before they packed them up to sell to people. I have always loved our original Klipsch speakers - we have the Cornwall speakers in the living room - we also have the little 5.1's in the living room and aside from the surroundsound capabilities of the 5.1's while playing DVD movies, the Klipsch Cornwalls have them beat hands down for music. They are big sized speakers and sometimes I wish I did not have them in the living room as they take up so much space. Todays standards have changed to more sleek smaller designs, but as long as these work - I am sure we will keep them. I am not sure some folks on here would know what the Cornwalls look like! 2.gif

Well I hope some of you might have some suggestions, bufore I can't stand it anymore and go out and buy a sound card that might not be the best choice.

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From what I have heard, the SB Live card isn't too great.

I actually asked a friend of mine who knows computers (he actually built mine) - and he said that the SB Live card isn't as good as the Turtle Beach 'Santa Cruz' sound card.

"I have read what seems to be the pros and cons of the SB and the Turtle Beach cards on here, but I read on the Turtle beach site that their sound card is XP SP2 ready. Since I am kind of computer stupid at times, this information makes me think that other cards are either not XP SP 2 compatible or that XP would automatically have to go get additonal drivers to run the card."

Interesting. I'm not sure whether or not some cards are incompatible with SP2. I don't think it really matters as SP2 is a nightmare in itself. Heh.

I do know that the Turtle Beach 'Santa Cruz' sound card will work with SP1 and SP2 as I have used the sound card running both. The drivers are a snap to install (just run the CD - VERY easy).

"That said, maybe that is all there is too it. I would be ok getting either brand of card. Then if that is the case, what is the best card I could get to run these speakers to their fullest capacity."

I wouldn't get a SB Live. That's all I'm going to say. Heh.

My friend, the one who built my computer for me - he knows computers in and out. And when he says something isn't of good quality I believe him.

Also, look at NewEgg.com

The Turtle Beach 'Santa Cruz' got a five-star rating out of 256 votes. Heh. And has 200 reviews.

So, if I were you I'd get the Turtle Beach 'Santa Cruz' but you might want to take a look at some other sound cards as well. 1.gif

- Steven

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Hi Gwenevere,

The question of sound cards is always a hotly contested debated among owners that have owned one and not the other. However, there are a couple of universal truths out there:

1. Most of the older SoundBlaster stuff is over rated (keep in mind that they are cheap). The newer SoundBlaster stuff is not bad.

2. The Turtle Beach Santa Cruz has been kicking around for a while as well but it is well liked and well thought of (sort of that friend that everyone knows and never has a bad thing to say about them).

3. The new kids on the block are the cards based on ENVY chipset - cards like the M-Audio Revolution and the Chaintech AV-710.

As far as which one? It depends on what you need. The SoundBlaster stuff has the best support for games (all of the newest stuff will run fine on them with the 3D sound thing happening). The Turtle Beach is a known card - great for MP3s and music, not so good for games (the 3D sound thing doesn't happen as well as the SoundBlaster stuff). The M-Audio and the Chaintech are excellent sounding cards for audio and pretty good for games as well (about the same issues as the Turtle Beach). According to what I have read, the Chaintech may be your best dollar/value card out there at about $25.

Don't worry about SP2 compatibility. Just remember to buy from a vendor that has a good return policy and keep doing what you have been doing (research!)!!

BTW. Please don't feel computer stupid at times! I've had to train people how to double click! Also, you've got the sense to do searches on the forum for answers!! That in itself shows that you have more computer smarts than you give yourself credit for!


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Listen to Craftsman, he knows what he is talking about. Heh.

And let me just point out (as Craftsman basically did) - that I have never owned a SB card in my life nor have I ever seen (or in this case heard) the card in action.

So for all I know it could kick some serious ***. Heh.

But I do know that they haven't gotten the overwhelming number of reviews that the Turtle Beach card has - and the Turtle Beach card has gotten excellent reviews at that!

As for a 'good vendor' - go with NewEgg, really you can't go wrong.

Not in my entire life have I ever heard a bad thing about NewEgg.

NewEgg is kind of where everyone shops for their computers (if they want good service).

Their customer service is the best.

- Steven

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Well, I am one of the few people on earth who have an M-Audio Revolution 5.1 What can I say about it? AWESOME quality audio, HORRIBLE drivers. The card has much better D/A - A/D conversion that Creative's cards, partially rooted in the fact that until recently, M-Audio was a professional-only card maker.

The drivers are pathetic. Games crackle, or are behind, and surround sound in movies will not work. Have tried every trick in the book to get this thing to work, and it just won't. M-audio has not released ANY new drivers for it (i.e. version I'm hoping for a fix soon. If they can get the bugs out, then this card will rock.

The CircleSurround 2 feature on the card is great. Better than Dolby ProLogic 2 in my opinion.

Can I recommend? Only after new drivers come out. For now, go for the turtle beach or a chaintec card.

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To my knowledge, VIA does not own M-Audio. I couple of months ago, M-Audio was bought out by AVID, the company that owns Digidesign (ProTools, for those of you who are big into audio recording). I suppose it could be possible that VIA owns AVID, but I'm doubting it.

As far as the chaintec goes, it should have separate drivers. M-Audio released it's own driver for this card. The may be similar, being that the cards are based off of the same chip, but I do not believe that the drivers would be interchangeable.

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