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I have connected a KSW-10 subwoofer to a Yamaha RXV 596 Receiver utilizing the Sub pre-out to the Sub L/LFE with a Y adapter. To further enhance the bass, can I also connect the Speaker B outputs from the Receiver to the Line In inputs of the Sub.FYI, Speaker A outputs are connected directly to Bookshelf speakers.

If this is possible will it increase the Bass output ??. If not, can you recommend a connection that will provide optimal bass output.

Appreciate your help.



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I wouldn't do that.

one, I've read in multiple places that driving two pairs of speakers with the same amp messes up the impedance, and I imagine it's the same for a bookshelf/subwoofer combo. Although the sub may not work in the same fashion.

but whatever the case, I don't believe you'll get more bass with that setup.

case 1: you set your speakers to small and therefore no additional bass is going to go to thesub below 80Hz, above which you're better off with your mains anyway.

case 2: you set your speakers to large (unlikely) and therefore the bass will be separated between the sub outs (for the LFE) and the mains (for main bass). both will end up to the sub and you won't get more bass than in the first case, just introduce an extra filter in the system.

I have my sub hooked up both ways and it gives me much more bass when I use the low-level sub outs on my receiver than if I use the speaker-level outputs and route the signal to my mains through the sub.

conclusion: leave it the way it is, IMO.

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Double connecting a sub to a single amp in the manner you describe will not hurt the amp. It also will not help in any way as it is just the same as turning up the volume control on the sub.

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Actually, it is because the sub has very HIGH impedance and therefore is almost "invisible" to the amp.

The formula for parallel impedance is:

1/A + 1/B = 1/combined impedance.

So, 1/8 ohms + 1/8 ohms = 2/8 ohms = 1/4 ohms.

The total load is 4/1 ohms or just 4 ohms.

If the sub's input impedance was 100 ohms the results would be:

1/8 + 1/100 = 100/800 + 8/800 = 108/800.

Inverting 108/800 gives 800/108 = 7.4 ohms.

That's an insignificant change to an amp. I'd even bet the sub's input impedance is more like 10,000 ohms, too.


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