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Overlapping permits, what a scam


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I have selected a contractor other than the one building my house to do the rough in for my movie room. I called the builder to make sure they wouldn't raise hell if I had someone else in there doing work once they were done with the basement. They raise this issue of overlapping permits: they own all the permits for my house until occupancy, so the other contractor would not be able to get a permit. If I have _them_ do it, then they are going to mark it up on top of this other guy etc. What a scam.

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Please don't take this too harshly Damon, but it's not a scam. Listen, you know my story, so you know I've been down this road several times. And there have been a couple of occasions when I'v been wanting to do the same as you. However, whether you wish to accept it or not, it's in your best long-term interest not to have multiple contractors. The permit process is actually there to protect you. Think about it....

You have an issue 4 months after moving in with your HT room. Who do you go to? What defines where one contractor's work stops and another's starts? The potential for "finger pointing" becomes astronomical.

And what if one contractor damages another contractor's work? The two parties could become so bogged down in the quagmire of who's at fault that you'd never move in.

I realize this is too late, but your best bet would have been to hire a true General Contractor (GC) who then could've hired other contractors (like the one that you wish to do your HT) at your direction or at his discretion. Then you have only one person to deal with and the GC is then on the hook to satisfy you.

You may not want to hear this, but I will say it nonetheless. You are building basically a spec home. And it's the nature of the beast that spec home builders do not like to deviate because they know what their cost is, what their profit margin is, and how to build the house. And any deviation throws their plan out the window. They want to get in and get out as fast as they can. Your expectations are that of a custom home builder and your expectations are gonna be tough to meet with a spec home builder. BTDT. A custom builder will cater and pander to your needs as long as your heart desires.

Please, please, please don't take this as raining on your parade. I'm just trying to pass along some harsh reality facts that I've learned (the hard way) from having built 4 homes in the past 15 years.

Good luck. And I say this not to be funny....try to remember that this will not be the only house you'll ever live in for the rest of your life. It will make the "mistakes" (things you wished you had done) less meaningful and allow you to enjoy your new home more and resent it less. Tellin' ya dude....I've BTDT.


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Sound advice from Tom. I've been through the same thing with my spec home. I wanted everything to be done when I moved in, but had to deal with the overlapping permit issue. I ended up just letting them finish and do my own thing after we moved in. 2 years later i'm still working on the basement and theater room. My advice is don't be in a hurry. As hard as it is, you must exercise patience.


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Thanks guys, the permit thing didn't sound legit to me but if its legit then that's OK.

Ultimately I just plain did not want the expiditer who's handling my house be involved in this project. We are not getting along and it would cost more to have them do it. If I have to wait until the house is done to start the room project so be it.

Roger: I am doing some of it myself, but I don't trust myself to do the frame (I could do the frame but not anchor it to concrete) or the electrical circuits. All do the condiuts, insulation, drywall, lights etc myself after those two things are done.

Tom: True enough about this not being my last house. There are already many things I'd do differently, but I won't be ready to go through this again for at least 4 years or so!

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Roger: I am doing some of it myself, but I don't trust myself to do the frame (I could do the frame but not anchor it to concrete) or the electrical circuits. All do the condiuts, insulation, drywall, lights etc myself after those two things are done.


I did not mean framing at this stage or electrical circuits. You can certainly run plastic conduit where you want after the electrical is done on their part.. I can't even imagine a problem at all at this..(might even run your wires..keep em in the pipes...) Insulation.. Add more if you want for this room after they are done..(highly reccomended) I did not do my own drywall, I ordered the lights, bought some extra, and let them hang em.

That is what I meant. I thought you were just talking pulling wire for your system and could not imagine even a HS kid could not accomplish that if code rated... I bet the builder would ok it too, (if you need such a thing?)if he has any sympathy to you... A few plastic pipes..(BTW use larger ones 2 1/2 to 3 inches wide ..not much of a price difference, but you can always use the space..) should not be a problem for him either.

The idea was to make it easier for you later. Wires not hooked to anything electrical in a plastic pipe for your HT room should pose no "threat" to him at all.

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Damon took a break from painting his expediter's name on several 30.06 rounds and said:

"Tom: True enough about this not being my last house. There are already many things I'd do differently, but I won't be ready to go through this again for at least 4 years or so!"

Ahhhhhh.....but therein lies the beauty of the experience! One start's focusing on THE NEXT PROJECT! (insert evil demented laugh)

Just one word of caution....don't be saying things around your wife like, "On the next house I'm gonna do such & such." Or "Our next house will have this & that." Man-oh-man....wimmen can get a bit touchy when you haven't even moved into one house and start talking about another one. I think it's that nesting thing they do or summat. LMAO.......

WHAP!!!! OUCH! That hurt! How long you been standing there Laura??

Oh - Dr. Who - don't get scared. Just think how fortunate you are to have been exposed to all this good poop about what to do and what not to do. Speeds up yer learning curve. Hell, some of us here should be charging folks for this! LOL...9.gif


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