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About capo72

  • Birthday 12/19/1972

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    Northern IL

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  1. Devon is as interesting fellow for sure. He is heavily influenced by Japanese audio culture. He has built some really cool stuff. His website is https://ojas.nyc/
  2. I am quite happy with the Focal Celestee. I don't think you can go wrong with anything in the Focal line at a given price point.
  3. USB from your lap to DAC. Just make sure to change your laptop sound settings to output the max sample rate and bit depth of the DAC that you decide on. (ex. 24 bit, 192kHZ). Nice to see some old heads posting!
  4. Have you checked with Primetime A/V in Rockford? I know they have had them in the showroom before; I'm not sure if they currently do. I haven't been in since before Christmas. Try to connect with Will, he is great to work with. Jeremy
  5. This is killing me! Why are you so far away? What drivers are in the bass bins? Any other info on the bass bin construction?
  6. Interesting build, but hard to get past the, ahhh....ummm.....asthetics.
  7. Jacob Armen, I think the song is heartbeat or heartbeat No. 5 or something like that.
  8. I think the way you are doing the mods on one speaker to compare with stock, is very smart. Measurements of any difference would be great as you stated, but at least you have listening proof and not just placebo or confirmation bias!
  9. capo72

    First Watt

    Awesome stack! You could heat a house with those if they were all on at the same time. I'm a J2 owner and would like to try some others (SIT3), but don't want to give up my balanced input.
  10. Every time I 'm almost convinced this whole thing is a scam, they post an update with reasons for delay.
  11. I like adding the volume pot when possible because I mess around with bi-amping a lot and it helps with level matching. It can also be useful on mono blocks in a case where your tubes aren't perfectly matched.
  12. Hopefully adding my opinion won't hurt. I have 4 of these I've used in various configurations. I think this is the best available of these type of products. I currently use them in between the out put of my Xilica DSP and the input of my tube amps in a two way set up. They do not add or amplify any noise into my 105 db Oris horn Lowther top end. Definitely worth a try for $60.
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