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richieb last won the day on March 20 2019

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Klipsch Fanatic

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  1. Sunday evening bump for, prior to the Heritage Jubes, the finest sounding speakers by Klipsch, ever. Off they will go to other audio sites -
  2. I can compare similar technology with my Coherent GR12 Signature who uses coaxial drivers made by Radian. Other than Jubilee the only heritage model I have to compare is LaScala. With the Coherents I’ve realized how a “musical” speaker presents itself. The high quality Radian point source drivers, thin wall cabinets and excellent crossover components combine to make a very good listening speaker. I find they sound best with tubes but they ain’t shabby with First Watt amps either.
  3. @Silverfoxvtx1800 - “middle finger to tubes”.Admittedly I’ve said the same, two or three times. Yet here I am looking at three pairs of tube monoblocks, again. I too am a fan of NP amps with FW F3 and F5 in hand and a long gone XA25. Monoblock Benchmarks have come - and gone. While the First Watts are not leaving the building, they see little play time. Maybe the Prima Luna pushed your middle finger at tubes? Moral - never say never - -
  4. I appreciate everyone’s kind thoughts, Thank you. Now let’s sell these baddest of boys -
  5. Let’s kick off the Fourth of July with a minor explosion and declare your Independence from shitt speakers. After much consternation I’ve decided to make available for sale my Klipsch Jubilees. I will include a poor picture of one Jube as representation. The are passive, not active Jubes using Bob Crites crossovers. To run as active you will need to purchase an active crossover network such as Xilica. Into the 402 is a HP200 from Faital. You might notice the 402 is blue in color which is an automotive wrap Not paint and easy to remove. The 402 is standard black, flawless with no cracks. I do have the shipping cartons but picking these up south of KC is Highly Recommended. $8250 / This is not a fire sale, just time to move on. —for truly interested parties I will provide much better photos, Klipsch factory SN’s, etc. Thank you and enjoy the Holiday Rich
  6. Agree on Pass, Labs or First Watt, on Heritage and would imagine a wide variety of other speakers. I actually preferred the FW F3 and more so the F5 to the XA25 which I found a bit too “laid back”. Like the XA25 the F3 is more a “mellower” presentation.
  7. Damn, a terrific price on these. If you’re on the fence the price alone should push you off. Their performance/dollar value is off the charts. I know this particular pair of speakers and of course Mookie too. While his appreciation of BBQ is questionable the man knows his speakers, and is honest as they come.
  8. Amp(s) are SOLD. Thank you Sir -
  9. Expand your horizons - try two(2x). Just sayin’ . Hi, I’m Rich. I’m here to help you - 😎
  10. I have two Benchmark AHB2 power amps for sale, silver face. I’ve owned a few amps in my day and these are the quietest, most transparent I’ve experienced. Music springs from a dead black background. One hundred watts each stereo block, 360 watts when used as monoblocks. Balanced only. Both units are mint, sporadic use with factory packaging, manuals. $2350 for one $4600 for two I believe you will find my feedback here first rate. Thank you
  11. I generally keep several amps in the rotation and currently each one sounds very good, SS and tube. Each presents different but very good. I picked up a Decware Tori IV about a year ago, it is not in the current lineup. It was also very good, not the most quiet and required a forest of tubes. It wasn’t so much better as to differentiate itself from the rest. I won’t wait 45 minutes at a restaurant let alone 2 years for an amp. But that’s me. Obviously 12 pages of back logged customers feel differently - -
  12. — Alan Eaton 2a3 monoblocks —
  13. Quiet amps (those with a very low noise floor) reign supreme with high efficiency horn speakers. Just because an amp is horn quiet doesn’t mean it’s a good listen. Unless there is an opportunity to A-B a particular amplifier one might assume a quiet amp, most any Class D, is truly a good sounding amp. I owned Hypex nc400 monoblocks and Benchmark ABH2 at the same time. Both being dead silent. There was no question (through my ears) the Benchmark was a much cleaner sounding amp, I believe the audiophile term is transparent. If you want a quiet, “transparent “ amp think Benchmark. Granted they are several times the price of many of the above mentioned brands but hey, we’re talkin’ quiet amps, not amps based on price. I also have several tube amps that are silent through big ol’ horns.
  14. richieb


    — much like Bonehead designed speakers forum jail ain’t that bad - it’s “okay”.
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