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MookieStl last won the day on October 2 2019

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About MookieStl

  • Birthday 10/21/1958

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  • Location
    St. Louis, MO
  • My System
    88 Belle's
    82 Heresy's
    Speakerlab 6's (1980)
    Many home built speakers and subs
    "Rescue" La Scalas
    72 Belles w/ Volti upgrades
    LSI splits
    Super Heresy

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Community Answers

  1. Another case of a man's wife insisting he sell his speakers. But honey, I'm trying the best I can.
  2. They all start as HE, or they would never get built. Check back in 6-7 months and let us know how it worked out for you.
  3. Step 1 is hook them up and enjoy! Key here is to know the sound, pro and con. This way, if you try something, you will know if it is an improvement or not. Many times (depending on who has owned them prior), they will be just fine as they are. One point is that year, 1983 there started to appear some transitional combinations of drivers as they moved toward the Heresy II. Some call them the 1.5! If you open them up and check the components, you may find a K55M or K52H mid driver. If it is the 52 it probably has the E-2 crossover instead of the E. Additional changes were also made at later dates until the H2 was official. If you do open the cabinets, loosen and tighten all screws on the cross over. Very easy step, might help, why not? Not going to debate which is better, both versions are very good.
  4. It should be a fun ride playing with all of those toys. The Lsi and 396 are different beasts. I would not run them both through the same settings on the graphic equalizer. LSi need a little help on the low end and the 396 a boost on the high end was my experience. What seems to help one set would be counter productive on the other. I also gave up on boosting the very low end on the LS if I was using a good sub. The relatively short bass horn of the LS restricts low bass (gives you excellent bass, just not low bass) Have fun experimenting.
  5. Agreed. VAZ has some of my favorites right there. To get any better, you have to give up a lot more floor space and money.
  6. I am not sure what consternation means, can you dumb it down for me? (way down as you kno) I have personally seen and heard these speakers. They are at another level. Excellent speakers, best I have ever or probably will ever hear. If he offers to cook for you, respectfully decline and run. Other than that Richie is a good dude you can trust. Good luck with your sale.
  7. yes, 30 day warranty with a 75% restocking fee. He already sent me pictures of himself smiling with his new toys.
  8. VAZ came by an bought them today. Great meeting yet another Klipschhead.
  9. Ok, you might still be in time as they are not sold yet! VAZ is going to try and get here for a test listen this week. Just let me know.
  10. Always trying something new! Buy with confidence, really good dude.
  11. Thanks Richie! Still not sure what kind of roadkill you cooked the heck out of and called BBQ.
  12. Yeah, I'm a little surprised as these are great speakers and (in my opinion) under priced. Great bang for the buck here. BUT, I haven't tried too hard to move them. I only posted them here as I like to give the forum Klipsch heads first crack. Unfortunately this forum is as dead as disco. Not a lot of activity any more. If, and when, I get a little more energetic, I will post on the usual pain the neck websites. Somebody, somewhere will get a great deal and kick butt speakers.
  13. Damn, I need less shit not more. 20 minutes away. Then I would have five LS! Can you say home theatre!??! Hope it sells fast or I would be tempted.
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