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I've still got my first set of speaker wire - from 1972. I will be happy to donate it to those who think that wire is just wire. It's kind of green now under the clear insulation - but hey, who needs to change wire!


Just like me kinda. I have the old 1979 Klipsch wire from the squawkers sitting in the closet. I replaced them shortly after getting the 511B horns installed. I replaced them with some 16AWG lamp cord and there was a clear improvement. Dare I say a little fuller?! [8-|]

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well since anything that runs electricity through itself is a bit radioactive, I think the whole hiding metal to have pre trinity testing is a bit nieve. The fact that by running electricity through a wire you make a magnetic flux and create tiny bits of radiation too.... Bah my body emits radiation too, its called I drink water that has bits of tritium, deuterium. I eat food that has carbon and a special carbon called carbon 14 which is used to date objects. etc etc, calcium, potassium, iodine, etc etc..... bah the radiation it too low to really matter. Besides unless you live in a lead suit you will always be subjected to a bit of radiation.

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I've still got my first set of speaker wire - from 1972. I will be happy to donate it to those who think that wire is just wire. It's kind of green now under the clear insulation - but hey, who needs to change wire!


Hold on to those...may be worth big bucks some day.

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...and that's only because I owned them! They're not just any old wires from any guy off the street, you know...

How long do I have to wait? they are turning into green powder, you know...


Got it, burned-in by D-MAN. Thats worth at least 50 bucks.

I read today on another thread that the green powder is the key.

Turns out, that the green powder is a better conductor of high frequencies and adds some capacitance to the circut.

So I have been going down the wrong road again.

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I sure wish you all would have done this yesterday. While you were writing all this, I was busy putting new wires into my '78 LaScalas.

I received Al's ES5800's and his ES600's (from Shawn). As I was installing them I found that my woofer lead was too short so I had to do something. I figured I'd go ahead and make them all the same.

I used 12-g low voltage wire that I bought at HD. Seems to sound just fine.

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If you ever decide to "upgrade" your 12 ga. wire, you could always give this "Ultra Flow" stuff a try: http://www.partsexpress.com/pe/showdetl.cfm?DID=7&PartNumber=100-931 .

That's it. I was looking for some wires for my tweeters.

Now if I can just get the Mass Transit Authority to let me have a few meters of that stuff they use to suspend bridge sections with, i'll be ready for some testing.

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