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Everything posted by Deang

  1. You will want to click on the "Objections Index". It will contain the subjects I think you will probably be the most interested in. The other links primarily deal with objections to things found in the Bible itself: Contradictions, discrepancies, textual problems, historical problems, archeological problems, etc. I added the second link to Lewis' book because this book had such a profound impact on me. I spent many hours trying to rattle loose the arguments. The book is a virtual mine field for the atheist. It's such a shame that people of faith do not take the time to educate themselves. They prefer instead to stay small minded, and then presume to have authority from God to dictate the truth to others, when they themselves don't have the slightest inkling of how to present the Christian world view in a way that is consistent with God's character. Bummer. f>------------------ Deanf>s> Klipsch RF7s - AE-25 DJH - AE-3 DJH - Sony 9000ES f>s>
  2. Regarding the latter part of your post, it would seem we are in much agreement. Yes, there is plenty that can, and should be done. Yes, the poor should be of central concern as far as they relate to the church. To many churches and Christians they are, they just don't get press. As far as the former part of your response regarding my comments about the universe and people (God's plan?), and the misery that is so prevalent (keep praying) -- I can only say that the entire created order is in a degraded and chaotic state, and is a deviation from the original design. Discussion regarding the reasons and implications of this would cause poor Mobile to have a siezure -- and I want to spare him this. f>In here f> however, you will find what I think.f> My favorite book isf> here. f> ------------------ Deanf>s> Klipsch RF7s - AE-25 DJH - AE-3 DJH - Sony 9000ES f>s> This message has been edited by deang on 07-14-2002 at 02:03 AM
  3. That Cary on Audiogon looks a little different than your picture. Your picture has the tubes for the phone section I think. DACT? You probably think I'm a sucker now, and will do whatever you tease me with f>Diycable.com has the DACT for $109. Are those a pain to put in?f> I will tell you this. I am at the point that if my Audio Electronics Supply stuff drives the DQ's -- I will probably order the Joplin. BTW - f> looky here f> ------------------ Deanf>s> Klipsch RF7s - AE-25 DJH - AE-3 DJH - Sony 9000ES f>s> This message has been edited by deang on 07-14-2002 at 01:26 AM
  4. Personally, I can't wait until you get your hands on the Joplin. I have a gut feeling about that amp.f> ------------------ Deanf>s> Klipsch RF7s - AE-25 DJH - AE-3 DJH - Sony 9000ES f>s>
  5. I read that the Modulus 3A is very hard on tubes. Gobble, gobble, $$$$ Now Kelly, how come he gets the Cary and I'm stuck with the AE-3? Man, I feel cheated f> ------------------ Deanf>s> Klipsch RF7s - AE-25 DJH - AE-3 DJH - Sony 9000ES f>s> This message has been edited by deang on 07-14-2002 at 12:26 AM
  6. This thread is a riot. Kelly has me rolling, and Tom's wit is as cutting as ever. Larry makes some very good points and I learned a few things. Since I have NO education regarding things economic, I won't embarrass myself by giving an opinion. I will only say that as a left leaning conservative, I believe the United States government has an obligation to protect us from unethical business practices, and environmental abuses. On a another note: I think Bush is terrible. A complete embarrassment. Will either party ever push someone forward who has a full complement of chromosomes? f> ------------------ Deanf>s> Klipsch RF7s - AE-25 DJH - AE-3 DJH - Sony 9000ES f>s>
  7. These posts have reminded me how those that spout the need to recognize diversity are actually proponents of conformityf> Crash, I would also say they call for the need to be tolerant -- yet tend towards intolerance.f> Clipped, There is plenty of enlightenment. What we are short on is balanced perspective and good manners. We probably differ on the idea of "peace within". There is peace that is in the context of emotion, and I think many have this due to disposition (genetics), stable life, environment, etc. Then there is "peace within" that is a state of being, or conditon, apart from circumstance -- and is not really associated with emotion -- but knowledge. I agree with you about cramming religion down people's throats having little effect if any. I also agree with you that much could be done to alleviate crime and violence by tackling the issues that cause poverty and hopelessness. However, crime and violence really have their roots in a bigger problem -- the prevalent attitude of people to be completely self-absorbed without regard to others. The universe may not be malevolent -- but it is certainly unforgiving in its ability to dish out pain and misery. The character of the universe is a paradox. It is boundless in its beauty and scope -- but it is also cold, sterile, and empty. The irony here is that human beings share in this contradictory character. So yes, we can be in harmony with ourselves and nature, but underneath it all we feel somewhat isolated and confused. Most people are mostly beautiful -- yet often feel empty in spite of this. Most lives are nothing more than a desire to fill that "emptiness". I think you are rather limiting in your application of "corporate-political" entities. You dont believe Liberals/Democrats support big business? What about Consumerism -- where we are all involved and contributing to the madness. Then this thing with "religious organizations" doing their part too. C'mon man, the only thing we Christians are guilty of is being duped by the Republicans into thinking they represent our interests. It's no worse than minorites being duped by Democrats into thinking they represent their interests. Ask inter-city blacks if they believe Democrats have elevated their standard of living. Isn't it the real truth that the more things change, the more they stay the same? What maintains the status-quo? You surprise me by leveling an accusation indicating mediocrity in the arguments -- but then yourself over-simplify the whole thing with one statement! You're a turkey f>------------------ Deanf>s> Klipsch RF7s - AE-25 DJH - AE-3 DJH - Sony 9000ES f>s> This message has been edited by deang on 07-13-2002 at 11:09 PM
  8. More wisdom from Crash. Of course, you are absolutely right. Every situation is different, and more times than a cool head will prevail. Shooting someone is definitely a last resort. God forbid anyone should ever have to experience snuffing out another life. I'm talking extreme circumstances that call for extreme measures. OTOH -- there is this thing about not bringing a knife to a gun fight. It is also important to know that having a gun doesn't make one "armed" anymore than having a guitar makes one a musician. It takes work, and a willingness to perform the unthinkable under extreme stress. Bat Masterson said, "It is not he who is the fastest, or shoots the straightest, that wins a gun fight -- but the one who has the will." f> ------------------ Deanf>s> Klipsch RF7s - AE-25 DJH - AE-3 DJH - Sony 9000ES f>s>
  9. Jazman, You state that "knowledge and understanding are greater weapons when dealing with ignorance and intolerance" -- but you never said what they were greater than. Greater "weapons" than a firearm? Sure, in many situations wisdom should prevail. However, you are not willing to accept the brevity of the type of situations we have in mind. Have you ever been assaulted? Raped? Kidnapped? Have you ever been confronted by an angry drunk, or maybe someone having a bad hair day and a bout of road rage? Have you ever had your house broken into while you are sleeping? Would you at least try imagine what any of these things might be like? We are not talking about the kinds of things where you have the time to recite a piece of poetry for the purpose of enlightening the aggressor. Let me just ask you outright -- what would be your solution to on-the-spot, criminal agression? I don't understand your responses. You haven't presented any real argument for your position, but have instead decided to fixate on Tom's statements with the word 'Hispanic' in them. Is that it? You are Hispanic and feel slighted? I can't help but think you are over-reacting to these statements. f>------------------ Deanf>s> Klipsch RF7s - AE-25 DJH - AE-3 DJH - Sony 9000ES f>s> This message has been edited by deang on 07-13-2002 at 09:25 PM
  10. Naw, I'm stuck at work until midnight. I'll swap them around when I get home, and then fire it up in the morning. I'll post what I found when I get in tomorrow at noon. I'm really not that worried about it. If worse comes to worse I'll just send it to Cary for a going over. f> ------------------ Deanf>s> Klipsch RF7s - AE-25 DJH - AE-3 DJH - Sony 9000ES f>s>
  11. What I think you are saying is take a push-pull amp, and wire it so two of the tubes are running in triode, and the other two are running in ultralinear? What is the net effect of this? Simply increased output?f> ------------------ Deanf>s> Klipsch RF7s - AE-25 DJH - AE-3 DJH - Sony 9000ES f>s>
  12. If we have to depend on people (automatons) behaving themselves only because it is what their deity tells them they must do, we are in big trouble.f> Clipped, why do you say this? The ideas of common decency to one another, following laws designed for the common good, obedience to standards, and integrity in general -- are all acceptable and worthy things, regardless of whether they are matters of conscience, or put forth by government and civilized society, or even a Deity. The ideas of right and wrong, and the related system of rewards and punishment, are implemented in all societies and cultures -- from childhood on, and applied to almost every aspect of daily living. Where did all these things originate, and what is it inside you that tells you one thing is "bad" and another thing is "good"? What is inherently "bad" about having a Deity giving you standards? From my perspective, what is "bad" is when people, religious or not -- abandon standards set up for the common good, and distort the words of said Deity to justify and rationalize harm to others. Hey, I don't know about everyone else, but I'm just a guy trying to live out the standards set forth in the SOP binder. For some reason, it has all this "God" stuff in it. f>------------------ Deanf>s> Klipsch RF7s - AE-25 DJH - AE-3 DJH - Sony 9000ES f>s> This message has been edited by deang on 07-13-2002 at 03:47 PM
  13. All of the arguments I am now seeing -- have already been addressed earlier in the thread. It is now like beating a dead horse, and denegrating into a play-ground, "yes it is - no it's not" mentality. It is apparent that most who jumped into this thing a little late -- have not actually read the entire thread, for if you had -- you would certainly not be presenting arguments already discussed. For the record. In spite of my religious convictions, and strong personal belief in the deity of the Lord Jesus Christ -- I now realize that it does not matter that the framers were Christian, or Deists, or that they integrated their own beliefs into their speeches, and/or the original documents. If you follow the thread, you will see that I started on one side -- and ended up on the other. It is apparent that there is no constitutionally delegated authority that allows the federal government to make any law in favor of religion, a religion, against religion, or against a religion. Find my post earlier in the thread where the grammmatical construction of the 1st ammendent is treated. I also provided a good link. The framers understood that the best way to protect religion, and people of religious belief -- was to keep government out of it. Period. If we allow government to make any law, regarding any aspect of religion, there is then precedent -- and how do we then pull them back out? Regardless of faith, or non-faith -- people are free to believe what they want. I would encourage those of you in faith, to activate your faith in the area that matters most -- the quieting of your heart, and the hearts of those around you, that all may hear the whisper of God's voice -- and answer back. f> ------------------ Deanf>s> Klipsch RF7s - AE-25 DJH - AE-3 DJH - Sony 9000ES f>s> This message has been edited by deang on 07-13-2002 at 03:55 PM
  14. "indiosycratic" is actually a pretty good choice word for these. Ironically, I would apply the same word for Klipsch! I believe the minimum recommended power for the DQ-10 is 60 wpc. However, I KNOW my AE-25 has more output than a 60 wpc SS amp. What I will probably do is just hook up those monsters to the AE-3 and SuperAmp and let her rip. I'd planned on integrating the SVS into this system. I believe the SuperAmp will have no problem driving the DQ-10's in this configuration. The million dollar question is, how well will it drive them. We'll see. Also, since the crossover has a "by-pass" switch -- I could cut the sub out for music low level listening, and put the sub back in for moderate listening levels. Since the basement is much bigger than the listening area upstairs -- it may be possible to integrate the sub with SuperAmp. It looks like some experimention is coming down the road -- buy hey, that's half the fun! I don't remember -- is the Eico a directly heated triode, with tube rectification? If so, be on the lookout for me. As long as it's in a condition that I don't have to dink around with it-- it might be a good bet. However, I first have to see how the AE-25/AE-3 combo perform with these things. f> ------------------ Deanf>s> Klipsch RF7s - AE-25 DJH - AE-3 DJH - Sony 9000ES f>s>
  15. Craig, I live in Kettering, which is just an extension of Dayton. The only problem with your idea is that I rarely have weekends free. I work 12 hour shifts on both Saturday and Sunday, so my wife can work less hours to home school our children. Another option would be for us to take off on a Friday. I can get off work during the week much easier than on the weekends. I'm sort of the lone cowboy on the weekends -- where I sit around waiting for a catastophic network failure. Kelly, I already knew what your response would be as soon as I had seen that you responded to my post. I don't expect this system to have the resolving power of my Klipsch system, so I figured -- why not just stick an Anthem integrated in there? At least I KNOW what that stuff sounds like. All the various options are going to have some draw backs because of the money. It's bascially going to be the system playing while throwing darts, working on projects, and watching movies with the kids. Having lived with DQ-10's for five years while rooming with a buddy of mine -- I figure anything will make them sound better than the Adcom stuff he was using (and that actually sounded fairly decent). That same Adcom stuff is now powering some RC7's -- and that system drives spikes through my head -- though I would never tell him that -- because he absolutely loves it. The first thing is to give them a good going over and then replace those aged caps. The woofers were already professionally redone. I suppose there will be nights I will want to sack out in front of them and cruise down memory lane -- and I should do the best I can do with that money. One nice thing about them is that they are very forgiving of older, not so admirable recordings. Most of my Deep Purple, and other 70's music may actually sound better and be a little easier on the ears -- than the brutally honest RF7's. At any rate. In no way do I expect this system to compete with the dynamo upstairs. THAT system is in a completely different league altogether. f> ------------------ Deanf>s> Klipsch RF7s - AE-25 DJH - AE-3 DJH - Sony 9000ES f>s> This message has been edited by deang on 07-13-2002 at 12:19 PM
  16. I solidified a deal on my Line 1 last night from a fellow who offered $1150 for it. My wife, who is a treasure beyond treasures -- has given me the nod to use the money for a system in our finished basement. The Klipsch and Audio Electronics gear will stay upstairs -- as this is for the most part my private sanctuary. The basement is pretty much unused, and it's quite a bit of space to not make use of. We have a nice couch down there and my dartboard (which is another one of my obsessions). I want to turn it into our primary "hanging-out" domain, and turn our somewhat small living room into a sitting room for reading. So, I have $1150 dollars. I will move the 32" Toshiba downstairs, along with my Marantz DV-7010. Now, what to do with that money. Last month, I almost bought those K-horns from that fellow in California. I had him down to $2200, which included shipping. The problem was, I lost a head gasket in my olds, and then didn't have enough money to buy them. When the AE-25 DJH showed up on Audiogon, I used the remainder of what I had left to buy it. I sold my original SuperAmp, and used the money for that to buy the AE-3. So now, here I am. How do you get maximum musicality for the least amount of money? Well, Audiogon and eBay of course. So, off I go to see if I can land some Heresy's. Well, sometimes things turn out funny, and as I was cruising though the listings I ran across a pair of DQ-10's in very good condition for the give-away price of $450. This is a complete no-brainer folks. Those who have followed my posts over the last year or two know I have a secret love affair with these monsters. The speaker is still manufactured by John Dahlquist's old gang (Regnar), with a few modifications -- for $3700. I can buy a capacitor upgrade kit for $189 and bring both speakers current. These beasts have a midrange to die for, with tremendous imaging capabilities. I am estatic that I got these for the price I paid. I would have paid double that amount to have them. So, I have a little more than $600 left, and could stretch that to $700. The speakers are 89db/w -- and so I have the following options: 1) Buy a fairly decent integrated amp with at least 100 watts. I was actually thinking about the Anthem Integrated with the tubed preamp section. 2) Buy separates. dbflash is selling his Parasound combo for $700. 3) Move my present front end with 35 watts to the DQ's, and then build myself a Consonance Joplin. I will probably wait to get Mobile's impressions before I make a decision regarding this option. Just so no one thinks I am a heretic -- the DQ-10 does have a horn super-tweeter f>------------------ Deanf>s> Klipsch RF7s - AE-25 DJH - AE-3 DJH - Sony 9000ES f>s> This message has been edited by deang on 07-13-2002 at 10:31 AM
  17. Noble dual volume potentiometerf> What does "dual volume" mean? There's only one knob.f> ------------------ Deanf>s> Klipsch RF7s - AE-25 DJH - AE-3 DJH - Sony 9000ES f>s>
  18. It's been a great night. About an hour ago I yanked the sub. It actually seemed to be upsetting the texture of the bass. Re-calibrating didn't help any. The character of the bass is so completely different, that it just doesn't jel with the sub. I am now wired straight into the preamp. This system is now strictly two channel only. The little AE-3 kicks some serious butt. I finished off the evening by knocking what remaining earwax I had, clean out of my head. Good suggestion with switching the tubes around, but me not being the brightest light in the chandelier, I decided to move my left speaker forward a couple of inches, and my right speaker back a couple of inches. f>I'll have to play with those tubes tomorrow. It never even entered my mind that a mis-match would cause this. I actually thought it might be a volume tracking problemf> If the problem moves with the tube, I'll ask Brent Jesse to match me up a nice pair. If not, I'll call Kirk at Cary to see what he thinks. I have no problem sending it in to make it right -- this great piece deserves to be running at it's best.f> ------------------ Deanf>s> Klipsch RF7s - AE-25 DJH - AE-3 DJH - Sony 9000ES f>s>
  19. Who's your Huckleberry ------------------ Deanf>s> Klipsch RF7s - AE-25 DJH - AE-3 DJH - Sony 9000ES f>s>
  20. I'll just say that if Mobile ever gives you a suggestion on an equipment purchase, save yourself a headache and do whatever he says -- for he has great ears. I've been singing all these praises about the Line 1, and the truth is -- I never really had a basis for comparison. I now feel kind of embarrassed. Yes -- tube rectification and 6SN7's are simply wonderful. I can only characterize the sound by saying it just sounds "right". It makes the Line 1 sound homogenized by comparison. Everything is just so much more out in the open, and more open sounding -- yet, it somehow does this without sounding unduly "forward". The instruments are distinct entities, and I can keep track of each one easily. It is warm, yet crisp -- tight, yet full. I can actually hear more of the cymbals. This is not the same as saying I hear more cymbals -- I hear more of the cymbals. There is also more decay, which is very refreshing. There is more authority in the bottom, and I initially had to back off two clicks on the crossover controlling the volume for the SVS. Three songs later I backed off another click, and by the end of the CD I was in by-pass. Tomorrow I will move the SVS and crossover out of the system and experiment with placement. The system now sounds as good at low volume as it does at high volume. I can honestly say it wasn't like that with the Line 1. My only complaint, and it is quite minor -- is that I am experiencing a little bit of image drift. Voices that used to come out of the middle of soundstage, are now slightly right of center. There is no balance control, so I may either have to move the speakers a little closer together -- or move the left channel forward a little bit. Like I said though, I will be experimenting with placement anyway -- to see if I can get the RF7's to a place where I don't feel the need to use the crossover and SVS. I have alterior motives here. I may want to use that crossover and sub for something else. f>------------------ Deanf>s> Klipsch RF7s - AE-25 DJH - AE-3 DJH - Sony 9000ES f>s> This message has been edited by deang on 07-12-2002 at 08:17 PM
  21. I pray that I have not offended anyone or given the impression I am a small minded person. I try to put some thought into my posts, and try to present my position with as much tact as possible. I think we are all guilty of getting a little torqued from time to time, the important thing is that we keep it all in perspective. I guess I want to believe that everyone on this board is different, a cut or two above all the other folks out there. Regardless of our differences, I don't believe anyone here would want to see harm come to any forum member. Isn't that what it's all about? I can't help it that Christians and Conservatives have been stereotyped as jack-booted fascists, any more than you liberals can help being stereotyped as spineless and amoral. We should be smarter than this. This forum has such a diversity of people regarding age (maturity level), experience, and knowledge. This should be kept at the forefront of thought when reading posts. I'm O.K. with off topic discussion. I enjoy quite a bit. I especially enjoy being disagreed with. I rarely learn anything from people I always agree with. What I do wish is that people who disagree with me, present arguments based on reason and information -- instead of emotionalism expressed using snide remarks and subtle personal attacks. In the end, I think lynnm is right. It's better just to stick to audio. f> ------------------ Deanf>s> Klipsch RF7s - AE-25 DJH - AE-3 DJH - Sony 9000ES f>s>
  22. Actually, it's a sword.f> ------------------ Deanf>s> Klipsch RF7s - AE-25 DJH - AE-3 DJH - Sony 9000ES f>s>
  23. ------------------ Deanf>s> Klipsch RF7s - AE-25 DJH - AE-3 DJH - Sony 9000ES f>s>
  24. I'm with Allen here. He hit this one square on the nail's head -- drove it all the way into the board. I spent the better part of a decade with Magnepans and was ready to go with a new set of Vandersteens when I ran across the diminutive RB5. Sure, you can enjoy all of these different 'sounds', but after a while they all start sounding very much the same. However, I don't think there is anything wrong with straying off the path and having something different to listen too. It's all ear candy, and there is nothing strange to find that something else tastes good too. Klipsch is not the end all to great sound -- but it's damn close. I myself am toying again with the idea of building up a second system, after twice deciding not to do it -- and it will probably not be a system with Klipsch speakers in it. f> ------------------ Deanf>s> Klipsch RF7s - AE-25 DJH - AE-3 DJH - Sony 9000ES f>s>
  25. ------------------ Deanf>s> Klipsch RF7s - AE-25 DJH - AE-3 DJH - Sony 9000ES f>s>
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