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Everything posted by mineral

  1. yep, got like 3 westerns on dvd. open range, dances w/ wolves, and tombstone. got that special vista series tombstone, very good watch.
  2. lol don't worry about that. especially if you're using it once in a blue moon.. you have to be download gig's upon gig's to even get noticed by your ISP, let alone the government dogs.
  3. i didn't really like the story, nor the 'spooky' indian. some good acting, but as a whole package, i wasn't impressed. Now Dances with Wolves, there's a western. Just bought the 4 hour version not 2 weeks ago.
  4. mineral


    hehe thanks for the advice, i'll definately check that stuff out.
  5. i think 1:1 copies of dvd's are a lot harder than just copying regular cds. there's a significant amount of encryption/protection for dvds, and you'll have to find a way to crack through that before hand. but the tools are out there, that's for sure.
  6. mineral


    Yeah the 'Hip' as they are referred to in Iglooland are an exceptional rock band. Their hometown is but a 90 minute drive from here. Actually, a weird cooincidence, they hail from the same town from where you bought that projector Goo for your home theatre, Moon. Small friggin' world. What old school metal cds can you recommend for me, Wheel? I think i've heard of the headstones, but i can't put any song or style to mind.
  7. newest nero can burn dvd's now. i don't really like the nero 'express' version they been pumping out lately. really turned it into a burning for dummies proggy like roxio has evolved into. you can download a demo of nero online for sure, tho i'm not exactly sure of the extent of the demo's functionality. hell, may not even let you burn hehe so i'm guessing you're just burning straight files, not CD images or anything like that.
  8. mineral


    wow...never heard of any of those bands. but i'll check it out. i'm more of the sepultura, slayer, old school metallica kinda metal..i mean for contemporary metal it's chimaira, lamb of god, stuff like that. actually when i was talking about Incubus - Morning View, i actually meant Make Yourself.
  9. mineral


    holy shiate. i heard a the darkness song on the radio the other day and i went absolutely made. never have i heard more annoying singing in my life...like that guys just wails his lee roth high pitch voice way beyond the tolerance threshold. yeah s.c.i.e.n.c.e. was a great cd, but i figure good ol' moon here is a little more contemporary, so he may like the newer stuff. but s.c.i.e.n.c.e is equally recommended by myself as well.
  10. mineral


    Well their recent album, Morning View is exceptionally good. A lot of decent altera-metal and ambient atmosphere music. Worth the download....er buy You listen to any Staind? or is that too hard? My old man listens to that (no i'm not 12) stuff, so i don't think it's too rough for good ol' Moon.
  11. mineral


    yeah hoobastank is really good. i like their singer, got great vocals. i'm mostly into really hard metal, or no metal at all. moon, what do you think of Incubus?
  12. mineral

    Open Range

    guns shots were ill. the first one that really made me go "WTF" was costner in the bar, when they didn't want to server duvall any booze for the first time. with the whole camera affect (mild rattling) and the unexpectedness of the actual rifle going off, it was quite a pleasant experience.
  13. mineral


    actually i tried to forget that one asap. freakshow was as good as they got, after that with the hyper-publicity and supposed breakdown of daniel johns, they seemed to have floundered.
  14. mineral


    chevelle is a mix of radio songs with some much harder rock. in fact, most of their songs have a decent amount of screaming, so you'll have to be able to put up with that. i wouldn't go so far as comparing them with a perfect circle. they have a way different song structure, and far fewer slow songs compared to them. honestly, first thing that comes to mind with the chevelle album is frogstomp by silverchair. just different voice.
  15. haha yeah final destination 2 was very decent. the elaborate car pile up at the beginning was pure candy. i hope the new dawn of the dead is something along the lines of 28 Days Later, probably the best horror movie to come out in a long time. gotta love Danny Boyle
  16. lol it's amazing what kind of actor he matured into...probably the best actor of his generation. depp is PURE character actor, but it's his first...there'll be more, i'm sure of it.
  17. blah, she won last year, did she not? that and i think almost every catagory was rigged...at least it's been going toward lotr all the way. come to think of it, i don't think they were nominated in any catagory where they might lose... seems a lot of due tribute has been paid tonight. but i'm tickled pink that they're sweeping, totally SWEEPING the awards....11/11 ALL THE WAY!
  18. so....back to LOTR...what are we at now...9/9?
  19. i think 'gladiator' music kinda refers to the ben-hur movie....errr....sorta. either that or the film Gladiator stole some music from the movie...
  20. btw, as much as i like the guy, sean penn has EVERYTHING on johnny depp yep, i think they'll let ROTK sweep the oscars, get 11/11 wins to tie ben-hur and titanic
  21. remake of the 1978 george romero classic.
  22. mineral

    Battle Royale

    yeah i seem to get that alot...*sniffle*
  23. mineral

    Battle Royale

    btw, i wasn't serious when i questioned your loyalty to LOTR and said change your avatar
  24. mineral

    Battle Royale

    the one i watched was with the original japanese track with subtitles... i'm not sure, but there may be one with a dubbed english track, being that there are so many versions out there. an original edition, special edition, director's cut, etc. i think dvdasian.com has like 4 versions. i'd cross my finger tho for having an english dub with a 5.1 or DTS audio track. however, i've always been one to remain loyal to the original language of the film, especially in this case as the dialogue is riddled with so much emotion that you'd loose something when watching it in english. of course, japanese girls screaming all the time CAN get a tad annoying
  25. mineral

    Battle Royale

    not sure if many of your are asian film fans..and if you're not, you're missing out on some of the finest, most thought provoking films out there. last night i finally got around to watching Battle Royale. needless to say, 16 hours later i'm still thinking about it. the movie is utterly amazing and shocking at the same time. it's an odd twist to the lord of the flies, where the world has collapsed and we find a class of high school students shipped to an uninhabited island. the twist being that they aren't shoved off there for their protection, but the military has forceful placed them there to pit them against themselves. 42 students. 3 days. Only 1 is allowed to survive. i'm quite sure this movie is well known in some parts for being highly controversial, seeing as kids are killing kids in some of the most gruesome ways possible. but the movie is riddled with metaphor and philosophy, tho i'm not quite articulate to point them all out to you. i watched the special addition that has a VERY awesome audio track. sound fx and music are outstanding. PLEASE check this flick out, you won't be dissappointed, merely disheartened.
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