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Joe Shmoe

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About Joe Shmoe

  • Birthday 10/26/1970

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  • Location
    Grand Rapids MI

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  1. I noticed a pair of RF-7 Ii's on eBay. They are being sold as "B stock". Is this an authorized online dealer? I checked the list, but did not see them listed. any other info on these would be appreciated
  2. Steven, I hear ya on the Cobra, I was a part time demo guy last year and was going to do it again this year but school & my real job got in the way.[N] I have my eye on the 5-7 wood also, will have to see what the budget brings [] I did get out to the drenched driving range Sunday, but only hit a small bucket. Was a little breezy and hands were cold. I hit some good shots but found that I needed to tee it higher than my old driver. Maybe it's just beginning of the season issues... I will get out again this week & let you all know how it goes
  3. Actually a good friend of mine is a Cobra rep, so I did get a good deal on it, but yes it probably wouldn't hurt to recoup some of the cost... I got a new bag too, but haven't received it yet. []
  4. Is this the norm for your area, having this much rain in April? NO!! This is not the norm. We have flooding everywhere!
  5. Backside.... NOTE: there is no HDMI, and that would be the only downfall to this unit. [Y]
  6. Denon 3803 (110Wx7) Excellent shape, non smoking home (excuse finger prints)[] I'm hesitant to get rid of this, but it's of no immediate use right now. Asking $150. + shipping from Grand Rapids MI.
  7. Have not been able to get out yet and swing it. We are currently building an ark due to the relentless rain we have been having! [N]
  8. I did get this a while back and I must say..... excellent concert! What a great voice and the emotion she showed, thumbs up!
  9. Nice! I have their debut & loved it. I will definitely check this out!
  10. And lastly the head cover & shaft. []
  11. Bottom side showing the new "MyFly" adjustable loft technology.
  12. Got this last week! [Y] Cobra Amp Cell Driver 2013.
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