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Everything posted by Wardsweb

  1. I saw the thread and will keep it in mind. For now, I'm taking a break from building things and actually listening to music. So many amps and so little time.
  2. You can see the schematics on my website http://wardsweb.org/audio/ST70/ Craig suggested I add a switch to be able to switch in or out ultra linear mode.
  3. If you would like to know more, here is a web page I put up on the entire build. http://wardsweb.org/audio/ST70/
  4. Well, I sent the amp off to Craig at NOSValves for him to do his magic. Some tweaking and fine tuning some parts and it is better than I ever imagined. This thing is dead quiet. Here are some screen shots: 20 Hz 200 Hz 5 KHz 10 KHz and last at 20 KHz
  5. Some of you may remember my build of a re-envisioned amplifier based on the Dynaco ST70. I basically took an original ST70 as my source of inspiration, used only the output transformers from it and built an updated version from scratch.
  6. Good morning all. Not much going on here. Mainly just checking in. I did attend our local audio society meeting on Saturday. It was the 5th anniversary of the club.
  7. Yes, it's back to the grind. I hope everyone had a great Christmas and a safe new years. Wishing everyone an even better 2016.
  8. Like running a marathon, I hope you have been working up to this. I expect the crowd there to be very serious about their new years festivities. Good Luck
  9. Hello all, I've been away for a few days. Sometimes life just gets in the way, but all is good. Ya'll take care and have a very merry Christmas.
  10. A little bit of excitement today. A bomb threat was called into my office. I haven't had one of these since high school. We returned after the police gave the all clear.
  11. Good morning all. The Christmas lights are up and sync'd to music that I broadcast on FM. The tree is up and ornaments are hung. It's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas here. Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Holidays
  12. Adding fuel to the fire. Here is my den (DIY grills) and my buddy's setup. He added the BassMaxx B1 sub horns because he is into serious dynamics.
  13. Happy Tuesday everyone. Cool crisp mornings here and 70's in the afternoon. I like winter in San Antonio. Looking forward to this weekend when I have some buddies over to play in the music sandbox. For now, the show must go on, or in my case, the work must get done. Ya'll have a great day.
  14. It was an absolutely beautiful day today. I did a little something for my brother-in-law; detailed his Dodge Prowler. Not a practical car in any stretch of the imagination but it is one fun toy.
  15. It is fairly easy to work on. Once you unscrew the PCB from the chassis, you can flip it back and forth to find the part you want to change and then unsolder from the bottom side. Note the trick is unsoldering the part without damaging the trace it is soldered to. You will want, at a minimum, some good solder wick and a good soldering iron. Even better will be a solder sucker in conjunction with the solder iron. Remember the solder is your heat bridge. Keep the tip clean and tinned. A dry iron solders/unsolders horribly.
  16. I think Jeff is talking about upgrading the parts to better than factory for both an increase in reliability and better sound. The circuit remains the same. It is a matter of replacing parts. Jeff is a great guy and knows his stuff. I wouldn't have any issue sending him something to work on. He has helped me source parts on several of my builds.
  17. Here you go. I see the same thing. My company blocks picture hosting sites.
  18. Forget Bob and give a nod to Norm Abram with New Yankee Workshop. That guy has seriously mad wood working skills. Then again, it helps when you have a shop with every tool known to man and a few I never knew existed.
  19. Yes, that table is outside. It was a bit overcast but nice enough to eat alfresco. You may tell by the correctly set table; I did not set it.
  20. Another Monday and another day back to work. The long weekend was nice. We had two Thanksgivings. The first was at our niece's house and the second was at our home. Here is a picture of the table setting at my niece's place. Her husband made the table from some huge beams with a steel base.
  21. I have been getting a data server error when I click on the link at the top of the page. I had to go into the lounge and click on the thread itself to get here. Anyway, it is Tuesday. Nothing more, nothing less. Back to you regular scheduled programming.
  22. Hi Travis, nice of you to drop in. Sometime we need to get together and hit Magnolia Pancake Haus here in SA.
  23. What do you run that you use a dust collector that big? I want one bad for my shop.
  24. Bit of a blustery day. No work and I'm off to a meeting of the River City Audio Society at 1. It will be a nice afternoon of music, gear and lies about the big one that got away...oh wait, that was fishing. Still great to hang out with fellow audio nuts.
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