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Posts posted by Coytee

  1. 16 minutes ago, the real Duke Spinner said:

    It does not make your Body feel such, does it ??


    Reminded me of a story (I've told this before)


    I bought my EV Interface D's in 1978.  Brought them into my bedroom.  Had them attached to a Yamaha 100 watt receiver (forget model).  Had some AKG headphones.  Put the headphones on, turned some Aerosmith on and UP.  It was loud (hey, I was 18)


    I was AMAZED at how those headphones vibrated my head, my feet....in fact, the entire ROOM was just pounding.  I was utterly facenated at how they performed.  I might have even turned it up louder to feel the room pound, via the AKG's.


    About then, my red-faced, fire spewing mother barged into my room yelling/screaming for me to TURNNNNNNNN it DOWNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN


    I was perplexed as I took the headphones off.....  uh oh....  seems I had forgotten to turn the speakers off.  So while I was listening to the headphones thinking I was being respectful, I was in fact pounding the britches out of the house with the EV's pumping away.  Since I had the cans on, I was oblivious that the speakers were pounding (-3db point at 28 hz) 


    No way could I even try to say it was an accident.  How on earth do you have it at deafening volume and not know?  Well, because I'm a teenage dumbazz who was amazed at how fantastic the headphones vibrated the entire room???


    Oops.  Love ya mom!



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  2. No (though Iridium may work fine for all I know)



    Found it....they're Ruthenium.  I had never heard of that....looked it up and at least it's for real (on the periodic table as I recall)


    That's what's called for.....(hence the price I'm sure)  I don't know if an Iridium version would be considered close enough.  Getting 50 mpg's verses the 30+ in the old Toyota (non hybrid), I'll suck it up....but had to pause and at least try to find them for less.  Dealer is generally more expensive BUT, so far, haven't found them (haven't done a serious look yet either)

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  3. I've got a little mundane Honda Accord (Hybrid/Touring).  It's actually a fun car to drive.  Bought it from a friend of mine who's son had tragically passed away (gun accident, kid was handing his new antique rifle to Pops who was sitting in the chair in living room, son said 'relax dad, I've removed the magazine'.....  but it seems he didn't check the breech.  Turned gun around to hand butt to father, (I don't know what happened next) gun goes off and is pointing at sons face.  Father told me it blew his head off.....  in their living room....)


    A year later, I bought the car and honestly, I feel like Rocky (the son) is still around.


    None the less....  Not knowing the state of condition (he bought it new in 2019, died in 2021 and I bought it a year later, last March or so and it only had 14,000 miles on it.  Oil change, filter changes.... I'm going to get a set of spark plugs so i can have those handy.....


    Well....  a bunch of you old farts might remember back when spark plugs were 'essentially' $1.00 each, maybe $2.00.....


    Dealer wants $64.  Not for a set but for EACH plug.  WHA???


    Seems they are not Iridium but some other newer fancy 'idium' name.  Marketing?  Theft?  Sigh.  I don't know but he said he'd have to order them so I said I'd look at other options.  So far, can't find the special 'idium' (I'm omitting the first part since I don't recall)  I still can't find them at what I'd feel to be, a more reasonable price.


    They're supposed to last 100,000 miles so if that's true, I've still got 70K to go.  Guess I better start saving my pennies.


  4. 4 hours ago, Shakeydeal said:

    Yeah I’d show up on his doorstep and watch hilarity ensue………


    Please record it so we can all share in the fun 😁


    For the last four YEARS, I get a text on my phone.  It's on my WORK phone, not personal.  


    Basically asking if 543 Mulberry is for sale because they're interested in buying it.  I will also get actual calls about same address.  I looked up the address I think it's in Memphis and I'm in Knoxville....hmmm...


    Oh, and it's not listed for sale.  So I get they're phishing, scamming, something.


    I usually hang up as I don't have time for the nonsense BUT, every now & then they'll reach me when I DO have a few minutes and might be in a vindictive state of mind.  So, I'll engage a bit...


    "What's your offer?"

    "uh....  well.....we need to see the house to evaluate..."

    "nope.....you called me wanting to buy so ostensibly, you have all you need to know....heck, you even found my phone number....what's your offer???"

    "uh....  well....uh....."


    "Tell you what....  why don't you just drive over and we'll go through the house and then you can make me an offer, how about that?"




    This is where I usually just hang up on them and go about my day.


    I came home from work one day to find a "For Sale" sign here where I live.  Ummm....  you think I'd know if my place is for sale.  I presumed:


    1.  The realtor was trying to drum up people who might be interested in buying something and go from there

    2.  Some teenagers saw the sign somewhere, grabbed it and we got pranked.



    I called the realtor....told him I had his sign.  He seemed genuinely horrified by what I told him (I've been told it's illegal for them to post like that, adding credibility that it was a prank job, ESPECIALLY once you know where I live and the effort it takes to get here, you do NOT get "casual passing by" traffic here as I'm the last house of a dead end road and the farm is maybe 1/2 mile along this road.



  5. Nice perk at work....  I've got a company card.  Rules are, if I travel MORE than 10 miles from home, I can use it for one meal.....on them  (daily if I'm on the road every day)


    Well....  for me to drive to town, cross the bridge to THEN decide "do I need to go south, west or north....  that bridge is 10 miles.  So virtually any day I'm on the road, I can buy a meal on them.


    Boss said if it's under $50 he doesn't want to hear any concerns about it....  just do it.


    That gives me a wide latitude of places I can visit.  Nice thing about that, if I go mexican, my wife wants the beans (which I pass on), she wants the glop they put on top of my food (I don't want that either)  Long story short, she's eating the half of mine that I would otherwise simply tell them to keep so we both get some munchies from my day trips.


    Heck, how long can you last on a large pizza? 


    I was getting diesel a couple weekends ago.  Guy was filling his tank (I think 125 gallons)  His combine was nearing empty and I think he said it takes 250 gallons to fill it.  Got to gabbing and I made one of my remarks, telling him to please leave some behind so I could fill my 5-gallon jug (I try to stay topped off at the house AND my equipment)  I went on to say that "you DO know (don't you dumbazz) that we're going to run out in 13 days?"


    He laughed....  said if we did....  it was over.  I agree.  Need that to plant the crops, to harvest the crops, to move the crops to market, to move to store blah blah blah....


    HA  I just thought of a silver lining.....


    When we're 100% out of power, we'll all start burning our wooden speakers for heat.  Jubilee has more wood than a LaScala or Cornwall....  so I'll have more heat!  The Underground Jubilee cost less than the Heritage Jubilee so it won't be as painful to burn.


    I suddenly feel very secure.  :unsure2:



  6. Cool....  so now, we can have rats in the bleachers screaming out




    Though they may take editorial license and instead, squeal out  FREE RATTTTTTTTT!

    • Haha 2
  7. 11 minutes ago, Heritage_Head said:

    I know next to nothing about active xos. What are the requirements? 

    At a minimum you want 2-channels in and 4 channels out.  That will allow you to biamp the two speakers.


    This is what I did.


    What if however, down the road, you decide you want to add a subwoofer?  You can better dial it in if you have an active...


    This is also what I did.


    This is when I realized I needed another active so got a second EV-DX38 since I had one and knew how to program it.  


    Now I have two units, two plugs and decide after a couple years, I really want to simplify.  ChrisA was reporting good things about a Xilica active crossover.  So having blind faith in his opinions (which are usually good and safe bets to follow)


    I bought a 4-in, 8 out Xilica.  Now with one unit, I can do what otherwise had taken me two units.  Save some space, simplicity....  but the values that the DX38 uses do not purely change over so if I recall, I had to do some estimations on what the EV required and how it equated to the format of the Xilica.


    Roy, unless it's changed, used at the time (I presume he still uses) the DX-38.  It would be nice if he'd "curve" some actives so they could be literally plug & play.  If you get an EV unit, I've already posted the parameters that you'd use (with the K69a driver).


    Once you change drivers, then you're tweaking a bit.  Some have that experience and/or tools handy, I don't so I rely more on plug & play.

    • Thanks 2
  8. On 11/6/2022 at 12:28 AM, Marvel said:

    The MWM cabinets came out of a club somewhere. They went to two other owners before I got them and were nearly mint. I really wish I hadn't sold them.




    Looking at your picture (love it by the way)....  I know the 402 might be better on top of those BUT, to set a 402 on top, you'd have to lay those flat and in some rooms that "might" create some space issues (HA!, did I say might?)


    I wonder how your setup would work with the MWM doubles sitting like they are....  put a shelf on the front cover at an appropriate angle so that on that shelf, you could set a K510 instead of the 402.


    Just wondering out loud before I leave for work.  I'll let Roy figure out those details! 


  9. Don't know what I did....but so you have some clarity...


    I have two keyboards, two mice, two PC's (one work, one personal) and several monitors on my desk.  I'm generally pretty accurate with getting the correct keyboard with correct screen type stuff BUT....  I think that's where something happened.


    Long & short....  I can turn Itunes on (playing as I'm typing).  Songs flow from first to second to third....  BUT, if I go to another artist, I have to start the song and when it's done, I have to manually select the next song and start it UNLIKE what I'm currently listening to.


    It's almost like I told the program "always/automatically go to the next song/artist EXCEPT for this artist (Dire Straits happens to be the one where I have to go manual)  Currently have Frank Mills playing and it's going from current song to next as I'd expect. 


    I go back to Dire Straits....  it plays ONE selection and literally stops.  I have to go back and choose another and it will play THAT song only.....and on......


    Also, it appears the songs in Dire are slighlty grayed out.  Actually, I'm now looking randomly at some others.  On some artists, the names of songs are black.  In others, ALL the songs that I can see, are more grayed out.


    I've gone through the controls, can't find anything obvious.  The "black" songs all seem to flow to the next one and the greyed out songs, only play as a single, forcing me to manually go to next.


    What did I do or, more importantly, how do I undo what I did?!



  10. 4 minutes ago, Islander said:

    Beware of the enablers!  They lurk in many places in the Forum.

    Some of them will pee on your favorite rug or furniture.  


    Here's my take....  if you are intrigued on walking down this road...well, first, it seems you've found a pair of drivers & horns.  I don't recall which drivers were listed nor if the crossover will deal with them.


    Starting at bare bones....  obviously you'd need horns & drivers.  That's going to cost "X".  If you can deal with the passive, that's going to cost "X" more.  If it works and is good to your ears, then you could be done.  1,2,43 years down the road, if you get the urge to improve things, you can then grab an active, extra amps....  in other words, it doesn't have to be all done at once, in the beginning, as long as the sound you're building is ok to your ears.


    Though it's currently out of the system, I've got a dbx BX-3 to use and swap it with a Crown K2 (K1 is also fine).  Some might call these Kludge amps (if I recall the correct description) and that's fine.  Sounds fantastic to me and I got each one for under 1K (I have three K2's).  I sold the McIntosh MC-2102 amp and the MC-30's I had so I view it as I'm a LOT of cash ahead and still have killer sound.  


    I think I've seen used EV DX-38's for roughly 300-500 on ebay (not looked in long time).  One nice thing about that active is it's modular inside and if it ever needs serviced, the circuit board can be replaced and you're back in business.  That might end up costing less than configuring a passive BUT, I am clueless as to what a passive might cost other than Rigma's which were also works of art.



    • Thanks 1
  11. 2 minutes ago, Islander said:

    Boston:  just like Pink Floyd, is the band that requires you to crank the volume as soon as they come on.


    Not to thread crap too much....  but let me correct you.


    When my buddy came over to first hear the LaScalas (bone stock), I had the 20 db mute button pushed on my Yamaha receiver (forget model, but it was 100 watts/channel)


    Had volume knob turned to about 2:00, had the mute button pushed.  The intro to Long Time came on.  He walked up to one of the speakers....  the song grew in strength but had not yet blasted loose.


    Unknown to my buddy, my finger gently went over to the mute button...


    The song grew in power, 







    and when it creshendo'ed I let the mute button go.  By now he was 2-3 feet away from the speaker and the suddenness of how loud & impactful it got in that instant was (unfortunate for him, yes he can still hear today) but, it was absolutely hysterical...  he literally, and I mean LITERALLY jumped like a cat through the air backwards about three feet and landed on his butt.  


    Just thinking about it today and trying to type it out has me again, giggling at how startled he was by what happened.

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  12. 3 minutes ago, Islander said:

    Being able to go into your living room and listen to better sound than you'd get at a concert is beyond cool, it's a source of joy.


    True story:  I got my LaScalas in 1979.  Sometime that year, after I had them at home, Boston (the group) came out with their first self titled album.  Shockingly, they went on tour to capitalize on the LP's success.


    A good friend of mine & I went to the show.  I recall him saying something like "your stereo sounds better than this"



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  13. I don't mean to speak for him, he'll remind me of when I was groveling like a lap-dog to buy some Undergrounders....


    That said, I'd speculate his thoughts are


    "The passive is already out there.....been there, done that... if you choose to utilize a different driver than the one diagramed, that's on you....  what do you expect me to do....  anytime someone wants to do this, drop what I'm doing (undoubtedly looking at dirty curves) and obtain their driver of choice and figure it out for them?  Nope....  that's it....  give me either 30 laps around the building OR, 30 minutes of listening to Marie singing Paper Roses.....


    Now, that puppy yapping dude Coytee...  lemme tell you, he's got it on and knows it all....  yeah, just like a puppy knows where to go pee when you first bring him home....  if not on your favorite rug or furniture....  possibly on your leg.  Gotta watch-out for dudes that slobber over underground speakers.  Someone bi*** slap him for me.


    He does however, know how to send a nice set of bbq ribs and home grown blueberries....."



    Yeah, Roy may not be saying the above out loud, but it's probably floating in the back of his head, right behind some of those 'dirty curves' he's seen over his career.


    You do this.....  you go home, ask your wife if you can discuss "dirty curves" with a bunch of dudes.....  you see how long it is before you get served by her attorney.  That Roy knows  how to walk a fine line.



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  14. 10 hours ago, Chief bonehead said:

    Because of the large horn the imaging and soundstage remains the same. Outside the bass if full and does not falter because they are set to curve flat in half space which basically means that you at least have a floor. In rooms you start to add room gain and Michael mentioned he removed most of that. Will they sound good outside? Yes. Will they sound good in a large room 30x40? Yes. Will they sound good in a small room? Yes. That’s they beauty of large constant coverage horns. Hope this helps. 


    No comment here...  I just wanted to quote a comment by Roy that was more than 3-words. 






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  15. Islander is right.  Quite by accident, I noticed that at the base of my stairs (I think it was 30' from the Khorns) the speakers sounded absolutely out of this world good.  There was no distinct distance where it went from sounding good to outstanding but you could easily tell a difference when 10' away verses 30'.  (open room with no walls)


    Yanked Khorns out, slapped Jubilee's in went to that same 30' spot to hear the glory....and was befuddled that it didn't sound any better at 30' than it did at say, 10'.  Then it hit me....  the 3-way Khorn needed that distance to gel into a single sound and the Jubilee came together somewhere around 7-10 feet so now, I can actually be in the room with them with the good sound, and not listening further away.



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  16. Here's another one that I found.


    The thing is....  only a handful of drivers have actually been voiced to the 510, especially on top of a LaScala or other bass bin.  There are a hundred 2" drivers I suppose but in the realm of actually tried, tested, I'd venture to guess less than 4-6 (but I honestly have no clue)


    This is where an active will help you as you can adjust things more on the fly, in your room to taylor the sound without having to take the passive apart, buy different parts....try it....  take it apart, try different parts....try it....take it apart....


    With an active, you just keep dialing things in.


    Just for kicks, if I were you, I'd look on Ebay for used EV DX-38's if you don't intend on every adding a sub to the system.  The EV will do 2-in and 4 out or a pair of stereo speakers and no other.  More precisely, it will do two 2-way speakers.  If you would want to add a sub later on, then getting a 4-in 8 out would give you better options.  This is why I pulled the EV out of my system and replaced it with a Xilica.


    Let me rephrase that....this is why I pulled BOTH Ev's out of the system,. so I could replace them BOTH with a single unit that covered everything.



    JUB 510 69.pdf

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