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Posts posted by oscarsear



    Interestingly,I've  been emailing with someone about the washer.  Today, I met him in town and he followed me home.  My wife was nervous... "you better have someone there with you"


    I tend to be a believer in the good of people until they prove me wrong.  I guess my wife was convinced he was going to shoot me, boil my body in oil, tan my skin and maybe feed it to the dogs or something like that.


    When he arrived at the house, it was very pitiful.  I'm guessing he was in his late 20's.  He was a bit taller than me and about twice my weight (as in very over weight)


    His right hand was severely deformed.  His shoulder to elbow looked pretty normal but perhaps a bit shorter than normal.  His elbow to "hand" looked more like a flipper with a single digit (looked like little finger) placed on it.


    Around his throat, he was wearing some kind of strap.  On the front of this strap was....I don't know.  Maybe one of our Medical folks can chime in if they understand what I'm saying.  Anyways, on this strap is what appeared to be an attachment point.  It was almost like he had a trachiomoty (sp).  Actually, when I first saw it, I thought it was for a voice box but he had a normal voice.  I am guessing it was some kind of port for maybe tube feeding or cleaning something in his throat.  I've never seen anything like this.


    I hooked the washer up outside as he wanted to verify it worked (strikes me as very fair).  I only hooked the cold.  Some water came out of the hot hose and he said he understood.  He went on to say he'd have to get a cap for the hot input as he only has cold water.


    He said he was going to tell his mother about this as it was not only the nicest looking unit he's seen so far but, the least expensive (it is in near showroom condition)


    I told the  wife she be happy I knocked $50 of the price for him, indeed, she might be happy to just give it to him (she's a softie and loves to help someone in need if she can.....hey.....why do you think she married me???!!)


    So I was talking to her about this guy....when I got the above email and boy, it hit a bad chord in me.

    A softie eh?

    Let me tell ya about being a softy.

    This one snuck right up on the wife and i some time couple years ago.


    Won an Ebay auction Chores II, pair, 5Bonnes, P/U Eugene Oregon some 500+ one way from here.

    We get them, a week goes by and THAT DAM JWEBBER list an AK find of Khorns $999, one hour from me.

    We get them, the wife now has an upgrade before she really listened to the Chores IIs. no biggie she's happy.


    So we throw the Chores IIs on the CL i figure 4bones will move them, weeks go by.

    Finely a Kid shows up, looked like a Med student, said his dad was going to get Klipsch but he died suddenly.

    Wife and i are looking at each other, i say well babe he's not Biotching about the price but i think you should give the youngin a break.

    She just piped off with Two Bones :o

    That was one happy


    Interestingly,I've  been emailing with someone about the washer.  Today, I met him in town and he followed me home.  My wife was nervous... "you better have someone there with you"


    I tend to be a believer in the good of people until they prove me wrong.  I guess my wife was convinced he was going to shoot me, boil my body in oil, tan my skin and maybe feed it to the dogs or something like that.


    When he arrived at the house, it was very pitiful.  I'm guessing he was in his late 20's.  He was a bit taller than me and about twice my weight (as in very over weight)


    His right hand was severely deformed.  His shoulder to elbow looked pretty normal but perhaps a bit shorter than normal.  His elbow to "hand" looked more like a flipper with a single digit (looked like little finger) placed on it.


    Around his throat, he was wearing some kind of strap.  On the front of this strap was....I don't know.  Maybe one of our Medical folks can chime in if they understand what I'm saying.  Anyways, on this strap is what appeared to be an attachment point.  It was almost like he had a trachiomoty (sp).  Actually, when I first saw it, I thought it was for a voice box but he had a normal voice.  I am guessing it was some kind of port for maybe tube feeding or cleaning something in his throat.  I've never seen anything like this.


    I hooked the washer up outside as he wanted to verify it worked (strikes me as very fair).  I only hooked the cold.  Some water came out of the hot hose and he said he understood.  He went on to say he'd have to get a cap for the hot input as he only has cold water.


    He said he was going to tell his mother about this as it was not only the nicest looking unit he's seen so far but, the least expensive (it is in near showroom condition)


    I told the  wife she be happy I knocked $50 of the price for him, indeed, she might be happy to just give it to him (she's a softie and loves to help someone in need if she can.....hey.....why do you think she married me???!!)


    So I was talking to her about this guy....when I got the above email and boy, it hit a bad chord in me.






    The kid had a tracheostomy or breathing tube.


    You cannot speak with an open tracheostomy tube, so they cap it with what is called a Passé Muir valve so that they can force air through their vocal cords.


    It is obvious to me why your wife has kept you and that your wife has a soft spot for the mentally challenged. I fully understand as I totally love my son Danny. :)


    On the more serious side though, you are not a very big guy, and should be packing when going to meet people involved with an add buddy :(




    Yes he had a trach.  The trach tube could have been fenestrated that would've allowed for vocalization as long as the tube it self was plugged to the air.  Or it could have been a trach plug that simply held the stoma in play (no tube in the airway).  The Passy-Muir valve would stick out.  They're one way valves allowing the inhalation of air but the exhalation is blocked allowing the air to vent through a fenestrated trach or one with the cuff merely deflated.  Victor Passy was an ENT Prof where I once worked and David Muir was a long term vent dependent patient I cared for during the 80's.  He suffered from muscular dystrophy.  There are a myriad of ways trachs can function and just as many devices to be deployed in their care and management.  In my experience these people prefer to be treated just like regular folks.  They do not view themselves as limited.  I have a host of post polio stories that'd bring most of us to our knees and they worked through it like it was nothing.  They are very inspiring people.  This is why I have very little patience for healthy people allowing themselves to get obese.  If you have no more fortitude than to not eat yourself to death then do not expect a great deal of sympathy.  Imagine where this young man has been and how he lives now.

    • Like 1
  2. Predicting LE for health professionals is like predicting the weather 6 months out. They have way too many variables to juggle and all those variables can move a lot. 


    My pessimism is just the "bet" I would make on all those variables. And it is based on the premise that all controls in society are still shifting from government to private influence - for the simple reason of "follow the money." Where the money goes, so goes the influence." Here's one example: Private prisons. Since government increasingly can't afford to operate prisons, the shift is toward privitization. That drastically changes the incentives involved in recidivism. Where once the object was to lower it, the profit motive now wants to RAISE it, and raise it as fast as possible. The obvious and inescapable result of privitizing prison is that only increases in prisoners will satisfy Wall Street. 


    And so it goes with food. Every dollar increase in Kraft's yearly dividends will be represented by another inch on the waistline of consumers. That's simply the undeniable logic of a system where all the influence is privatized. Harking back to my previous post, "Governments are now charged with helping private capital run the economy." So, you look at that and can see why the people can't possibly get GMO labeling requirements from their government! An unbelievable condition of events! (Notwithstanding any argument about the health value of GMO, just simply based on people's "right to know.")


    So, "the American human body" will continue to provide a massive profit incentive to the food industry. It's "the new frontier" everyone is always looking for. "Ok boys, we have raped all the forests, dug out all the coal, fished out all the fish, now let's dredge the good health out of 310 million human bodies." It's not one bit different than the prison incentives.


    What can anyone possibly imagine will reverse the current trend in obesity? I see nothing whatsoever on the horizon. As we see, the younger generations are getting obese at an ever earlier age. Disaster looms.

    Incentives are determined by the nature of the contract.  In healthcare positive outcomes now gauge reimbursement so providers are incentivized to provide better health care.  If privatized prisons are structured to punish recidivism then they too will become more rehabilitative.  As you say, they will follow the $$$ and if the $$$ punishes negative consequences then better outcomes should result.


    And if industry rapes the forests understand that forests are inanimate, nonthinking, nonreactive entities, - as are coal mines - and to a lesser degree fish.  People on the other hand actually do think, do react and should be held responsible for their own conduct.  They are not at all equal when it comes to being a commodity.  


    Wondered how long afore this thread devolved into some curious culverts of political conspiracy.  Seems as though one of us really wants to indict industry with malignant purposes with earnest desires to require that the federal gov't should define 'correct' and demand and enforce same.  As has been pointed out.........  those of us with wisdom are less subject to being manipulated into life limiting diets and lifestyles.  Is this (better and longer) survival of the smartest?  Then there is that other horrific can-O-worms residing on the other side of aging, actually being born.  We have this liberal mindset defending the notion that healthy pregnancies be terminated at will.  The result?  The result is that poor black women are terminating pregnancies en masse.  If the goal of the policy was population control of the poor black populace (as is the result) the outcry would be deafening.  So what is the real intent if the outcome is so lopsided?  


    We have a country that runs on profits and industry quite focused on fine tuning profiteering and, yes, at any ethical expense.  Are the feds failing at key regulations?  Lots of arguments there, some valid, others less so.  Bottom line: Become educated enough to know right from wrong and choose what's best for yourself - which could well include profiteering by allowing less intelligent, easily-led others to harm themselves.  


    The caveats apply........  same as forever.  The dumb cave guy froze to death or got eaten by the bear and the smart one became the vaunted tribal elder.  


    I have no idea how any of that applies here. This argument has NOTHING to do with politics, and nothing at all to do with REGULATIONS. 


    Not sure how, but you have woefully missed the target here. I no longer suggest people read the thread. I can shorten this for you:



    I SAID: Food is intentionally engineered to have all the negative qualities that case sickness and reduce lifespans.And, that the American diet is killing us.

    DWI SAID: A raft of nonsense about conspiracy theories and aliens. 

    I SAID: I provided the necessary logic to confirm food IS engineered as I said, and furthermore that is NO indication of a conspiracy.



    I SAID: Crumbling infrastructure won't be replaced because "bankers" (private capital) are in charge, and they don't see a big enough ROI. 

    DWILAW SAID: You are a conspiracy theorist saying aliens are involved and secret societies and your assertion is ABSURD.

    I SAID: I provided commentary from many credible sources explaining fully the economics behind my assertion which fully confirmed it has nothing whatsoever to do with conspiracies. 


    The entire thing is then filled with various attempts to discredit the ridiculous original rebuttal about conspiracy theories (post 38). 


    There you go.


    When a small group of elites direct and command what any gov't does then the implication is clearly conspiratorial.  How else could they accomplish such broad and eep machinations if the strings of an interwoven conspiracy were not in play?

  4. Wondered how long afore this thread devolved into some curious culverts of political conspiracy.  Seems as though one of us really wants to indict industry with malignant purposes with earnest desires to require that the federal gov't should define 'correct' and demand and enforce same.  As has been pointed out.........  those of us with wisdom are less subject to being manipulated into life limiting diets and lifestyles.  Is this (better and longer) survival of the smartest?  Then there is that other horrific can-O-worms residing on the other side of aging, actually being born.  We have this liberal mindset defending the notion that healthy pregnancies be terminated at will.  The result?  The result is that poor black women are terminating pregnancies en masse.  If the goal of the policy was population control of the poor black populace (as is the result) the outcry would be deafening.  So what is the real intent if the outcome is so lopsided?  


    We have a country that runs on profits and industry quite focused on fine tuning profiteering and, yes, at any ethical expense.  Are the feds failing at key regulations?  Lots of arguments there, some valid, others less so.  Bottom line: Become educated enough to know right from wrong and choose what's best for yourself - which could well include profiteering by allowing less intelligent, easily-led others to harm themselves.  


    The caveats apply........  same as forever.  The dumb cave guy froze to death or got eaten by the bear and the smart one became the vaunted tribal elder.  

  5. Walk a mile in your shoes............   You will burn roughly the same calories walking a mile as you will running a mile because you will have done a'miles' worth of work.  You will not get the same cardio, etc........  but you will burn the calories in a way that is relatively pleasant and easy on the body.  You do not have to obnoxiously exert yourself to get into an exercise program.  Once you have walked a mile and burned a miles worth of calories - do not eat 2 miles worth of food.  Calories burned and not replaced results in (wait for it) weight loss.  An out of shape person will lose lots of weight quickly because they are out of condition.  Their bodies are inefficient and will burn excess calories for the given workload.  (This is why so many diet companies hawk the notion that new customers will 'lose 5 pounds' in the 1st 10 days.)


    Every journey begins with a single step.  Not gonna discount any medical findings nor excuse our unscrupulous food industry.  I am gonna look a YOU and find faith that YOU can understand the need and will be smart enough to comprehend the values to be gained.  Take a lot of pride in every goal achieved.  If you fall down, get up and get back to it.  It will not be easy nor fast.  It requires determination, commitment and a complete reworking of lifestyle.  But you are not alone and there is a TON of help.


    You can revel in adopting enumerable explanations and rationalize being fat in many ways.  But your life will be limited, less happy, less successful, much less healthy and you will waste a bunch of $$$$$.  Or start walking and stop eating crap and become active, alert and healthy.  

  6. Abe Vigoda died at age 94 and he was able to look 94 for the last 30 years (at least).  Great character actor.  I am lucky as I have a local channel that shows Barney Miller reruns twice nightly.  Truly a well done sitcom - great casting in all respects.

    • Like 1
  7. Yeah sure I believe in will power. But it's not absolute, it's relatively effective depending on the temptation involved.

    Do you know anyone, or have you known anyone that is obese? I've known quite a few over the years. And will power is not the simple variable controlling obesity. If you are tempted to say it's all you needed, try to think more generally. Will power may work for a while, and it may be sufficient for some. But it's not the single gateway to success or failure. And many other interventions are needed, right up to the radical stomach stapling.

    Sent from my SM-T330NU using Tapatalk


    As I said, if you have a medical condition contributing to either weight gain or the inability to manage weight issues then it merits medical intervention. If you mean to imply that most overweight people have such problems then I would disagree.  Your observations about the food industry and the lack of gov't oversight is correct, but not unusual.  The same gov't allows way too much free rein to many questionable industries.  The caveats remain true - it is up to the individual to make wiser choices.  

    • Like 1
  8. Personal responsibility.  Well, when it comes to personal appearance and health issues who else is better tasked with this responsibility?  Obesity is now an epidemic so it has grown in incidence.  Yes there are some pathologies lending themselves to becoming overweight.  But facts are facts and if you cannot see for yourself that your own size is getting too large and that something needs to be done - then that is a failure on your part.  Like any 'ailment' get it medically looked into if necessary and then correct the problem.  Like alcohol abuse and tobacco addiction - the correction begin with personal acknowledgement and commitment.  Easier said than done?  Yup - it always is.  But today it is a whole lot easier than ever.  There is a lot of good info, good diets, good gyms and many incentives provided.  


    Why is this even an argument?

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  9. The NFL needs to liberally hand out fines and suspensions.  Cincy was inappropriate on many levels last night.  Burfict is unstable IMHO.  But the fan conduct was inexcusable.  Perhaps Cincy needs to not have its franchise?  They'd be better served with cage fights, wrestling and quarter tossing.  Last night was beyond regrettable - it was a disgrace.

    • Like 1
  10. Maybe the klipsch museum would be interested in owning them.  That was a special order and there cannot be very many of them on planet earth.  I have a pair of Khorns in their museum.  Klipsch did not buy them outright, they bartered with other products.  Just a thought.  They are awful purdy.

  11. Well it is both better and worse than inferred.  Consider the headwaters of most of medical treatment is basic research paid for via government grants.   In other words the public pays for academia to plow the frontiers of the medical/biological sciences for the underpinnings of this work and industry often comes in and reaps the profits from that work.  Often industry teams with academia providing partial funding for insider access to all of the results.  


    That said.........  good health care is expensive, very expensive.  In this country we will accept a real estate industry that generates mega$$$ for individuals with little  formal education and lament the salaries of seriously educated souls in many disciplines.  If America feels that healthcare is a right then they had better assume that being and living as healthy as possible is their personal duty.  As it stands now America is not a healthy oriented country which is a huge shame.  


    In the interim - things are - pretty screwed up...........  and they look to get much worse afore getting any better.  Insofar as neoplastic diseases ~ early diagnosis is the best and least expensive way to a cure.

  12. W/O having perused the earlier posts I would ask............  in a country with endless career options and freedoms why does any industry require gov't direction on reimbursement? If the service or the product does not sell due to poor service or inability to produce then the company fails.   Inherently worker satisfaction become integral to the success of the company.  Turnover is a killer in any business.  


    On the other side of that coin are the limitless options available to the individual.  Unhappy with where you work?  Improve your situation.  There are so many options.  Real estate agents can earn as much as physicians with nothing invested in college.  New immigrants come to America and carve out fortunes because of the freedoms they have here and not elsewhere.  Why this cultural failing of our own populace when they are provided access to free K-12 education and unfettered opportunity?


    So - if a hamburger flipper merits $15/hour............  what do you pay the nurses aid that keeps adults cleansed of crap?  There is a wide range of entry level work when it comes down to the nature of the work.  The one size mega minimum salary fits-all is simply not fair because all entry level jobs are not mindless, safe and clean.  If I clean outhouses I'd better be worth more than hamburger boy.  Right or wrong?

  13. Mmmkay.......  Pocket organic molecules in oriented graphene packets, transfer them via Phase Velocity through time/space continuums then reconstitute the molecular entity........  et voila -  Teleportation perhaps through time.  Deanimation, engineered molecular storage, unit transport, then reanimation.  

  14. My personal recipe that has won a dozen or so local competitions.....


    I trim all fat to about 1/4" then  brine mine in a beef broth, salt, sugar, rub and water ice brine for 10-12 hours.....take out and dry......light mustard coating and then pack on the dry rub....let it come to room temp


    Get smoker to 200-225 over lump charcoal and oak or pecan.....these are my preferred hard woods since they are abundantly available locally and also burn slow and even without any bitterness like mesquite. My rule of thumb is about 1 hour per pound in the smoker....but this is just a "guideline"....what I watch most is the internal temp of the brisket.


    Where most people kinda freak out is the "stall"...brisket will get to about 165-170* and just sit there for a while...people tend to freak out and start increasing the temp to try to get past it....DO NOT DO THIS.....it will stall for a good 1-2 hour.....just keep steady and it ill eventually get past the stall with even heat.


    I usually wrap my brisket in foil with a little bit of beef broth and apple juice when the stall starts and then pull it off the smoker when it hits 200*. Let it rest for about 30-45 minutes and then slice it thin.


    Good Luck!! Of all the cuts of meat that I've worked with....brisket is by far the most difficult to master on the smoker.

    This one............   monitor the internal temps.  It'll take awhile.  But follow this recipe and it'll be good 100% of the time.  You can vary the spice mixes and preps.

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