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Everything posted by dnodee

  1. Yeah, that's bout what I had in mind. I'll take a trip down to the home center to try and find something I could use to fir out the tailboard so it hits the corners nice and tight.
  2. Even if I remove the side grills the tailboard still hits the baseboard and keeps it far away. I was thinking of some kind of material to bring the tailboard over the baseboard and touch the wall like some foam or something. Will this work?
  3. What if your tailboard is 3.5 inches away from the wall corner due to wraparound baseboard heat? Any suggestions short of a false corner?
  4. Thanks! Haven't listened much yet, I have to get some foam or something to seal the rear because the closest I can get to the corners is within 3 1/2 inchs of the wall due to baseboard heat.
  5. That's how I feel about them, too. They are way too nice and original to tear apart. I am going to refresh the crossovers, though.
  6. Bob, Do you build and sell "new" 500/5000 crossovers I could buy to drop into these babies?
  7. Hey Guys, I'm the owner of these 62's. Bill is a great friend and tech and he spent most of the day with me today trucking out to Brooklyn, carrying them down two NARROW flights of stairs and then into my house. He even bought my Cornwalls so I could afford to get these. They truly look nearly brand-new. Just beautiful. We managed not to damage anything. They are type C- no riser.I can't even find a nick in the Ribbon Mohagany anywhere. The story is that they belonged to a Doctor in CT and were in the same place in his house since 1962. The Guy I bought them from got them not too long ago from the estate but couldn't get them to work in his room (I agree, it was just too small) I've got them in a 22 x 25 foot room with high ceilings and nice corners. I have baseboard heat so I'm going to have to get some rubber or foam to seal the tailboards. I would like to update the x-overs but not butcher anything. So maybe a cap replacement or can I swap out the whole crossover for a type A or something? That way I could always replace the originals if I ever sell (fat chance!). Anyway, to say I'm happy would be an understatement!
  8. These are really pretty! I would really like to find a pair of these but I have never seen them for sale even though they were in production for almost 10 years. They would look bitchin' in MYden!
  9. Wow, cool! What do they sound like? I mean, in comparison to other heritage models.
  10. I would love to see some current photos of some shorthorns. I like the one that was supposed to fit under a portable TV. I guess they really didn't sell all that well because I never see any.
  11. It's been a little while, but I think I've hammered out a deal with the owner of these. I gave him a deposit and will be picking them up sometime this week. I'll give details as I get them.
  12. Actually, I have been following Juicy Music from the beginning but the Stereophile article peaked my intrest again. Also, I really want to see what that purple faceplate looks like in person. All the web pictures ( even on JM website) kinda suck!
  13. Yeah, I hang out at Steve's place alot but the topics lately have been a little weak so I thought I would come here for awhile. I would like to try a Blueberry but I have so much stuff I can't justify a full price purchase. I though someone might cut me a deal on used one.
  14. Yeah, I know slim chance but I figured I would ask.
  15. I have a Realistic Japanese tuner from the early 60's that is really nice and has all the original tubes in it. It really does a nice job with FM and it's got that "Godzilla" 60's Japanese look thing going on that's really cool!
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