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Everything posted by TEXASRONANDTRISH

  1. Ten Shekel Shirt Uriah Heep Genesis Marillion Newsboys Neal Morse [ip][<)][8][pi]
  2. ok, I'll show my newbieism[:S] What are you guys talking about, I've never heard of this. Can someone take the time to explain it to me? Thanks Ron
  3. Guess it was too much to hope for. crazytubepower , if you're really 15, you're way ahead of most of the "adults" on this forum. Goodbye and God bless, alot of you will need it. Ron R
  4. See!! You're all just throwing out opinions with no data to back it up. I'll go with white. Wait, is white a color or the absence of color? More research is needed. Can someone state their experiences with white or perhaps another color?
  5. WOW all these years I was missing the color green, can you provide pictures to prove the existence of the color green? I just want to make an informed decision before giving my hard earned money to purchase a new favorite color. I'm not sure green is the way to go.
  6. Okay, I'm new here but heres my 2 cents. We are all adults here, with the exception of a couple young ones who have remained silent. BRAVO!! The very nature of a forum suggests that people with different OPINIONS will chime in. Beating on someone who's opinion differs from you show a definite lack in character IMHO. Who is to say that one person is correct and I or anyone else am wrong? My favorite color is blue. Am I wrong? People will hear different nuances in music,Ive been to so many concerts, a transistor radio is state of the art...TO ME. Can you have a different opinion? Absolutely. Should you bash me for it? NEVER! I've noticed a couple of old timers here have not posted lately, where do you suppose they have gone? I NEED everyone heres opinion, I'm new at this, but I've noticed questions go unanswered because some get caught up in personal attacks. I know I won't be missed but I also know if it doesn't stop I'll be looking for a new place to call home, as I think some other may have already, and thats a shame, there are not too many nut like us out there, I need a home!! Flame on!! Ron
  7. Ed, I'm completely low budget..for now my amp is a Denon PMA 777 integrated 100/ch. Phillips CD player, Techincs TT. No risers..yet. At low levels I guess you could say its a LITTLE bass shy but turn it up and ..well, I don't miss it Deep Purple (Burn) Rocks on them, some blues recordings sound thin but I think thats a function of the recordings and not the speakers.As I said before I moved them around A LOT before I found the right placement, but once I did . I have a NAD 2100 power amp I'm dying to try but haven't pulled the trigger on a preamp yet If you live in Texas you're welcome to give a listen. Ron
  8. Scott, Did you lose bass with the risers? I listen to rock and blues and love them. Ron
  9. Ed Parrot is correct, mine sit on the floor, actually on a thick area rug which is on top of my carpeted floor. Risers may help but they sound to dang good to mess with Ron
  10. Hey Ed, I'll chime in, as a recent Heresy purchaser. Others on the forum will have more knowledge on which year, maintenance issues ect. However I can tell you in my small room, 12x13, mine do not lack bass. It took a while to find the right postition for them in my room, but it was worth it. I'm listening to Porcupine Tree right now and I feel like they are here in the room with me. GREAT highs and Mids and punchy bass. Mine were built in 1980, got them off ebay for $210/pr except for a couple dings, VERY nice. I've never purchased anything off E-bay without using Paypal, I have it set up to take the Payment off my Bank Of America credit card. I've only had 1 problem with a purchase off Ebay and B.O.A. credited my account within a week. Buy them, You'll NEVER regret it, only problem is once you get the Klipsch bug it never goes away..HORNS BABY!!! Ron
  11. Porcupine Tree-Deadwing Dream Theater-Master of Puppets Led Zeppelin-Presence The Tangent-The Music That Died Alone Wifes gone, kids gone, Heresys at full volume. life is good Ron
  12. Tommy, are we married to the same woman? She comes in and looks at me like I just levitated or something, rolls here eyes and walks out. Wonder if I could trade her for a pair of VRD's Craig? Ron
  13. SUCCESS !!! Angled them up about 1" and moved them in till they are about 5' apart, MUCH, MUCH better. Thanks for all the advise telling me to keep playing with position, hey, you guys know what you're talking about. Blessings Ron
  14. Michael yes that would work if the guy that GAVE me the amp hadn't disabled the input levels, can't complain, free is a great price.
  15. Tried every position I could think of Might be my room acoustics. I might give the risers a try, they're always on Ebay fairly cheap. Ron
  16. Thanks everyone, I'll try some of the suggestions.
  17. EXCELLENT word, they are punchy, I'm liking it more as I live with it, Think I'll put on some Uriah Heep (vinyl) and see
  18. Earth Below is great, Long Misty Days gets my nod Sorry for the hi-jack on
  19. No preouts, Almost bought a cheap Pyle pre amp ($50) I'm wanting to hear this amp so bad. I've got the speakers up on tables. So far my feeling is I lost too much bass, but I'll leave it for a while and see. They opened up for sure, Queensryche sounds pretty good on em
  20. Tales of Mystery is indeed GREAT, especially "The Raven" good jams. Can't go wrong with any of his earlier stuff, he lost me along the way. I don't think he sounds anything like Robin Trower, that been said Trower is THE MAN, one of my favs, you can't go wrong with anything of his, especially the early procol Harum days. Ron
  21. I'll try getting them off the floor, I have them in the corners now so I'll keep them there. Thanks travisc, I'll let you know how they sound. Need to get a pre-amp so I can try this NAD Amp out. Ron
  22. I think Denon makes great amps, I'm having problems with mine. My tweeters are aimed at my knees, I'm aftraid if I angle them too much I'll lose some bass, no? And you're right, some recordings are remarkable. It just seems to be a tad off, I really can't explain it. Maybe openess(is that a word) Ron
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