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Everything posted by Wrench722

  1. [][]I have a lot of bass. I am now going to install four *** rumblers.[][]
  2. Two more subs....WHAT THA!!! 2 RSW-15's with two more JBL's Why not get rumble seats? The mids will be for rumble seats.
  3. I have a 20'x30' room and I have two RWS-15 subs in the front and two JBL-250 in the rear. Witch are two on the right side and two on the left side output. Now I want to install two more subs about midway. What I am looking for is something like maybe a low wattage amp. that would keep the watts up at each sub maybe with a control for all six subs. Then I can adjust them each. If I keep useing Y connector the watts will drop off. Looking for any and all imput.[6]
  4. She gives the best I have ever had. (Abby)
  5. Most of all Thank You for your help. As soon as I get the money in I will be picking up a set of 5800's to go with my new toys.
  6. I put the other wires on the tranformer. I know they are for changing the Ohm's. But how do I use them?
  7. What are these for ? I seen them on some of your plans and some I did not?
  8. I got them done. Hay ALK would you take a look and see if everything looks ok?
  9. Thanks I guess my eyes are not as good as they used to be. When I get them done I post Pic's Thanks again
  10. I have that. But it is just not clear. In your Pic's there is a lot of wires and I can not see where it is going and on this drawing there is only showing two wires and I can not tell where it is hooked to. If you are looking at the block and you count over from the left to the right three. That is the one that I am having problems with. What terminal does it go to?
  11. I thank I just put two and two together? Is this you Bob on Ebay (bobcrites)? If it is what is the diffrents between the ones you are selling now and the new one you just got?
  12. Thanks Speakerfritz Bob how much for two with shipping to 77388? My email is wrench722@aol.com
  13. Witch would be better Klipsch's or yours for use with ES400T Extreme-slope?
  14. In my case they are for CP25 and PD-5VH and 511 and K-33.
  15. Thanks guys I feel better now. I will post more pic,s when I get them done. But not today. I got to help my brother move. Thanks again.
  16. The only thing I am worry about is the cap's. Does it matter witch way they go in? I put the two 22's in backward. But did not solder them yett?
  17. Once I am done is there a way to test them?
  18. I am going for it all at once. Thanks anyway. I want to do the ES400T and the ES5800 together. I still got a lot left to do on the bass bin and still build the top hat. I also need to buy the CP-25's and the K-33's. But the next thing will be the ES5800's. And there are two!
  19. What do you mean I can use half of your universal? I have everthing on your list to build the ES400T. I just have built one board out of four. Thank you on the identification lable. I will be ordering them in about four weeks.
  20. Oh Were can I get the tag for the side?
  21. With what I have here now all I need is the ES-5800 right??? Witch I will get from you in time/money.
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