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Everything posted by Clarence

  1. clarence likes black, but is far from a prince. turntables are cool, I see upgrades in his future.
  2. playboy went out with reagan. hef says hi. keep the subscription going, the playmates are starting to ***** about the furniture.
  3. heat rashes do suck. try some aloe. and tuff actin tinactin. that should take care of any redness, swelling, or irritation on the grundle. next question please.....
  4. speakers are nice. I wish I had more. More power, more clarity, better recordings. such is life?
  5. please feel free to post your thoughts, feelings, and opinions here. go ahead! ask those hard questions.... and hear Clarence lament on your issues firsthand.
  6. I have an SW15 that I am considering selling. It should take the place of the two that you want to get. nevadamail@hotmail.com $?
  7. ill let you know, I just ordered 28 of them, should cover the first floor.
  8. jordan put me first in line for the shure cart.
  9. I am once again floored by the helpful folks on this board. Awesome job on the turntable, Scott. Congrats, Michael.
  10. do I need to bring my own burnin barrel or do you have your own? ma's tyin up all my winter clothes in hefty bags so they dont get wet. should I bring my snow shovel? can you take me fer a ride in that fancy race-car ya got when I git there?
  11. i know how it is upstate NY....
  12. Red won't deal a bit on MSRP?? That surprises me. I was hoping one would come up in the eBay store. I'm sure Red will deal.
  13. thanks for the quick reply amy! I am in love since my audition at Today's Audio in Flint.
  14. Nah.....your all right......just lock your silverware up........I think you live alone, so your silverware might be safe........and your turntable and LP's are safe.....but the rest of your stuff..........I'll bring a trailer......... if you show up with a trailer I'm moving in with you and the missus. YEEE-HaAAAQ
  15. cclarence better tidy up a bit...
  16. road trip? watcha do, go get the mail?
  17. I need some help locating and securing at least one of the new rt12dsub. homie doesent pay msrp. Amy, any seconds kicking around? I am considering biamping my h3's, and eventually would like 2 of these units.
  18. great price! I wish you lived closer, they would be mine. Good luck!
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