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Posts posted by jamesV

  1. Like $1500, something, not higher..

    For that price you can get Cornwalls but the size would be the down fall...

    Where are you located? Maybe forum members can invite you over to take a listen to their systems so you can take your favorite music to see how it sounds.

    Good luck on your search.


  2. As mentioned earlier and what you went thru picking out your camera. See if you can take your mom to the store or a few and see which ones see likes the best. It still has to fit her hands and she has to be comfortable with it or it will just sit at home and she will still be using the disposable ones. I know that you would take the time to show her how to use it but she still has to be comfortable with it.

    When I purchased a digital camera for my gf she liked it but has only now started to carry it around with her all the time, this is after a few years of owning it. Now my mom is another story and she will keep using her 35mm camera so I'm not even going to try.


  3. They aren't that bad really, one just has a stain that has kind of bleached (for lack of a better work, not that extreme) out one spot on the cover. I wonder if I just took a can of black satin spray paint and lightly misted them both so they'd match if that would look ok. Maybe there is some spray die I guy could buy at like Hobby Lobby. For some reason I'm reluctant to go the paint route, in my mind I fear it will effect the sound since it will clog the grill a little bit. I'm sure thats ridiculous but it comes to my mind every time I'm about ready to get the paint out!

    I think that if you do the misting that it wouldn't clog or stick the grill material together. The die route might not cover that spot area the same so it will still look lighter. If I were you I would try the spray paint but as stated just mist the grill material and do one at a time to see the results. Worth a shot since you have the material to try it out. It would be cool to see how it comes out, thats for sure.

    Maybe contact Bob and see what he thinks and might recommend for the replacement material.


  4. i think im pretty much done tweaking for now, its sound pretty good, im content with it now

    So does this mean that you ARE happy with the RB-10 rears? Any problems getting them aimed to your sitting position?

    Also congrats on the setup, post some pictures when you can.


  5. Welcome to the forum...

    The guy is asking $700.00 for the pair. Is this a good price,

    It all depends on the condition of the speakers and if you have any authorized Klipsch dealers near. The RF-62 have a msrp of $878, so a difference of $178 might not be good at all.

    and will it complement my system?

    No, you want to have the front three speakers to match. With the RF-62 as fronts you will have Reference mains and an Icon center. You should look for the matching Icon fronts either the VF-36 or the VF-35 to have a perfect timber match.


  6. James- Good suggestion and a few guys around here have contacted me about demoing their setup I just need to get off my butt and make arrangements!

    With the weather breaking it would be a good time to. If I were you I'd take everyone one up that offers, just because some might have the same speakers not all room are equal. I might like one set of speakers at one location and not at another, something to take into consideration.

    Don't forget the Pilgrimage that Klipsch is having, another way to hear to great speakers and meet forum members.


  7. Personally I would go with the "Left Cluster" this way you can put labels on the faceplate's and it would be easier to read and understand which is plugged in and what isn't. Maybe even run the wires along that 2x4 and put the boxes there, while facing the closet, the left corner would be the connections for the right cluster in the middle would be for the center cluster and the right corner would be for the left cluster

    I do like the ideal of all the same connections together but how would they be labeled to know which outlet is for which location?


  8. Just a thought, how about constructing a unit from plywood and threaded rod supported from your angle iron. or hang it using eye hooks. That way if your not using it, it can be removed easily.

    I was going to say the same thing. Someone has their TT mounted this way, I will try and look for the pictures.


    Here is the thread, a few posts down is the picture. You can do something like that or even use chain, if the wife doesn't like the look you can use a piece of pvc and paint it to cover up the wire or chain.

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