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Everything posted by GWSmith

  1. And as always...........a photo of our wine selection for the evening...............a nice table wine from Australia.. Hope you enjoyed the photos................hope to see some inspired dinners from your kitchens SOON.............make sure we also get to see the table setting as well.. .........all for now.........until next time... ..........Gary
  2. ............and always room at our table for a guest ................our Eclectus 'GeeBee' (well feather plucked at this time) with some of the fresh pasta PRE-sauce, as we don't feed anything with salt, however, fresh ground organic chilie pepper is always served with his dishes []
  3. Closeup of my plate....
  4. Our usual dining setting in the kitchen.... Always fresh flowers and real fire on the table... []
  5. Chris is now plating the dish..............these pasta plates we pick up down in North Carolina at a great store that has a FULL line of fine glasses and dinner ware from many makes... This so happens to be the Made In USA 'Fiesta Ware'.......... Each summer we go down to N.C. and make sure to stop at this store and add to the collection [Y] Caution: These plates are TOO LARGE for a dishwasher, and in our case, must be washed by hand...
  6. Here.......the sauce is finished and being added to the thin pasta...
  7. Fresh chopped organic Italian broad leaf parsley and pecorino romano cheese waitning to be added...
  8. Here, Chris is doing up a saute' of XVOO, one HEAD of fine chopped garlic and fresh organic rosemary... and white VINO
  9. Good evening foodies! I know its been a couple of months and HIGH TIME for a few new photos from ME! So, here we go.... A Saturday night, and when I am NOT on stage with the Arthur Holmes Blues Band at a show, I spend it home with Chris enjoying 'A Prarie Home Companion' ... Here is a photo of our nosh plates.......... I put together on very delicate Italian crackers, smoked salmon, Wendsleydale cheese (from Whole Foods) and fresh organic parsley for Chris. Mine are without the cheese but with a HOT Thai chilie sauce instead... Some garlic and hot pepper mix, various olives and pepperdew peppers. Wine was from my ever present BOX O Wine..........Carlo Rossie Founders Oak Cab, a tad sweet for me, but good enough for 'during the week' consumption.
  10. GWSmith

    What I Got Today!

    Hello there........ First, Germerikan.........these new Hammonds dating back to 2003 (when the company re-introduced the B3 and C3 - same look and feel) have the same sound as the vintage tone wheel organs including my XK-Pro System = very much a fold up B3... They have all the noise, keyclick, generator cross talk, you name it including tone wheel flutter! Here is a photo of my other Hammond and vintage Leslie for the road on stage a couple months ago... Boxx, you are SO kind as always, and yes an excellent plug there [Y] thank YOU sir ! Stephan, no, Tigerman comes from a name I used back in the mid 80ies.. I ride Arctic Cat snowmobiles, and I owned an el 'Tigre at the time, and hence the name... There you have it. Enjoy the photo... ......Gary
  11. GWSmith

    What I Got Today!

    As a professional musician in an up and coming blues band, may I add my newest instrument? A brand new Hammond Organ fresh out of the box arrived here a few days ago and goes to the stage for the first time this weekend [Y] This one even lighter and more compact then what I am currently using as seen in the avatar... Thanks for taking a look.. .........Gary
  12. GWSmith

    What I Got Today!

    She looks great Rick...............flipping ?? This receiver looks like a keeper to me. Bet it weights in as a HEAVY weight for sure !! .............g
  13. Very nice living room style HT Mark ! Thanks for sharing, and I'll bet it fills the room very nicely ! Enjoy and send along another photo or two of the LFE channel equip. [] .....Gary
  14. Here is a closeup of my plate, a very nice mushroom-garlic pasta sauce with linguini........ A French Pino Noir from our wine club (young, but excellent!). Chris is enjoying his leftover rigitoni as well.... I have added the usual fresh chopped broad leaf parsley. Thats all from here, short and sweet [Y] ..............g
  15. Good evening fellow food enthusiast [] Just a couple photos from a couple of dishes 're-assembled' from our local Italian dinner Thursday night from Joe's Cafe' ... Here is the overhead photo of the dinner table, complete with oil lamps and fresh flower arrangement [Y] Enjoy.... ......Gary
  16. In this final photo, the nosh setting, exotic olives and cheese with a glass of good red wine.. This guacamole turned out VERY nicely and there is much more left over to serve once again. Thanks for stopping by [] Until next time, be inspired, put something tasty together and don't forget the photos from the start to the finish.... ...........Gary
  17. A closup of the presentation... []
  18. This photo shows the two bowls all ready to be served..
  19. Lets have a quick taste! The chips are an organic corn chip and a premium store brand.
  20. In this photo, you can see all the ingredients well blended [Y]
  21. Oops!, that wisk didn't cut it, so off the KitchenAid pro food processor!
  22. All into the 10" bowl...
  23. In this photo, its the beginning of the prep... Garlic, sweet onion, cilantro, fresh organic avacado, chopped fresh tomatoes and LIMES etc...
  24. Good evening fellow foodies. Here we are on a February Friday evening and its time to show you all my very FIRST attempt at making a fresh batch of guacamole ! There were NO recipies used. I simply kept in mind our last visit to an authentic Mexican restaurant uptown when our server made a batch FRESH right at our table ! So, here is a photo of the ingredients used for this lovely 'dip' ...
  25. Doesn't this rule actually apply to public displays such as bars, restaurants or night clubs ??? I think private viewing is exempt.. Maybe I'm dreaming ? .........g
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