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Everything posted by jhw59

  1. also pickup available in Rehoboth Beach, DE with notice though I need real interest to transport them again. They're heavy!!!
  2. Ok, I live near the University of Maryland which is in College Park, MD so Washington DC-Baltimore area.
  3. back in 20782. 19971 also available as a pickup but I need notice. PM me if you need more piks, info etc.
  4. change in plans-no longer in Nashville or Charleston WV. now at 37375 through the 22nd. 2 nights in Charlottesville 24-26 then back to 20782.
  5. Not sure of the zips but if you are interested, pm me and we can work out a meet somewhere.
  6. Bump. Just to be clear: At zip 37375 from July 17-23 then Nashville afternoon of the 23rd. Then Charleston WVA late afternoon of the 24th and Charlottesville most of the 25th and morning of the 26th. Home to 20782 on the 26th. Yes, this is our vacation but the speakers will be in the back of the SUV so if you're in any of these areas, I will try my best to meet up somewhere.
  7. My brother took the piks and said a little furniture polish or murphys will really bring out the wood tone. I will do that when I get there next week.
  8. asking $300 Consecutive serial numbers. I bought them from my cousin soon after he purchased them new in 1990. These aren't getting used right now so I thought I would offer them up here. I cannot ship them but they will be in various locations. They will be available for inspection at zip 37375 from the 17th-22 of July. If I haven't sold them, I will be bringing them back home (zip 20782). On the way home, overnights in Nashville, Charleston WV and Charlottesville VA and then home on the 26th.So, I could meet anyone interested along the way but you will have to work with my schedule and I can't go way out of my way. Prefer cash, but paypal (split fee) or USPS money order ok. Some piks attached (I have more but ran out of room here). Very good condition with a few small nicks. Great way to check out the Klipsch sound without spending a lot of $$$. 100% feedback on ebay-jhw59. Also ++ feedback on Hoffman and Polk audio boards under jhw59. Posting here exclusively for a couple of days and then onto Hoffman, Polk, etc. Post here and then PM. THANKS FOR LOOKING!!!
  9. Still haven't heard from Anthony. Does anyone here know or have dealings with Anthony? Please PM me.
  10. Chicago VI and question on Raspberries (how many tracks?)
  11. Here's a pik showing the stand. I did not have to remove the risers as Anthony recommended. After several days of listening, I have no hesitation in recommending these stands. They are custom built for your speaker type. Most important: 100% WAF!
  12. They're here and they look great! I will get some shots up when I have a moment.
  13. My stands from Anthony arrive tomorrow! Thanks to everyone here for their comments/advice.
  14. understood but I use a sub so not owrried about loss of bass.
  15. I think these may be the answer. I had a nice chat with the owner/builder-Anthony. Thanks for the link. Next step is determining WAF!
  16. Thanks again for the suggestions. I think having someone build me some simple stands will be the way to go.
  17. Hello everyone and Happy Holidays! I've been looking for a while for stands-2-3 feet in height-for my Klipsch Heresys with no luck. I don't want to spend a fortune on these-$100 or less each and WAF is important. My Klipsch have the square risers underneath them which are 12" by 12". Any advice appreciated!
  18. I have a Jolida cd player (and integrated amp) and am considering rolling tubes for the cd player. I THINK? they have some kind of russian or sovtek tube in it now. Very happy with the sound but curious whether different tubes would be a good tweak, Any recs appreciated?
  19. does Jolida the company offers mods to their cd player?
  20. jhw59

    Sub for music

    I got it used locally from a HT forum member for $275-a good price I thought. I think the 25-31 is $500 plus shipping from SVS.
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