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Posts posted by JohnA

  1. Well, he didn't say "passive bi-amping". Smile.gif

    JohnJohn, you might try Harrison F-mods on the inputs of your amps for the crossover. They are only in 12 dB/octave and in discrete frequencies, but you can get high and low pass at the same frequency.


    This message has been edited by John Albright on 04-04-2002 at 01:12 PM

  2. Yes, It is! It's shown in the proper placement for the older CII. In that position, the long axis of the horns is horizontal. Note the riser on the bottom, often thought of as the "side".


    This message has been edited by John Albright on 04-09-2002 at 12:19 PM

  3. If I were going to build my own cabinets, I'd build a "J"-shaped bass horn sometimes called a scoop. Mr. Paul designed one and published it in a paper I have. It would be taller than a La Scala, but I believe it could have a lower cutoff frequency and therefore deeper bass response. You'd use the rest of the La Scala components as is.


  4. You can certainly install 2 new K-33-Es from Klipsch. Al Klappenberger has a crossover designed for the Cornwalls. You MIGHT even get Klipsch to construct a new set of the correct crossovers in the lab, but I doubt that the originals are bad. Are they leaking or are the terminals corroded?


  5. I've seen pictures in a Klipsch brochure of the first Cornwall IIs laying on their side so that the horns were horizontal and the pair was symetrical with the horns to the outside. It was sort of a lowboy configuration. That picture also showed a "normal" pair of Cornwalls. The old Cornwall IIs are rare.


  6. Rat shack sells crossovers. It won't be that simple, though. The horn is much more efficient than the woofers, so the crossover needs built-in attenuation. The best thing to do is to rebuild the originals with superior parts of the same value.


  7. The only omportant part of the xover that would be affected by corrosion would be the connections. Unscrew them and clean the terminals and that's all they'll need. I have ALK xovers and like them a lot. I think they are a bit better than the Type AA and miles better than the Type AL I had in one pair of my La Scalas. they are said to sound a lot like the type AK-3 and by inference the Type AL-3.

    As for the cabinets, only a cabinet maker can tell you how much they need to have done to them. By your description, it sounds like little or nothing.

    The drivers will not require rebuilding unless insects or rodents have damaged the woofers.

    The first step looks like getting them out and giving them a good cleaning and oiling with lemon oil or other good furniture oil/cleaner.

    I think you answered your own question about a sane expenditure. You might also call Klipsch and price a new pair of bass horns or a even a new pair of complete cabinets. There are authentic plans out there you could use to have a cabinet maker build you a set as well, but the bass horn is a HUGE amount of work. These last options are in case your cabinets are beyond repair.


    This message has been edited by John Albright on 03-27-2002 at 03:40 PM

  8. Mdeneen,

    I think you have couple of flaws in your post. Your analogy with 2 glasses and assumption that the economics must result in zero gain is not necessarily true. Increased production of goods and services in, say Thailand, does not require a reduced overall income in the U.S. If Thailand uses its resources and labor to produce valuable goods for export, the lower price MAY put some U.S. workers out of work. The change MAY force them into another job that pays more. It is difficult to accurately predict the outcome of the economy using limited and anecdotal evidence. Buggy makers who lost their jobs because of cars, probably went to work making cars.

    The assumption that a wage of something like $15/hour is required for a living wage doesn't apply all over the world. $15/hr is pretty much the minimum for a decent living in TN. How well could I live in LA on that?

    OTOH, your list of indirect costs such as water and air pollution is correct and as yet, unaccounted for in the prices we pay for foreign goods. Eventually, all world consumers will pay for the clean-up costs in higher prices for the goods produced in that country when that country enacts environmental protection laws like the U.S. did in the 60s. Our business regulations have a larger impact on the cost of U.S. made goods than our labor rates. The U.S. worker is regularly listed as the most productive (more goods/hr), hardest working (longer hours/week) worker in the world.


    This message has been edited by John Albright on 03-27-2002 at 11:12 PM

  9. The RSW-15 is an impressive sub with high output capability. I think Gil is steering you in the right direction. You should have a VERY good reciever to build a Home Theater system around. To do that will require a center and surround speakers; ideally ones intended to go with your RF-7s. Due to the popularity of multi-speaker Home theater systems, audio recordings are now being made in multi channel and many sound really good. The Eagles' "Hell Freezes Over" DVD is one that quickly comes to mind. In addition, your reciever is probably capable of turning 2-channel CDs into multi-channel audio using internal trickery. I don't know how well it does it. My Preamp/Processor has some special effect settings ("modes") that work very well and some that don't.

    I use 2 subwoofers in my system to great effect. If you want to use a second sub you can and should not expect both of them to sound bad when used together. There are several ways to hook up 2 subs. When you get ready to do it, post another question. We have several here who have tried it many different ways.


  10. The La Scala used all the same components the K-horn uses for the same year. If the K-horn cabinets are Klipsch-made, then you '73 vintage La Scala parts will be ideal. If the K-horn cabinets are not Klipsch-made, check the slot the woofer "fires" through. If the slot is 3" x 13" your K-33 woofer is ideal. If the slot is 6" x 13" you'll need a different woofer for optimum performance. You can call Klipsch or e-mail djk (Denny Klietsch sp?) for recommendations. If they are not Klipsch-made, be sure they are well made. The squawker and tweeter will work in the upper section no matter how the bottom is made.


  11. I've got a 1000A running my rear channels. They run in Class A up to 1.65 watts and Class AB above that. I have a 1203A running the front 3 channels. It's a very similar amp, but rated at 140 x 3. They sound great and are very clean. You should like it.


  12. Tom Brennan might know more, but I'd recommend using the 311-90 to cut down on beaming the midrange. Tom recommends using E-V SM-120 horns with the K-55-V for good effect. the SM-120 has a 120 degree dispersion angle. I'm looking for a pair of Altec 802s or 806s to go on 511Bs to pair with my La Scala bass horns. Older K-horns used a K-500-5000 crossover. I'd say yours could reach 500 Hz as well and the 511B is easier to find than a 311.


  13. It's not right to make fun of people's misfortune. However, being involved in the electric power industry and watching Enron (from a safe distance) grow and try to bully the industry, I usually fine jokes aimed at corporate Enron very amusing, especially cc1091's.

    Had Enron not cooked their books and operated a ponzi scheme, they would still be in business and would probably rule the industry in 5 years. They have only themselves to blame.


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