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Posts posted by JohnA

  1. Mdeneen,

    Great! What good is a triode and a pentode in one tube? Why would I want such a thing? Do you think it's configured so it could be run in either pentode or triode mode? Doesn't pentode give more power? Each amp has 2 PCL82s. How would you use 2 of them; push-pull? Is push-pull traditionally Class B, or AB?


  2. If you have the "other" dimensions, you can't help but build the correct back chamber volume in a La Scala. The "compression chamber" volume is the volume of the cone pluss the thickness of the gasket; can't change that. The opening from the compression chamber to the throat of the horn is 3' x 13" in my La Scalas. I believe they're all that size.


  3. It seems my Acurus ACT-3 operates quite differently from most receivers. I run all 4 La Scalas with a crossover at 70 Hz to both VMPS Larger Subwoofers. The sub loudness settings are somewhat different in stereo, DD and DTS, but the crossover point is the same and the subs work in all modes. Originally, I ran the La Scalas full range and the subs rolled in below 50 Hz. It was great! However, through experimentation, 70 Hz sounds better and has more impact, or thump. My front La Scalas don't sit in a corner or near a wall.


  4. Actually you are not really biamping the speaker. To do that, you remove the passive crossover and use an active crossover between the preamp and power amps.

    I wouldn't expect much difference in the sound unless your amps are lacking in power and biamping provided more power for head room. Your Acurus amp is a quality piece that doesn't need the help of a second amp, so your results are not surprising.


  5. With the possible exception of bass drivers, break-in occurs in your ears, not the speakers.

    How many back and forth movements do you think would be required to "Break-in" a driver? 20,000? How many seconds is that with a 5,000 Hz cymbal crash? How many seconds (minutes) of about 100 Hz bass notes?


  6. The tube amp's response to impedance is one of my concerns. A K-horn's impedance varies from 4.5 ohms at 55 Hz to 42 ohms at 2155 Hz. My La Scalas will be about the same.

    Which tap do you use for that?

    Heresies hit 70 ohms in the midrange and Cornwalls probably get up to 48 or 50 ohms.


  7. You've got a dead short through the fuse to ground. In my experience with my old Yamaha, it would not close the speaker relays with a failed resistor in the power supply. That failed resistor took all of the output transistors in one channel when it went. You may have similar problems. You need a service manual and/or professional help.


  8. http://www.mrspaulwklipsch.com/

    Plans are being made as we speak

    concerning a book signing day in Arkansas, and the latest is

    to schedule it to be at the Aerospace Museum in Little Rock

    with the governor Mike Huckabee in attendance. It should

    prove to be an exciting time for all! The date of this book

    signing has not been finalized but if all goes well with the

    printing of the book we are probably looking at somewhere

    around the 18th or 19th of March.



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